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Backing Up NextBacking UpGo Back Objective: You will learn how to back up your documents to the N:drive and LMS. Purpose: Backing up is making an electronic.

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Presentation on theme: "Backing Up NextBacking UpGo Back Objective: You will learn how to back up your documents to the N:drive and LMS. Purpose: Backing up is making an electronic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Backing Up NextBacking UpGo Back Objective: You will learn how to back up your documents to the N:drive and LMS. Purpose: Backing up is making an electronic copy of files and storing them in a place where they won’t be lost. You want to back up all of your important documents just in case something happens to the originals on your tablet.

2 Go BackBacking Up Select My Documents.

3 Go BackBacking UpNext You should keep your important files within your Classes folder in My Documents. This will help you stay organized, but remember these files aren’t backed up.

4 Go BackBacking Up Select Classes.

5 Go BackBacking Up Select Edit.

6 Go BackBacking Up Select Copy.

7 Go BackBacking Up Select Shortcut to N:drive.

8 Go BackBacking Up Select Edit.

9 Go BackBacking Up Select Paste.

10 Go BackBacking Up Copying your Classes folder in My Documents and pasting it to your N:drive will back up all of your important work. You’ll want to do this on a daily or weekly basis. Also back up anytime you take your tablet to the repair center for technical issues. Next

11 Copying to your N:drive is a great way to back up your work, but remember files that are placed on your N:drive are only accessible on campus. You won’t be able to access them from home. LMS provides a way to upload files to your homepage, which backs them up and allows you to access them from anywhere with Internet access. Go BackBacking UpNext

12 Select Internet Explorer. Go BackBacking Up

13 Select the Favorites icon. Go BackFile Management

14 Click LMS. Go BackFile Management LMS

15 Go BackFile Management Normally you log on with your Klein ISD username and password. Since this is an example, just click Log On.

16 Go BackFile Management Select Files in the Toolbox nugget.

17 Click Add Content. Go BackFile Management

18 Go BackFile Management The first step is to create a folder so that you can keep your files organized. Select Create a Folder.

19 Go BackFile Management For this example, the folder will be called Back Up. Select OK.

20 Go BackFile Management You can then open the folder and add content to it. Select Back Up folder.

21 Go BackFile Management Now that you’ve created a folder, you can start uploading files. Select Add Content.

22 Go BackFile Management Select Upload Files.

23 Select Browse to locate your files. Go BackFile Management

24 Go BackFile Management The file you’re uploading for this example is in the Period 2 folder. Select Mr. B’s Paper Lab Report.wmv.

25 Go BackFile Management Select Open.

26 Select Upload File. Go BackFile Management 12345

27 When you successfully upload a file this screen will appear. Select Done. Go BackFile Management

28 Go BackFile Management This file is now accessible from your LMS homepage. You can upload one file at a time like you just did, or upload several files at one time. Next

29 Go BackFile Management Select Add Content.

30 Instead of selecting Upload Files, select Drag-n-drop. Go BackFile Management

31 Go BackFile Management The Drag-n-Drop uses a Java applet to upload your files. Select Yes.

32 Select Run. Go BackFile Management

33 Go BackFile Management Now in order to upload files and folders you have to drag or paste the files into the area. Select Restore Down so you can see your desktop.

34 Go BackFile Management Select My Documents on the desktop.

35 Go BackFile Management Select Classes.

36 Go BackFile Management Select Period 1.

37 Go BackFile ManagementNext Instead of uploading separate files you can upload an entire folder. Normally you would drag and drop the folder into the Drag-n-drop area, but for this lesson just select Research Paper. Now your folder and all the items in it are uploaded to LMS.

38 Whether you back up to your N:drive or upload to LMS, it’s your responsibility to back up your work on a regular basis! Don’t risk losing important documents by not backing up! Go BackFile ManagementNext

39 Congratulations! You’ve completed Backing Up. Display this screen to your teacher to verify that you’ve completed the lesson and then select End Show. End ShowBacking UpGo Back

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