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1 Data Types Primitive Data Types Character String Types User-Defined Ordinal Types Array Types Associative Arrays Record Types Union Types Pointer Types.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Data Types Primitive Data Types Character String Types User-Defined Ordinal Types Array Types Associative Arrays Record Types Union Types Pointer Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Data Types Primitive Data Types Character String Types User-Defined Ordinal Types Array Types Associative Arrays Record Types Union Types Pointer Types Ref: Chapter 6 in text

2 2 Memory Layout: Overview Text: –code –constant data Data: –initialized global & static variables –global & static variables –0 initialized or un-initialized (blank) Heap –dynamic memory Stack –dynamic –local variables –subroutine info Text Data Heap Stack 0 xxxxxxxx

3 3 Data Types Data type –a collection of data values/objects, and –a set of predefined operations on these objects Evolution of data types: –FORTRAN I (1957) - INTEGER, REAL, arrays –Ada (1983) - User created unique types enforced by the system Design issues for all data types: –Syntax of references to variables –Which operations are defined and how to specify them –Mapping to computer representation Memory Bit pattern

4 4 Primitive Data Types Not defined in terms of other data types Integers Floating point types Decimal Character Boolean in some PLs: Character Strings

5 5 Integers Almost always an exact reflection of hardware –the mapping is trivial Up to 8 different integer types in a PL –size –unsigned –signed: –negative numbers: 2-complement? -> two bit patterns for 0! => 2-complement - 1 Value word_size - 1 bits Sign 1 bit

6 6 Floating Point Model real numbers –Only approximations –Fractional part: c 1 2 -1 +c 2 2 -2 +…+c n 2 -n –Can't be exact, e.g. 0.1, etc. Mostly at least two floating-point types –sometimes more Usually reflects exactly the hardware –but not always IEEE Standard

7 7 IEEE Floating Point Format Single precision Double precision NaN : not a number Exponent 11 bits Fraction 52 bits Sign 1 bit Exponent 8 bits Fraction 23 bits Sign 1 bit

8 8 Decimal Base 10 Business applications (usually money) Stored as fixed number of decimal digits – Encoded, not as floating point. Advantage –Accuracy No rounding errors, no exponent Binary representation can’t do this Disadvantages –Limited range –Needs more memory Example: BCD (binary coded decimal) –Uses 4 bits per decimal digit as much space as hexadecimal)

9 9 Character Stored as numeric codes –ASCII weird order –EBCDIC –Unicode mostly 16 bit, not for ASCII Arabic, Thai, Korean, Katakana, Hiragana, Chinese (some) Often compatible with integer –the same operations

10 10 Boolean true / false Could be implemented as bits –Pascal: packed array of boolean Often as bytes or words –Java: 32 bits word –Operations: not (unary), and, or, =, ≠, xor (often), >, <, ≥, ≤, ( false < true ) Sometimes compatible with integer –C, C++ –not in Java, Pascal Advantage –readability

11 11 String Types Sequences of characters Design issues: –A primitive type or just a special array? –Is the length of objects static or dynamic? Operations: –Assignment –Comparison ( =, >, etc.) –Concatenation ( + ) –Substring reference –Pattern matching Regular expressions

12 12 String in PLs Pascal – packed array of char – not primitive type; –Only assignment and comparison Ada, FORTRAN 90, and BASIC –Somewhat primitive –Assignment, comparison, concatenation, substring S := S1 & S2 (concatenation) S(2..4) (substring reference) –FORTRAN has an intrinsic for pattern matching e.g. (Ada) C and C++ –Not primitive –Use char arrays –Library of functions provide operations

13 13 String in PLs (cont.) Java –Somewhat primitive: String class (not arrays of char) Concatenation with + Objects cannot be changed (immutable) – StringBuffer is a class for changeable string objects –Rich libraries provide operations, regular expressions Perl and JavaScript –Patterns are defined in terms of regular expressions Very powerful, e.g., /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z\d]+/ SNOBOL4 (string manipulation language) –Primitive string type –Many operations, including elaborate pattern matching predefined

14 14 String Length: Static vs. Dynamic 1.Static –Implementation: compile-time descriptor –FORTRAN 77, Ada, COBOL, Pascal, Java –e.g. (FORTRAN 90) CHARACTER (LEN = 15) NAME; 2.Limited Dynamic Length –Implementation: may need a run-time descriptor not in C and C++ –a null character indicates actual length 3.Dynamic –Implementation: needs run-time descriptor allocation/deallocation is the problem –SNOBOL4, Perl, JavaScript, Common Lisp

15 15 Character String Types Run-time descriptor for limited dynamic strings Limited dynamic string Maximum length Actual length Address Static string Length Address Compile-time descriptor for static strings

16 16 String Type Evaluation Advantages –Writability –Readability Static length primitive type –Inexpensive to provide, why not? Dynamic length –Flexibility vs. cost to provide

17 17 User-Defined Ordinal Types Ordinal type –The range of values is mapped onto the set of positive integers Enumeration Types –User enumerates all possible values as symbolic constants –Represented with ordinal numbers Design Issues –Can symbolic constants be in more than one type definition? hair = (red, brown, blonde); cat = (brown, striped, black); –Can they be read/written as symbols? –Allowed as array indices? –Are subranges supported?

18 18 User-Defined Ordinal Type in PLs Pascal –can't reuse values, no input or output of values –can be used as array indices and case selectors –can be compared C and C++ –like Pascal; can be input and output as integers Ada –constants can be reused (overloaded literals) –used as in Pascal; can be input and output

19 19 User-Defined Ordinal Type in Java enum types Rigorous type checking Since JDK 1.5 (Java 5) Not only constants As classes, can include –Fields (incl. static final, i.e. constants) –Methods –Constructors (with parameters) –Subclass of Object, i.e. toString() is supported (and can be overwritten!) Sets of constants are supported! Compiled into its own *.class file The Rolls Royce of enumeration types!

20 20 Evaluation of User-Defined Ordinal Types Readability –e.g., no need to code a color as a number Reliability –compiler can check –e.g., for ranges of values suppose you have 7 colors coded as integers (1..7), then 9 is a legal color because it is legal integer! colors can be added ?! Operations specified –e.g., colors can’t be added Support can be extensive, e.g. Java

21 21 Subrange Types An ordered contiguous subsequence of an ordinal type Design Issue: How can they be used? Pascal –Behave as their parent types, can be used as –Indices in for-loops –Array indices –e.g., type pos = 0..MAXINT; Ada –Not new types, just constrained existing types –They are compatible –Can be used as in Pascal –Can be used as case constants –e.g., subtype POS_TYPE is INTEGER range 0..INTEGER'LAST;

22 22 Subrange Types: Implementation & Evaluation Implemented –As parent types –With code to restrict assignments to variables Code inserted by the compiler Advantages –Readability –Reliability restricted ranges improve error detection

23 23 Arrays An ordered collection of homogeneous data elements –An element is identified by its index Position relative to the first element Design issues –What types are legal for subscripts? –Is the range checked on subscript expressions in references? –When does binding of subscript ranges happen? –When does allocation take place? –What is the maximum number of subscripts? –Can array objects be initialized? –Are any kind of slices allowed?

24 24 Array Indexing Mapping from indices to elements –map (array_name, index_value_list) → elements Index Syntax –FORTRAN, PL/I, Ada: use parentheses –Most other languages use brackets Subscript types –FORTRAN, C: integer only –Pascal: any ordinal type (integer, boolean, char, enum) –Ada: integer or enum (includes boolean and char) –Java: integer types only

25 25 Static and Fixed Stack Dynamic Arrays Based on subscript binding and binding to storage 1.Static –Static range of subscripts and storage bindings e.g. FORTRAN 77, some arrays in Ada –Advantage: time efficiency (no allocation or deallocation) 2.Fixed stack dynamic –Static range of subscripts, but –Storage is bound at elaboration time e.g. Most Java locals, and C non-static locals –Advantage space efficiency

26 26 Dynamic Arrays 3.Stack-dynamic –Subscript range and storage bindings are dynamic –But fixed for the variable’s lifetime –Advantage flexibility - size need not be known until the array is used 4.Heap-dynamic –Subscript range and storage bindings are dynamic –Not fixed e.g. declare in FORTRAN 90 a dynamic 2-dim array MAT INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, ARRAY (:,:) :: MAT –APL, Perl, JavaScript: arrays grow, shrink as needed –Java: arrays are heap-dynamic objects

27 27 Array Dimensions and Initialization Number of subscripts / dimension –FORTRAN I allowed up to three –FORTRAN 77 allows up to seven –Other PLs: no limit Array Initialization –A list of values in the order of increasing subscripts –FORTRAN: DATA statement, or in /... / –C, C++, Java: values in braces int stuff [] = {2, 4, 6, 8}; –Ada positions for the values can be specified SCORE : array (1..14, 1..2) := (1 => (24, 10), 2 => (10, 7), 3 => (12, 30), others => (0, 0)); –Pascal: array initialization not allowed

28 28 Built-in Array Operations APL –many (text p. 240-241) Ada –Assignment to an aggregate constant to an array name –Concatenation for single-dimensioned arrays –Relational operators (= and != only) FORTRAN 90 –A wide variety of intrinsic operations, e.g. matrix multiplication vector dot product

29 29 Array Slices A slice is some substructure of an array –only a referencing mechanism Only useful in PLs with array operations FORTRAN 90: INTEGER MAT (1:4, 1:4) MAT(1:4, 1) - the first column MAT(2, 1:4) - the second row 2. Ada: single-dimensioned arrays only LIST(4..10)

30 30 Slices in FORTRAN 90

31 31 Implementation of Arrays Access function –Maps subscript expressions to an address in memory Row major order –By rows –Suppose array with n*m elements with subscripts starting at 0 i.e. indices (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) … (m-1, n-2) (m-1,n-1) –then A(i,j) = A(0,0) + (i * n + j) * element_size Column major order –By columns –Suppose array with n*m elements with subscripts starting at 0 i.e. indices (0,0) (1,0) (2,0) … (m-2, n-1) (m-1,n-1) –then A(i,j) = A(0,0) + (j * m + i) * element_size

32 32 Memory Access Function 0…j…n-1 0 … i … m-1 i*n j 0…j…n-1 0 … i … m-1 i j*m Row major: A i,j = A 0,0 +(i *n+j)*el_size Column major: A i,j = A 0,0 +(j*m+i)*el_size

33 33 Associative Arrays Associative array – An unordered collection of data elements –Indexed by keys –Implemented using hash tables Design Issues –What is the form of references to elements? –Is the size static or dynamic?

34 34 Associative Arrays in Perl Structure and Operations in Perl –Names begin with % e.g., declaration with initialization %hi_temps = ("Monday"=>77, "Tuesday"=>79,…); –Subscripting uses braces and keys e.g., access using key $hi_temps{"Wednesday"} = 83; –Elements can be removed with delete e.g., delete using key delete $hi_temps{"Tuesday"};

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