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Maria A. Ceprano & Nancy A. Chicola Buffalo State College.

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Presentation on theme: "Maria A. Ceprano & Nancy A. Chicola Buffalo State College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maria A. Ceprano & Nancy A. Chicola Buffalo State College

2 …things gain meaning by being used in a shared experience or joint action John Dewey, 1916

3 Impact on Children Writing messages as a regular part of children’s lives Providing authentic opportunities for written communication Creating intrinsic motivation for writing

4 Impact on Teacher Candidates Focus on aspects of the writing process Genuine assessment of children’s writing needs Awareness of individual differences

5 Impact on Mentoring Teachers Extends and refines writing workshop model Supports meeting individual differences Creates a productive learning environment

6 Focus on reading and writing Children’s literature connection Holistic content

7 Contributes to long-lasting appreciation of books and reading Promotes reading and literature conversation Provides a common bond

8 Learning connection 21 st Century skills Habits of mind Emotional connector Connecting to the arts Creating and participating Knowing and using arts materials Analyzing works of arts Understanding cultural connections

9 Connecting to Socio-cultural experiences Developing an awareness of similarities and differences Understanding diverse practices and perceptions

10 Penpalling Literature Arts Social Studies

11 The Setting Enterprise Charter High Poverty/Urban Participants 5 th & 6 th grade children identified at-risk Graduate-level teacher candidates

12 Methodology Assignment Letter exchange Modeling Common literature prompt Conversation about art Action Research Questions Design project Presentation

13 Going beyond the “sloppy copy” Focusing on Visual Arts Making Cross-cultural connections Addressing cognitive dissonance






19 Improving Writing Instruction and Performance Developing Responsive Literacy Making Artful Connections ???

20 Art is a shadow of what a person is thinking... a small glimpse of what they hold inside. Little secrets, regrets, joys... every line has its own meaning. ~Sarah, Los Cerros Middle School, 1999

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