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Roadmap Toward Sustainable Nutrient Management -
The Role of Mainstream Deammonification Presented by: Beverley Stinson, Ph.D Global Wastewater Practice Leader, AECOM Acknowledgements: Sudhir Murthy, Ahmed Al-Omari & Haydee De Clippeleir DC Water Charles Bott HRSD Bernhard Wett, Ph.D ARA Consult Gregory Bowden AECOM
THE TEAM Hansa Keswani Yi Wei Ma Matthew Michaelis Mark Miller
Geert Nyhuis Sylvia Okogi Maureen O’Shaughnessy Hong Keun Park Sabine Podmirseg Pusker Regmi Rumana Riffat Andrew Shaw Beverley Stinson Imre Takacs Claire Welling Bernhard Wett Ahmed Al-Omari Olawale Akintayo Charles Bott Ryder Bunce Kartik Chandran Michael Desta Norman Dockett Haydee De Clippeleir Dana Fredericks Gomez Brandon Mofei Han Martin Hell Becky Holgate Rebecca Jimenez Jose Jimenez David Kinnear
Drivers & Challenges for Mainstream Deammonification
Agenda: 01 Drivers & Challenges for Mainstream Deammonification 02 “Recipe” for Success Mechanisms & Control Strategies Potential Engineering Implementation Concepts 03 “Proof of the Pudding” – Full Scale Mainstream Deammonification Demonstrations
Drivers & Challenges
Eutrophication due to excessive nutrient discharge is a global problem
Fundamentally impacting issues such as: Water security Public health Economic and community growth Tourism Environmental aesthetics and quality of life
While the environmental, social and economic benefits of nutrient management are extensive, they come at a price…. Conventional Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) processes rely on anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic microbes to remove N&P from wastewater Nutrient Management at Wastewater Treatment Plants results in increased: Energy demand Chemical demand Space Carbon footprint Greenhouse gas emissions. Increased Capital & Operating Costs & Complexity Activated-sludge Aeration 55.6% Conventional BNR processes require significant aeration energy typically accounting for half the electrical demand at a plant.
Distribution of Energy Usage for a Typical BNR WWTP
Activated-sludge Aeration 55.6% Focus on the “Big Opportunities” on road to “Energy Neutrality” Enhanced Digestion / CHP for energy recovery Activated Sludge Aeration Accounts for Over 50% of Energy Demand Pumping – Primary Effluent & RAS 400 MLD (105 mgd) Nitrifying Activated Sludge Facility
Fundamentals of Nitrification - Denitrification
Heterotrophic Denitrification Anoxic Environment Autotrophic Nitrification Aerobic Environment 1 mol Nitrate (NO3- ) 40% Carbon Nitrite Oxidizers (e.g. Nitrobacter) 25% O2 1 mol Nitrite (NO2- ) 1 mol Nitrite (NO2- ) 60% Carbon Ammonia Oxidizers (e.g. Nitrosomonas) 75% O2 100% Alkalinity 1 mol Ammonia (NH3/ NH4 +) ½ mol Nitrogen Gas (N2 ) Oxygen demand 4.57 g / g NH+4-N oxidized Carbon demand g COD / g NO-3-N reduced NH O CH3OH C5H7O2N N H2O CO2 *
The Road to Sustainable and Efficient Nitrogen Management
A-Stage – Maximize carbon capture Biosolids – Maximize energy recovery B-Stage – Minimize carbon & energy demand for N & P removal 1 3 2
Fundamentals of Nitritation - Denitritation
Autotrophic Nitritation Aerobic Environment Heterotrophic Denitrification Anoxic Environment 1 mol Nitrate (NO3- ) 40% Carbon 25% reduction in Oxygen 40 % reduction in Carbon demand 40% reduction in Biomass production Nitrite Oxidizers (e.g. Nitrobacter) 25% O2 1 mol Nitrite (NO2- ) 1 mol Nitrite (NO2- ) 60% Carbon Ammonia Oxidizers (e.g. Nitrosomonas) 75% O2 100% Alkalinity 1 mol Ammonia (NH3/ NH4 +) ½ mol Nitrogen Gas (N2 ) Oxygen demand 3.42 g / g NH+4-N oxidized Carbon demand g COD / g NO-3-N reduced NH O CH3OH C5H7O2N N H2O CO2 *
Fundamentals of Deammonification
ANAMMOX Deammonification Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation Autotrophic Nitrite Reduction (New Planctomycete, Strous et. al. 1999) Partial Nitritation Aerobic Environment 1 mol Nitrate (NO3- ) 40% Carbon > 60% reduction in Oxygen Eliminate demand for supplemental carbon 50% of the alkalinity demand NH NO HCO H+ 0.26 NO N CH2O0.5N H2O Nitrite Oxidizers (e.g. Nitrobacter) 25% O2 0.57 mol NO2- Partial Nitritation 40% O2 50% Alkalinity Ammonia Oxidizers (e.g. Nitrosomonas) 1 mol Ammonia (NH3/ NH4 +) 0.44 mol N NO3- Oxygen demand 1.9 g / g NH+4-N oxidized NH O CO C5H7O2N N HNO H2O *
Overall Benefit of Deammonification Processes
Eliminates need for carbon for TN removal making it available for energy recovery Significant reduction in energy demand possible Reduction in alkalinity demand Wett, B, 2007, “Development and implementation of a robust deammonification process.” Water Science & Technology, 56 (7),
Challenges of the Anammox Organism
Low Growth Rate approx. 10 day doubling time at 30C <10 day has been reported (Park et. al days) SRT (>30 days) Sensitive to; Nitrite Toxic- irreversible loss of activity based on concentration & exposure time NH4+ : NO2- ratio 1 : 1.32 DO - reversible inhibition Free ammonia (< mg/l) Temperature >30C preferred pH (neutral range) Free ammonia NH3 (unionized ammonia) is highly toxic to fish Ammonium (ionized ammonia) is virtually non-toxic to fish Balance define by ph and temperature High ph high temp = high NH3
Centrate / Filtrate Characteristics
Reduce Effluent TN by ≈ 20% PST Activated Sludge Effluent RAS WAS Thickening Digestion / CHP Sidestream Deammonification Centrate Dewatering 1% Plant Influent Flow Rich in Nitrogen & Phosphorus 15 to 25% Plant Influent TN load Ammonium Conc. 800 to 2,500 mg-N/L Centrate TP = mg/L Temperature C Alkalinity insufficient for complete nitrification Insufficient carbon for denitrification Beneficial Reuse of Biosolids
Sidestream Nitritation – NOB Repression
Control Elevated NH3-N concentrations Elevated temperature (30-35 deg C) Low SRT (1-2 days) Low DO (~0.5 mg/L) NOB Repression Mechanisms Free NH4 –N inhibition of NOB > AOB Nitrous acid inhibition of NOB > AOB AOB max growth rate > NOB max growth rate at high temp AOB DO affinity > NOB DO affinity (perhaps only at high temp)
Sidestream Deammonifcation Operational Experience
DEMON® Suspended Growth SBR 15 Operational /11 in Construction York River, VA, Alexandria, VA, Blue Plains, DC Cleargreen® Suspended Growth SBR 3 Pilots / 3 WWTPs in Design Terra-N Hybrid Suspended and Attached 4 Operational Facilities (Germany) Anita®MOX Attached Growth MBBR 4 Operational / 2 Start-up James River, VA & South Durham, NC ANAMMOX® Upflow Granular 11 Operational facilities (4 WWTPs / 7 industrial) 9 in Design / Construction (2 WWTPs / 7 Industrial) DEMON®, Cleargreen, Terra-N ANITATM MOx MBBR ANAMMOX® Upflow Granular Process
Sidestream Deammonification - Proven Technology
ANAMMOX DEMON Final Generation Mature Technology MBBR AnitaMox Second Generation (building on lessons learned from first applications) First Demonstration Free ammonia NH3 (unionized ammonia) is highly toxic to fish Ammonium (ionized ammonia) is virtually non-toxic to fish Balance define by ph and temperature High ph high temp = high NH3 Terra-N Pilot IFAS AnitaMox First Applications Clear Green
Operational Cost Savings
$8.5M / yr (methanol, alkalinity, sludge processing 9 year payback Risk Mitigation for effluent TN Sidestream Treatment 20,200 lbs /day NH3-N Mainstream Treatment 105,000 lbs/day TKN
Energy Positive Plants feasible with a combination of Sidestream and Mainstream Deammonification Coupled with Efficient Carbon Capture & Energy Recovery 129% energy positive
Challenges for Mainstream Deammonification vs
Challenges for Mainstream Deammonification vs. Sidestream Deammonification Lower influent & effluent nitrogen concentrations Lack of free ammonia & low nitrous acid inhibition of NOB Reduced competitiveness of the AOB to outcompete the NOB at lower N concentrations Lower and more variable operating temperatures Slow growth rate of the Anammox Relative growth rates of NOB > AOB at Temperatures < 15-17°C Higher carbon to nitrogen ratios - OHO will compete with; AOB for oxygen under aerobic conditions anammox for the nitrite under anoxic conditions. anammox for organic substrate (certain anammox can denitrify using organic acids (Kartal et al. 2007). Anthonisen et al. 1976 Chandran & Smets, 2005 Not so easy to achieve mainstream deammonification for the following reasons; Lower influent & effluent nitrogen concentrations Lack of free ammonia & low nitrous acid inhibition of NOB Reduced competitiveness of the AOB to outcompete the NOB at lower N concentrations Lower and more variable operating temperatures Slow growth rate of the Anammox Relative growth rates of NOB > AOB at Temperatures < 15-17°C Higher carbon to nitrogen ratios OHO will compete with; AOB for oxygen under aerobic conditions anammox for the nitrite under anoxic conditions. anammox for organic substrate (certain anammox can denitrify using organic acids (Kartal et al. 2007). Zone 3 complete nitrification
Approaches to Mainstream Nitrite Shunt / Deammonification
Small Flocculant &Suspended Growth Anammox Granules e.g. Activated Sludge Systems Large Anammox Granules e.g. granular sludge systems Hybrid Suspended & Attached Growth e.g. IFAS Attached Growth Biofilm e.g. RBC, MBBR, Biofilter Increasing diffusivity or mass transfer resistance DC Water, USA HRSD, USA AIZ Strass/ARA Consult, Austria Glarnarland/Cyklar-Stulz, Austria Changi WRP, Singapore PUB Bejing Technical University, China Beijing Drainage Group, China Harbin IT, China Delft Technical University / Paques / WSHD – Dokhaven, Netherlands Veolia Water, France Ghent University RBC Veolia Water, France
Two-Stage Approach to Mainstream Deammonification
Nitrite shunt Anammox Polishing Small Flocculant &Suspended Growth AOB e.g. activated sludge Attached Growth anammox e.g. MBBR Suspended Growth Nitrite Shunt Post MBBR Anammox Polishing HRSD Pilot Concept - Operating Very Successfully
WERF Mainstream Deammonification Project 3 different sites and scales
DC Water WWTP Strass HRSD
Recipe for Success
Do’s and Don’t’s of Mainstream Deammonification
1 mol Nitrate (NO3- ) ü 40% Carbon AOB Growth & Retention Anammox Growth & Retention Control OHO Activity Limit NOB Growth Nitrite Oxidizers (NOB) ü Ordinary Heterotrophs (OHO) 1 mol Nitrite (NO2- ) 0.57 mol NO2- 60% Carbon Ammonia Oxidizers (AerAOB) AnAOB / Anammox 0.44 mol N NO3- 1 mol Ammonia (NH3/ NH4 +)
Do’s and Don’t’s of Mainstream Deammonification
ü AOB Growth & Retention Bioaugmentation NH3-N concentrations > 2 Dissolved Oxygen > 2 Anammox Growth & Retention Cyclones, Sieves Control OHO Activity Limit NOB Growth 0.57 mol NO2- Ammonia Oxidizers (AerAOB) ü AnAOB / Anammox 0.44 mol N NO3- 1 mol Ammonia (NH3/ NH4 +)
Bioaugment mainstream with AOB & anammox from sidestream “incubator”
Bioaugmentation of AOB and Anammox from Side Stream Filtrate Deammonification Facility Convert “B” stage to mainstream deammonification Post Anoxic Polishing
Anammox Retention in Mainstream
Viable Mechanisms Under Investigation: Cyclones Strass & Glarnarland Sieves Blue Plains Membranes - Singapore PUB, American Water Granules Delft TU / Paques Biofilms MBBR Veolia, HRSD RBC Ghent University
Commonly accepted that growth rate and affinity for oxygen AOB > NOBs
Conventional Wisdom based on pure cultures of Nitrobacter
Bench Scale Testing - Cyclical DO Operational Scenarios
Low/Constant DO Low DO/Intermittent aeration High DO/Intermittent aeration
Intermittent Low DO Aeration “N Profiles”
Still significant NOB activity ~ -6.6 mgN/L ~ +2.4 mgN/L
Mixed culture of NOB with Nitrospira more dominant than Nitrobacter
In our experience, at low DO, Growth Rate & Affinity for Oxygen of NOB > AOB Mixed culture of NOB with Nitrospira more dominant than Nitrobacter Possibly Nitrospira & other NOB species AOB-growth NOB-growth Monod µmax * Xa / Ya 193 137 Ko [mg DO/L] 0.04 0.6
Bench Scale Testing - Cyclical DO Operational Scenarios
Low/Constant DO Low DO/Intermittent aeration High DO/Intermittent aeration
Intermittent High DO Aeration “N Profiles”
Almost no NOB Activity Stochiometric NO3-N production (11% as NO3-N) ~ -8 mgN/L ~ +0.7 mgN/L
For Optimal AOB Growth Maintain Higher NH3-N concentrations
Maintain NH3-N >2 mg/l NOB are able to compete effectively with AOB for oxygen at low NH3-N concentrations Chandran and Smets (2005) Water Research, 39, 4969
Intermittent High DO Aeration Low Ammonia
Without Residual Ammonia NOB begin to Thrive Low Ammonia Residual ~ +4 mgN/L ~ -8 mgN/L
Do’s and Don’t’s of Mainstream Deammonification
AOB Growth & Retention Bioaugmentation NH3-N concentrations > 2 Dissolved Oxygen > 2 Anammox Growth & Retention Cyclones, Sieves Control OHO Activity Limit NOB Growth 1 mol Nitrate (NO3- ) 40% Carbon Nitrite Oxidizers (NOB) Ordinary Heterotrophs (OHO) 1 mol Nitrite (NO2- ) 60% Carbon 0.57 mol NO2- Ammonia Oxidizers (AerAOB) AnAOB / Anammox 1 mol Ammonia (NH3/ NH4 +) 0.44 mol N NO3-
The Road to Sustainable and Efficient Nitrogen Management
A-Stage – Maximize carbon capture Biosolids – Maximize energy recovery B-Stage – Minimize carbon & energy demand for N & P removal 1
3. Control OHO Activity – CEPT & HRAS Adsorption
C:N ratio may be a key control factor in defining predominant pathway for TN removal Higher C:N ratio :1 range? OHO Outcompete Anammox Medium C:N 3 - 5 :1 range? Lower C:N ratio 1 - 3 :1 range ? Anammox Outcompete OHO Conventional Nitrification / Denitrification Nitrite Shunt Deammonification
3. Control OHO Activity – CEPT & HRAS Adsorption
1 & 2. New Side Stream Filtrate Deammonification Facility “AOB & Anammox growth” 3. HRAS “A” stage Adsorption of colloidal sCOD Carbon to Digesters/ CHP 2. Convert “B” stage to mainstream deammonification Expansion 3. CEPT Carbon to Digesters/ CHP
4. Mechanisms for NOB Repression
Competition - Outselection Aerobic conditions - AOB & OHO compete with NOB for O2 Maintain maximum AOB rates by: Bioaugmentation Optimal conditions (NH3-N >2 and DO >1.5) Anoxic conditions – anammox & OHO compete with NOB for nitrite Bioaugmentation and retention of anammox Inhibition of NOB Hydroxylamine ? Hydrazine ? Nitric Oxide ? Formic acid ? In my view: These inhibition stories at these substrate concentrations are totally irrelevant
NOB Repression / Inhibition Opportunities
Inhibitors/conditions (mg N/L) Literature Mainstream Conditions Free ammonia (NH4+) (centrate contact) Free nitrous acid (HNO2) <0.001 (Max of 5 mg NO2-N/L present) Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) 0.2 Intermediate of AOBs. Under evaluation may hold promise Hydrazine (N2H4) 1.0 (Only for Nitrobacter) 0.1 Produced by Brocadia Anammoxidans Nitric Oxide (NO) Depends on nitrite accumulation. Reversible NOB inhibition but also stimulates anammox growth Formic Acid (HCOOH) >100mg/l complete inhibition – no adverse effect on AerAOBs Used for fine bubble diffuser cleaning so infrastructure may already exist. Salinity > 5 Aeration duration control DO > 2 mg/l Using real time pH, DO and ORP control and / or Blower Frequency Transient anoxia Low DO Not effective High DO Very Effective
4. Mechanisms for NOB Repression
Transient Anoxia Lag in nitrite availability for NOB once aeration begins Intermittent aeration Deplete DO quickly – avoid sustained low DO high nitrite conditions Step-feed COD to anoxic zones CEPT by-pass for extra solCOD as needed Oxygen Nitrite lag In my view: These inhibition stories at these substrate cooncentartions are totally irrelevant
Reactor modifications
Sequential aerobic anoxic zones for transient anoxia “in space” Transient anoxia “in time” with air cycling on & off also effective Step-feed to deliver COD to anoxic zones for DO depletion Baffles in stages 2&4 Use aeration grids in aerobic zones and mixers in anoxic zones Motor actuated butterfly valves and air flow meters for process air Add feed channels & gates to anoxic zones 2b, 3b CEPT by-pass NH3-N and NOx-N probes for process control (e.g. AVN controller by HRSD)
Mainstream Deammonification Implementation Strategy for Blue Plains
1. & 2. Bioaugmentation of AOB and Anammox from Side Stream Filtrate Deammonification Facility 3. HRAS “A” stage Adsorption of colloidal & sCOD. Carbon to Digesters/ CHP Step-feed tanks with sequential aerobic anoxic zones & swing zones for post aerobic polishing Cyclones for anammox retention Post Anoxic or Anammox Polishing CEPT By-Pass 3. CEPT Particulate Carbon to Digesters/ CHP
Recipe for Mainstream Deammonification
AOB & Anammox Bioaugmentation from sidestream Anammox Retention in Mainstream Intermittent high DO “transient anoxia” At high DO AOB grow faster than NOB NOB seem to have a delayed response as they move from anoxic to aerobic zones Maintain residual ammonia > 2 mg/l Ensure max ammonia oxidation rates so AOB outcompete NOB for DO Ammonia based aeration control (AVN controller by HRSD) Rapid transition to anoxia DO must be scavenged quickly to avoid a “low” DO environment Step-feed to anoxic zones to deplete DO quickly CEPT by-pass to enhance soluble COD as needed Aggressive SRT Control Lower SRT results in selective washout of NOB at warmer temperatures
Recipe for Mainstream Deammonification
Final Polishing Step to reduce: Residual ammonia Residual nitrate to nitrite Can use one of two techniques Polishing aerobic & anoxic zone to fully nitrify remaining NH4-N and denitrify with supplemental carbon Use Brocadia Anammoxidans or Methyloversatilis
Mainstream Deammonification Implementation Strategy for Blue Plains
1. & 2. Bioaugmentation of AOB and Anammox from Side Stream Filtrate Deammonification Facility 3. HRAS “A” stage Adsorption of colloidal & sCOD. Carbon to Digesters/ CHP Step-feed tanks with sequential aerobic anoxic zones & swing zones for post aerobic polishing Cyclones for anammox retention 4. Post Anoxic or Post Anammox Polishing Single point carbon addition CEPT By-Pass 3. CEPT Particulate Carbon to Digesters/ CHP
Proof of the Pudding
Changi Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) Warm Climate Full Scale Mainstream Deammonification Demonstration Full scale demonstration was based upon successful strategies proven at pilot scale Changi - largest WRP in Singapore: m3/day. Tropical climate: sewage temperature between °C Five basins with cyclical anoxic/ aerobic zones. Feeding: 20% of primary effluent to each anoxic zone Total SRT: 5 days with 2.5 day SRT for aerobic and anoxic HRT: 5.7 hours
Changi’s Positive Performance Provided Proof of Concept
Observe significant portion of the ammonia converted to nitrite as opposed to nitrate indicating robust NOB suppression Observe concomitant reduction in ammonia & nitrite in anoxic zones indicating reliable anammox activity Full scale demonstration of mainstream deammonification Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate
Strass WWTP, Austria, Full Scale Demonstration
A-B type plant – ½ day SRT A-Stage followed by B-Stage - >65% COD removed in HRAS Sidestream DEMON - AOB & anammox Bio-Aug Cyclones - mainstream anammox retention Ammonia based aeration control - NH3-N >2 mg/l Carousel type aeration tank providing high DO transient anoxia (DO mg/L). Heavily loaded during winter ski season Temp 10-12°C range Nitrite shunt / deammonification observed
Full Scale Success with Mainstream Nitrite Shunt / Deammonification
Conventional MLE BNR 2010 Mainstream nitrite Shunt / Deammonification 2011
Conclusions Nitrite Shunt / Mainstream Deammonification strategy promising Demonstrated successfully at full scale Strass, Austria (cold with bioaugmentation) Changi, Singapore PUB (warm without bioaugmentation) Based upon an evaluation of eight other plants, it seems reasonably feasible to retrofit into an existing activated sludge system When upgrading, consider incorporating flexibility for future implementation
Bev Stinson
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