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New England Colonies ~1620~. The Thirteen Colonies.

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1 New England Colonies ~1620~

2 The Thirteen Colonies

3 Puritans Most English people attended the Church of England A group wanted to “purify” the religion to concentrate on the word of God found in the Bible Persecuted in England for going against the church, called separatists Separatists wanted to separate from the English church entirely, while Puritans wanted to purify it William Bradford lead a group of wandering Puritans and seperatists( known as Pilgrims) to the Netherlands.

4 The Beginning of Change September 1620~ Left Netherlands, felt like visitors 35 Pilgrims and 67 hired craftsmen Headed for Virginia on Mayflower to start settlement Blown off course, landed off Cape Cod on December 26th, 1620 Should they stay or sail down the coast to find VA?

5 Plimoth Plantation Area First discovered by Champlain

6 Mayflower Compact Some wanted to go onto VA, some wanted to stay Men had to sign an agreement before leaving the ship Stated “for the good of the colony, everyone would obey the leaders and stay together to start a settlement” Contract provided for a government and set laws for the colonists Elected John Carver as first governor

7 Smoothe Sailing? Winter, no time to plant Ground not fertile, climate wet and cold Hardships were many sickness, half died buried with unmarked graves

8 Indians~1621 Heard many frightening stories about Weren’t expecting Samoset Limited English Asked to spend the night

9 Samoset Algonkian chief Squanto- Tisquantum Learned English from traders Became a trusted friend to the Pilgrims

10 Lessons from Squanto Burying fish in the ground Where wild herbs grew Which berries and plants were safe to eat Where to fish How to hunt without guns Served as translator, made peace treaty with Chief Massasoit (Wampanoag)~lasted until Massasoit’s death in 1661 (King Philip’s War began) Could not have survived without Squanto!

11 Peace Treaty with Wampanoag Indians Pilgrims and Wampanoag would never attack each other Help defend each other from other attacks No stealing Return anything taken previously (tools and corn)

12 Change of Leadership John Carver died People chose William Bradford as the new Governor of Plimoth (Plymouth) To thank the Indians Bradford invited them to a harvest celebration Colony thrived and grew over the next 10 years

13 Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630 Another group of English colonists led by John Winthrop Puritan communities grew and prospered Established Harvard, first college in America for young men Not all Puritans believed in harsh rules

14 Puritan Beliefs Lead to New Colonies No dancing No playing cards Harsh punishments, locked in stocks, branded, or banished Must belong to one church and follow all rules

15 Roger Williams Disagreed with Puritan leaders and rules Thought it wrong to take Algonquin land and to punish other’s for religious beliefs Put on trial and to be sent back to England Governor Winthrop let him slip away 1636~Began a new settlement in Rhode Island after getting a charter from England First to separate government and religion

16 Anne Hutchinson Came from England 1634 Believed each individual has a personal relationship with God whether Puritan or not Took power away from ministers Made women have a voice Brought to trial and banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony ~1638 Fled to RI and then New York

17 Mary Dyer Friend of Anne Hutchinson Followed Quaker beliefs that all people were equally important to God Banished from MA Returned and continued spreading beliefs Hanged on May 31, 1660

18 Maine Colony Many Native American tribes prior to English and French exploration 1622 England gave Maine and NH to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason 1629 Split the land up. Gorges took Maine 1677 Massachusetts bought Maine from Gorge’s heirs

19 New Hampshire Founded on a land grant in 1622 When split, Capt. John Mason took NH Names NEW Hampshire after Hampshire England

20 Thomas Hooker Connecticut Puritan clergyman who was ordered to appear before the court for nonconformist preaching Fled to Holland, finally to Newtown (Cambridge) Had a disagreement with a Puritan leader and was banished Went in 1636 to found Hartford Conn. along with approx. 86 others Shared in writing the Fundamental Orders (1st constitution)

21 Middle Colonies

22 Colony of Pennsylvania 1681 Started by a Quaker, William Penn Gave up wealth and prestige for religious freedom, left England Asked King Charles II for a large piece of North America Named land “Penn’s Woods” Wrote the Charter of Liberties

23 New York 1624 Peter Minuit bought Manhattan from the Algonquin for $24

24 New Jersey

25 Delaware

26 Southern Colonies

27 Colony of Maryland Started by a catholic, Lord Baltimore (George Calvert) seeking religious freedom Provided a safe place to practice their religion

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