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Mosaics yarn and string painting QUIZ #1. Mosaics yarn and string painting Go through the Power Point and answer the questions where asked. Type your.

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Presentation on theme: "Mosaics yarn and string painting QUIZ #1. Mosaics yarn and string painting Go through the Power Point and answer the questions where asked. Type your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mosaics yarn and string painting QUIZ #1

2 Mosaics yarn and string painting Go through the Power Point and answer the questions where asked. Type your answers in the spots provided. There are 13 questions, you must answer 10. There is 1 five (5) point bonus question. Save the finished Power Point to your documents folder and name it with the title “Mosaics quiz 1 – and your last name”. Cut and paste the finished Power point into Rosko’s digital drop box (or email it to me) by Tuesday 3:00.

3 string painting What Native South American group is known for the creation of string paintings? Answer here… These mosaics, known as mirror images of God, are called what? Answer here…

4 When the yarn or beads flow along the contours of the design, what type of pattern is it? Answer here…

5 When the yarn or beads move in straight rows across the picture, what type of pattern is it? Answer here…

6 What is mastic? Answer here…

7 What is the material these tribesmen use as mastic? Answer here…

8 Native North American Peoples While Chaquira is a relatively new form of folk art, beading has a long and honored tradition among Native Peoples in North America. What did Native North Americans use prior to beads? Answer here…

9 Glass trade beads used by Native Americans are known as what? Answer here…

10 Why did Native peoples sew beads in small groups of straight lines? Answer here…

11 Probably the best known Native American form of beading is what is known as what? Answer here…

12 What material are the beads on the previous slide made from? Answer here… Find an example of the material they are made from and paste into the slide below. HINT: Think Cape Cod…

13 Find a famous example of this type of bead work and paste it in the slide below. HINT: Think Iroquois…

14 BONUS: Where is this art form from? Answer here…

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