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Harwich High School Environmental Studies. an interdisciplinary course that addresses real world an interdisciplinary course that addresses real world.

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Presentation on theme: "Harwich High School Environmental Studies. an interdisciplinary course that addresses real world an interdisciplinary course that addresses real world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harwich High School Environmental Studies

2 an interdisciplinary course that addresses real world an interdisciplinary course that addresses real world environmental issues, problems and solutions. environmental issues, problems and solutions.

3 This class emphasizes systems thinking and integrates social, economic and scientific principles to identify root causes of problems.

4 Human Wellbeing

5 Everything is Connected

6  The Environmental Club offers The Environmental Club offers students an opportunity to learn students an opportunity to learn about environmental problems about environmental problems and what they can do to help solve them. and what they can do to help solve them. It offers students, who are not currently enrolled in Environmental Studies, an opportunity to participate in environmental projects

7 The Herring River Restoration Project

8 Wellfleet Harbor Cape Cod Bay and the Herring River Estuary





13 Wellfleet Harbor Gull Pond Mill Creek Pole Dike Creek Duck Harbor Bound Brook Herring Pond Wellfleet Center Truro Wellfleet 1908 Salt Marsh DIKE 1909 2007 Salt Marsh Basins and tributaries of the Herring River Estuary System


15 Ecological and social benefits of Herring River tidal restoration Restored tidal range & salinity Increased sediment deposition & storm surge protection Removal of exotic plants Increased wetland water levels Restored peat chemistry, elimination of acidity, metals Restored salt marsh plant community Restored habitats & wetland access for finfish, shellfish, crustaceans, marsh birds & mammals Restored public access, harvestable resources and recreational and educational opportunities: boating, fishing, birding, etc. Reduced mosquito production Increased tidal flushing Increased water-column aeration Decreased coliform bacteria Restored pollution control Thickened freshwater lens


17 Accept the responsibility to understand and influence decisions and actions of environmental consequences as a civic duty.

18 Goals: -Increase knowledge and understanding of local and global environmental issues well enough to make intelligent, personal decisions. -Increase knowledge and understanding of local and global environmental issues well enough to make intelligent, personal decisions.

19 And provide a guide for those who wish to study environmental issues in greater depth in the future.

20 We can only value what we know through establishing a personal connection


22    ----  ----

23  The Environmental Club does research and goes on field trips to take part in Community Service Opportunities that also gives them a hands-on learning experience.

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