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What made the Renaissance period so great?. Oil became the medium of choice during the Renaissance. This new medium allowed painters greater richness.

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Presentation on theme: "What made the Renaissance period so great?. Oil became the medium of choice during the Renaissance. This new medium allowed painters greater richness."— Presentation transcript:

1 What made the Renaissance period so great?

2 Oil became the medium of choice during the Renaissance. This new medium allowed painters greater richness in colours and a greater ability to simulate three-dimensional forms and textures. This new medium revolutionized painting. It was discovered by Northern Renaissance artists. Before oils the common painting medium was “fresco”. Fresco painting is paint applied on wet plaster. 1. Oil on Canvas

3 Example of a fresco.

4 Example of an oil painting

5 The use of perspective created a greater sense of realism. Giotto was one of the first to create the illusion of depth by placing figures behind each other. 2. Linear Perspective

6 Paolo UccelloMassaccio The Holy Trinity

7 3. Chiaroscuro A word borrowed from the Italian language meaning (“light” & “dark”). It refers to the modeling (adding values) of shapes in your image by adding strong light and dark areas. This creates high contrast and an intense emotion. This was one method of strengthening the illusion of depth on a two- dimensional surface, and was an important topic among artists of the renaissance.




11 4. Pyramid Configuration (a.k.a. triangular composition) - a method of visually organizing your composition in a triangle to create a sense of harmony.


13 5. Sfumato A “smokelike haziness” – In painting, the technique of slight blurring of the edges of figures and objects, creating a hazy feeling and ariel perspective. It is best known in the paintings of the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. The sfumato technique creates the illusion of depth. Also known as: ariel perspective or atmospheric perspective

14 Example of Sfumato. Leonardo da Vinci Virgin of the Rocks

15 6. Contrapposto A technique of sculpting (or painting) a human figure in a pose that shows the weight of the body in balance. With weight on one leg, the shoulders and hips counterbalance each other in a natural way so that the figure does not fall over. Developed in the late Greek period. Very popular during the renaissance because it reflected a natural pose.

16 Example of Contrapposto Michelangelo David


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