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The New Seven Wonders of the World Updated in July 2007.

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1 The New Seven Wonders of the World Updated in July 2007

2 Great Wall of China

3 Built between the 5 th Centuries B.C. and 16 th centuries. Built to defend China against the invading Mongols as well as other nomadic groups. Spans approximately 4,000 miles long.

4 Christ the Redeemer Statue

5 Located in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro on the Corcovado mountains. Built in 1931 out of concrete and soapstone. Largest art deco statue in the world and stands at 130 feet.

6 Machu Picchu

7 Located in Peru in the Andes Mountains range. Built by the Inca’s in the 1400’s. Later abandoned during the Spanish conquests of the Americas and remained known only to locals until 1911. Can only be reached by foot, train or helicopter.

8 Chichen Itza

9 Located in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Built by the Mayans. Powerful economic and political center for the Mayan civilization. El Castillo (the castle) is the famous structure in the center of the city.

10 The Roman Colosseum

11 Built in Rome, Italy between 70 and 80 A.D. Held public events such as animal hunts, executions and gladiatorial events and sat nearly 50,000 spectators.

12 Taj Mahal

13 A mausoleum located in Agra, India and built between 1632 and 1648 for the Mughal emperor Shan Jahan’s wife. Represents Persian, Islamic, Turkish and Indian architectural styles.

14 Petra

15 Located in Jordan, was the 6 th century capital of the Nabataens. Most famous its red rock features and for its architectures carved out of rock.

16 Other Lists Seven Wonders of the: ▫Ancient World (Hanging Gardens of Babylon) ▫Medieval World (Stonehenge) ▫Modern World (Golden Gate Bridge) ▫Underwater World (Great Barrier Reef) ▫Industrial World (Hoover Damn) ▫Natural Wonders (Grand Canyon)

17 Bibliography New Seven Wonders of the World. (2010). Places and Trips. Retrieved October 11, 2010, from Travel Channel Web Site: avel_Ideas/Art_Music_And_Culture/Seven_W onders_Of_The_World avel_Ideas/Art_Music_And_Culture/Seven_W onders_Of_The_World

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