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Math 409/409G History of Mathematics Perfect Numbers.

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1 Math 409/409G History of Mathematics Perfect Numbers

2 What’s a perfect number? A positive integer is a perfect number if it is equal to the sum of all its positive divisors except itself. For example, 6 is a perfect number since the positive divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6 and 6  1 + 2 + 3 (the sum of all positive divisors of 6 except 6).

3 In fact, P 1  6 is the smallest perfect number. The next in line is P 2  28. (The positive divisors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28 and 28  1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14.) The third and fourth perfect numbers are P 3  496 and P 4  8128. As another example, no prime number p can be a perfect number since the only divisors of p are 1 and p and p ≠ 1.

4 Why study perfect numbers? Ancient philosophers thought that perfect numbers had mystical and religious significance: God created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh; it takes 28 days for the moon to circle the earth. We, of course, study perfect numbers for the sheer beauty of the mathematics.

5 How do you find the positive divisors of a number? Look at the prime factorization of the number. The positive divisors of n are of the form where

6 For example, 28  2 2 ·7. So the positive divisors of 28 are of the form d  2 a ·7 b where a  0, 1, or 2 and b  0 or 1. Since there are 3 choices for a and 2 for b, 28 has 3·2  6 positive divisors. With b  0 we get the divisors 2 0, 2 1, and 2 2. And with b  1 we get 2 0 ·7, 2 1 ·7, and 2 2 ·7. So the six positive divisors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28.

7 Finding all positive divisors of a number can be an exhausting task. For example, if n  2 5 ·3 3 ·7 2 ·11, then when determining the positive divisors of n we have:6 choices for the exponent of two, 4 for the exponent of three, 3 for the exponent of seven, and 2 for the exponent of eleven. So n has 6·4·3·2  144 positive divisors!

8 To determine if n  2 5 ·3 3 ·7 2 ·11 is a perfect number we would have to find the 143 divisors other than n itself and then add them up. There’s got to be a better way! We need a formula for the sum of these divisors.

9 The sigma function If n is a positive integer, then σ(n) is defined to be the sum of all the positive divisors of n. Examples: The positive divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3, and 6. So σ(6)  1 + 2 + 3 + 6  12. The positive divisors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28. So σ(28)  56, the sum of all these positive divisors.

10 Since σ(n) is the sum of all the positive divisors of n, σ(n) – n is the sum of all positive divisors except n. So n is a perfect number when σ(n) – n  n. That is n is a perfect number if σ(n)  2n. Examples: 6 and 28 are perfect numbers since σ(6)  12  2·6 and σ(28)  56  2·28.

11 Theorem: Example:

12 Proof that For i  1, 2, 3, …, r, let Ex.For n  28  2 2 ·7 1, P 1  1 + 2 + 2 2 and P 2  1 + 7. Consider the product P 1 P 2 P 3 ···P r.

13 Ex.For n  28, P 1 P 2  (1 + 2 + 4)(1 + 7)  1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 + 28. Each positive divisor of n appears exactly once in the expansion of this product, so σ(n)  P 1 P 2 P 3 ···P r. But is a geometric series. Thus

14 We now have our desired formula:

15 Example: Is n  2 5 ·3 3 ·7 2 ·11 a perfect number? Solution: So n is not a perfect number.

16 Can we generate perfect numbers? Consider the first four perfect numbers They are each of the form of 2 k ·p where p is a prime number.

17 Will any number of the form 2 k ·p where p is a prime number be a perfect number? No. Consider 44  2 2 ·11. So 44 is not a perfect number.

18 What condition must be placed on the prime p and the exponent k of 2?

19 We now see that the first four perfect numbers are of the form 2 k (2 k + 1 – 1). Is every number of this form a perfect number?

20 Consider n  2 8 (2 9 – 1)  2 8 ·7·73  130,816. So n is not perfect, and thus not all numbers of the form 2 k (2 k + 1 – 1) are perfect numbers. Which numbers of the form 2 k (2 k + 1 – 1) are perfect numbers?

21 The pattern we found for the first four perfect numbers was that they were of the form 2 k (2 k + 1 – 1) where 2 k + 1 – 1 is prime.

22 In the last example of a number that was not perfect, n  2 8 (2 9 – 1) where 2 9 – 1  7·73 is not prime. So will the numbers of the form 2 k (2 k + 1 – 1) where 2 k + 1 – 1 is prime generate perfect numbers? Yes, as shown in the next theorem.

23 Euclid’s Theorem: If 2 k + 1 – 1 is prime, then 2 k (2 k + 1 – 1) is perfect. Pf:Let p  2 k + 1 – 1 be prime and set n  2 k ·p. Then But p  2 k + 1 – 1, and thus p + 1  2 k + 1. So n is perfect since

24 So Euclid’s theorem will generate even perfect numbers. Actually, it can be shown that all even perfect numbers are of the form 2 k (2 k + 1 – 1) where 2 k + 1 – 1 is prime. So Euclid’s theorem will generate all even perfect numbers. But generating these even perfect numbers not as easy as it looks since for each k, you have to determine if 2 k + 1 – 1 is prime.

25 If we look at the first four perfect numbers for inspiration to help us determine when 2 k + 1 – 1 is prime, we suspect that k + 1 must be prime.

26 Although I will not prove it here, it has been shown that if 2 k + 1 – 1 is prime, then k + 1 must be prime. Putting this together with Euclid’s theorem shows that the every even perfect numbers is of the form 2 p - 1 (2 p – 1) where p is prime. But we are still not guaranteed that every number of the form 2 p - 1 (2 p – 1) where p is prime will be a perfect number.

27 Ex:p  11 is prime, but 2 11 – 1  23·89 is not prime. So n  2 10 (2 11 – 1) is not a perfect number. The proof of this example is left as an exercise.

28 This ends the lesson on Perfect Numbers

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