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11/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Announcements  Assignment 6 due on Wednesday, December 3, 2003  Final Exam on Tuesday, December 9,

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Presentation on theme: "11/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Announcements  Assignment 6 due on Wednesday, December 3, 2003  Final Exam on Tuesday, December 9,"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Announcements  Assignment 6 due on Wednesday, December 3, 2003  Final Exam on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 at 3pm

2 21/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Multidimensional Array  A class contains 3 students and each of these students have taken 4 tests. Write a program that will read in the students grades from a file, then print them to the screen along with the largest and smallest grades overall and the average grade of each student. [0] [1] [2] [3] Student[0] 77 68 86 73 Student[0] 96 87 89 78 Student[0] 70 90 86 81 The largest grade is: 96 The smallest grade is: 68 The average grade for student 0 is 76.00 The average grade for student 1 is 87.50 The average grade for student 2 is 81.75

3 31/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Arrays and Data Types  Useful for storing a collection of data elements of the same data type (float, int, string). char myName[5]; //All elements chars float salaries[NUM_EMP]; //All elements floats char vowels[]={ ‘ A ’, ’ E ’, ’ I ’, ’ O ’, ’ U ’ }; int matrix[3][5];  What about storing a collection of data elements of different data types?

4 41/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Data with Different Data Types  For example, what if we wanted to keep the following information on a particular employee: employee id SS# number of children salary citizen  The elements have different data types, so we can’t conveniently use an array. Instead we will use a struct ( short for structure).

5 51/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Structure Definition To store this information: employee id SS# number of children salary citizen We would begin by defining a structure : struct employ { int id int ssnum; int numchild; float salary; bool citizen; };

6 61/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Struct Terminology For this struct: struct employ { int id int ssnum; int numchild; float salary; bool citizen; };  employ is the identifier name and a NEW data type.  The individual components id, ssnum, etc. are called members.

7 71/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Struct Declaration  As with all data types, in order to use our new data type employ we must allocate storage space by declaring variables of this data type: employ engineer,tech;  This will allocate space for two variables called engineer and tech with the previously described members id, ssnum, etc.

8 81/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Member Access Operator  To access a struct member, we use the member access operator (period between struct variable name and member name).  In the variable engineer of data type employ we can make the assignments: = 12345; engineer.ssnum = 534334343; engineer.numchild = 2; engineer.salary = 45443.34; engineer.citizen = true;  How do we access the data in arrays?

9 91/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Example One  Write a C++ struct data type realnum that will have members number, realpart, and intpart.  Declare a variable numinfo of that type.  Place the value 3.14159 in the field number.

10 101/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Example One Solution struct realnum { float number; int realpart; int intpart; }; realnum numinfo; numinfo.number=3.14159; Define struct realnum Declare variable numinfo Assign member number

11 111/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Structs as function arguments  Structs can be passed to functions by reference or value in the same manner that other data types have been passed.  Generally, passing structs by reference is preferred since passing by value requires a local copy of the struct be created within the function’s variables.

12 121/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Example Two  Write a C++ function split that accepts a variable of type realnum.  Assign the integer part of the number to the member variable intpart and the real part of the number to the member variable realpart.

13 131/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Example Two Solution  Function prototype: void split(realnum &);  Function call: split (numinfo);  Function definition: void split(realnum & numberinfo) { // Use numberinfo.number,numberinfo.intpart, // and numberinfo.realpart. }

14 141/5/2016CS150 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Example Three Consider the following struct data type: struct info { int num; int divisors[10]; int howmany; }; Write a C++ function compute that accepts a variable of type info and returns all the divisors greater than 1 of the variable num in the array divisors and the number of divisors in the variable howmany.

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