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Point Estimation of Parameters and Sampling Distributions Outlines:  Sampling Distributions and the central limit theorem  Point estimation  Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "Point Estimation of Parameters and Sampling Distributions Outlines:  Sampling Distributions and the central limit theorem  Point estimation  Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point Estimation of Parameters and Sampling Distributions Outlines:  Sampling Distributions and the central limit theorem  Point estimation  Methods of point estimation  Moments  Maximum Likelihood

2 Sampling Distributions and the central limit theorem  Random Sample  Sampling distribution: the probability distribution of a statistic.  Ex. The probability distribution of is called distribution of the mean.

3 Sampling Distributions of sample mean  Consider the sampling distribution of the sample mean.  X i is a normal and independent probability, then

4 Central limit theorem  n >= 30, sampling from an unknown population => the sampling distribution of will be approximated as normal with mean µ and  2 /n.

5 Central limit theorem

6  Ex. Suppose that a random variable X has a continuous uniform distribution  Find the distribution of the sample mean of a random sample of size n=40  Method: 1.Calculate the value of mean and variance of x 2. 4 5 6 x

7 Sampling Distribution of a Difference  Two independent populations.  Suppose that both populations are normally distributed.  Then, the sampling distribution of is normal with µ 1,  1 2 µ 2,  2 2

8 Sampling Distribution of a Difference  Definition

9 Sampling Distribution of a Difference  Ex. The effective life of a jet-turbine aircraft engine is a random variable with mean 5000 hr. and sd. 40 hr. The distribution of effective life is fairly close to a normal distribution. The engine manufacturer introduces an improvement into the manufacturing process for the engine that increases the mean life to 5050 hr. and decrease sd. to 30 hr.  16 components are sampling from the old process.  25 components are sampling from the improve process.  What is the probability that the difference in the two sample means is at least 25 hr?

10 Point estimation  Parameter Estimation: calculation of a reasonable number that can explains the characteristic of population.  Ex. X is normally distributed with unknown mean µ.  The Sample mean( ) is a point estimator of population mean (µ) =>  After selecting the sample, is the point estimate of µ.

11 Point estimation  Unbiased Estimators

12 Point estimation Ex. Suppose that X is a random variable with mean μ and variance σ 2. Let X 1,X 2,..., X n be a random sample of size n from the population. Show that the sample mean and sample variance S 2 are unbiased estimators of μ and σ 2, respectively. 1. proof, 2. proof,

13 Point estimation

14  Sometimes, there are several unbiased estimators of the sample population parameter.  Ex. Suppose we take a random sample of size n from a normal population and obtain the data x1 = 12.8, x2 = 9.4, x3 = 8.7, x4 = 11.6, x5 = 13.1, x6 = 9.8, x7 = 14.1,x8 = 8.5, x9 = 12.1, x10 = 10.3. all of them are unbiased estimator of μ

15 Point estimation  Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator (MVUE)

16 Point estimation  MVUE for μ

17 Method of Point Estimation  Method of Moment  Method of Maximum Likelihood  Bayesian Estimation of Parameter

18 Method of Moments  The general idea of the method of moments is to equate the population moments to the corresponding sample moments.  The first population moment is E(X)= μ........(1)  The first sample moment is........(2)  Equating (1) and (2),  The sample mean is the moment estimator of the population mean

19 Method of Moments  Moment Estimators Ex. Suppose that X 1,X 2,..., X n be a random sample from an exponential distribution with parameter λ. Find the moment estimator of λ There is one parameter to estimate, so we must equate first population moment to first sample moment. first population moment = E(X)=1/ λ, first sample moment =

20 Method of Moments Ex. Suppose that X 1,X 2,..., X n be a random sample from a normal distribution with parameter μ and σ 2. Find the moment estimators of μ and σ 2. For μ : k=1; The first population moment is E(X)= μ........(1) The first sample moment is........(2) Equating (1) and (2), For σ 2 : k=2; The second population moment is E(X 2 )= μ 2 + σ 2......(3) The second sample moment is......(4) Equating (3) and (4),

21 Method of Maximum Likelihood  Concept: the estimator will be the value of the parameter that maximizes the likelihood function.

22 Method of Maximum Likelihood Ex. Let X be a Bernoulli random variable. The probability mass function is

23 Method of Maximum Likelihood Ex. Let X be normally distributed with unknown μ and known σ 2. Find the maximum likelihood estimator of μ

24 Method of Maximum Likelihood Ex. Let X be exponentially distributed with parameter λ. Find the maximum likelihood estimator of λ.

25 Method of Maximum Likelihood Ex. Let X be normally distributed with unknown μ and unknown σ 2. Find the maximum likelihood estimator of μ, and σ 2.

26 Method of Maximum Likelihood  The method of maximum likelihood is often the estimation method that mathematical statisticians prefer, because it is usually easy to use and produces estimators with good statistical properties.

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