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Spring 2013 Montclair State University Lecture 1 1/5/2016 Introduction to Family Studies.

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1 Spring 2013 Montclair State University Lecture 1 1/5/2016 Introduction to Family Studies

2 Contact Information Professor Connie Gager Office: 4030 University Hall Montclair office hours: Thurs, 1:15 – 2:15 E-mail office hours: Mon 11:00 - Noon or by appointment Graduate Assistant: Desiree Hanna

3 Go Patriots

4 Professor Connie Gager Academic Interests: Families, work & gender, time use Predictors of marital quality and divorce Do children model their parent’s relationship patterns? Children’s time use in families Division of household labor Readiness for parenting

5 Professor Connie Gager Other Interests:  Boston Red Sox  Cooking  Tennis  T.V. - Sex & The City, Revenge, & Homeland

6 Course wiki We will use a course “wiki” in addition to Blackboard Why? I HATE BLACKBOARD! How about you? Wikis are much more tech. forward And we can all post to the wiki – i.e. more democratic

7 Course wiki A wiki is an editable web page FIRST you must JOIN the wiki Then I have to “APPROVE” you This does NOT happen instantly Once you are approved you can access the entire wiki This could take several hours or overnight

8 How to get a good grade in this class: KEEP UP – This is a fast-paced Hybrid Class Face-to-face meetings combined with “on-line” classes For face-to-face classes complete reading assignments BEFORE class For on-line classes, complete reading, review lecture slides on your own, and complete assignment (if one is due) by the following Wednesday after Monday on-line class Check the wiki at least weekly!! Don’t fall behind!! PLEASE CHECK YOUR E-MAIL BEFORE EVERY CLASS as I live 1.5 hours away – so in case there is bad weather, class will be held on-line

9 How to get a good grade in this class: Become a Patriots or Red Sox fan PLEASE CHECK YOUR E-MAIL BEFORE EVERY CLASS as I live 1.5 hours away – so in case there is bad weather, class will be held on-line I will NEVER cancel class, if we do not meet face-to-face then class will be on-line. With a HYBRID class you never miss a class!

10 How to get a good grade in this class: Attend face-to-face classes regularly Complete class reading prior to class Most of these will be based on the reading for that class So do the reading before face-t-face classes Contribute to class discussions Did I mention? COME TO CLASS!!

11 Graded Class Requirements Midterm Exam – on Blackboard (25% of grade) Final Test – Last day of classes - on Blackboard (20% of grade) Exams will be given on-line through Blackboard Multiple choice exams NO class meeting at Montclair on exam days

12 Graded Class Requirements Individual blog assignments (30% of grade) Reflections on course topics Questions based on readings YOU ONLY have to complete 6 of 7 – for full credit You must do blog assignment 1 We will mainly use a wiki for this class What is a wiki? An editable on-line document Bookmark (or add to Favorites) on your computer

13 Graded Class Requirements What is a wiki? Course café for questions and additions Assignment 1: Set up your blog Add your last name, first name in alphabetical order and blog address to the student blog page Please use last name first and put in alphabetical order!! To make changes to the wiki Click EDIT tab, make change click SAVE

14 Graded Class Requirements PowerPoint Research Project on a family-related trend (25% of grade) You will create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation I will discuss the Research Project in detail in class Make sure to attend this class during which I will describe the research project Please print and read the project assignment prior to class and bring with you to class I will not except complaints about group members, work out your difference! You will have to work with groups for your whole life… GET USED TO IT!

15 Graded Class Requirements PowerPoint Research Project on a family-related trend This assignment is very DETAILED and it is VERY important that you follow the directions All project information will be on the wiki under folder: GROUP PROJECT Directions No extensions, no excuses, no exceptions!!

16 Using Blackboard What is Blackboard Anyway? Blackboard is an easy-to-use, integrated system of tools for creating course websites to supplement the classroom experience. How do I access this class on Blackboard ? you must be registered for the class Login with User ID and password Click on Introduction to Family Studies Click on Course Documents to take exams

17 Expectations Come to class prepared – do the reading! Please don’t talk during lectures or when another student is speaking PLEASE feel free to ask questions or disagree with me or class members - but remember everyone is entitled to their own opinion! Treat others students’ opinions with respect Please do NOT talk during class, text message, answer your cell phone

18 NO TEXTING PHONES OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can be a punishment for texting in class? re=relmfu re=relmfu

19 Expectations  Please recycle bottles and cans around the corner, DO NOT THROW IN THE CLASSROOM TRASH CAN!!!  Your children will inherit this planet, please recycle!!!  Clean up after yourselves if you bring food

20 Pet Peeves My pet peeves Your pet peeves about professors

21 This is a HIGHLY INTERACTIVE Course This class will use a wiki and blogs All Monday classes will be “on-line” In this course that means you will: go to the wiki, complete assigned reading & review the lecture slides and complete and assignment on your blog (if one is due). We will not log in at any specific time or day or meet on-line anywhere – you will complete the on-line class on your own time On Thursdays (see the syllabus) we will MEET at Montclair Think of on-line as “on your own”

22 Major Topics – See Syllabus on wiki Almost ALL information is on the wiki – check it every week. Additional readings are linked ON THE SYLLABUS Introduction to the study of families Defining families or changing families? Review of contemporary families – what are the latest demographic trends? Theory and methods used in Family Studies and Family Sociology

23 Major Topics Gender and families How do husbands’ roles differ from wives’ roles? How have roles changed or not changed after feminism? The good news:  d=56851 d=56851

24 Major Topics  Report compares couples ages 30-44 in 1970 and 2007  Findings:  A larger share of women are married to men with less income and less education  In 1970 only about 4% of husbands had wives who brought home a higher salary  In 2007, 22% of husbands are married to wives with higher earnings  Women are the majority of College Graduates

25 Major Topics  Gender and families How do husbands’ roles differ from wives’ roles? How have roles changed or not changed after feminism?  The bad news?   us/landing/10659_eh/10659_eh.html?TrackingID=525774&B annerID=677070&gclid=CKPY-9bK9aMCFZJ95QodrCBt3w us/landing/10659_eh/10659_eh.html?TrackingID=525774&B annerID=677070&gclid=CKPY-9bK9aMCFZJ95QodrCBt3w  More than 50% of women are single today

26 Major Topics Diversity in families Race/ethnicity Social class LGBT&Q families Nine states and D.C. have legalized gay marriage

27 Major Topics Love and sexuality Dating & mate Selection Singlehood Cohabitation Marriage – how has the meaning changed? Children and parenting Divorce Effects of divorce on children Custody arrangements

28 Major Topics Family Policy  The State and family policies  Child Poverty

29 How do we study families and personal relationships? Who are the experts? What constitutes reliable data and sources on families? Many books are published on relationships and families but… Are these books/articles based on a “representative” sample of people or did the “expert” just interview their friends and family? We will focus on national surveys of the U.S. collected by the U.S. government and educational institutions

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