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Coding Instructions: Database in SPSS book* UAPP 800: Research Design & Data Analysis Danilo Yanich Center for Community Research & Service Graduate School.

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Presentation on theme: "Coding Instructions: Database in SPSS book* UAPP 800: Research Design & Data Analysis Danilo Yanich Center for Community Research & Service Graduate School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coding Instructions: Database in SPSS book* UAPP 800: Research Design & Data Analysis Danilo Yanich Center for Community Research & Service Graduate School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy University of Delaware *Jeremy Foster (2001). Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows Versions 8 to 10. London: Sage

2 VariableValues 1. ID, respondent IDContinuous,1-22, unique identifier for each R 2. Sex, gender1=Male 2=Female 3. Empl, employer1=Jones & Sons 2=Smith & Co. 3=Tomkins 4. Area, area of country where work 1=North 2=South 5. Att1, Attitude re: enjoy job 1=strongly agree 2=agree 3=uncertain 4=disagree 5=strongly disagree

3 VariableValues 6. Att2, attitude re: hard work gets rewards 1=strongly agree 2=agree 3=uncertain 4=disagree 5=strongly disagree 7. Att3, attitude re: wish doing different job 1=strongly agree 2=agree 3=uncertain 4=disagree 5=strongly disagree 8. Cust, # customers seen last month Continuous 9. Sales_1, total sales last monthContinuous in US dollars

4 Variable Values 10. Sales_2, total sales this monthContinuous in US dollars 11. DstD, Day started work for present employer Continuous, 1-31 12. DstM, Month started work for present employer Continuous, 1-12 13. DstY, Year started work for present employer Continuous

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