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Metadata Made Simple LMS² seminar 1 February 2006 Sarah-Jane Saravani Carolyn Paulsen.

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Presentation on theme: "Metadata Made Simple LMS² seminar 1 February 2006 Sarah-Jane Saravani Carolyn Paulsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metadata Made Simple LMS² seminar 1 February 2006 Sarah-Jane Saravani Carolyn Paulsen

2 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 The Hidden Sleuth - Metadata “data about data” corsetry of the digital world? identifies, describes, locates, maintains, displays Primary e.g.s - Dublin Core Metadata Element Set – 15 descriptive data elements ; Learning Object Metadata - 70 elements

3 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 Types of metadata Resource discovery/descriptive Administrative/Technical Structural Preservation

4 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 Selection of mark-up languages Constantly evolving developments SGML HTML XML XHTML SVG

5 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 DC Information Categories ContentIntellectual Property Instantiation TitleCreatorDate SubjectPublisherType DescriptionContributorFormat SourceRightsIdentifier Language Relation Coverage

6 LMS2 - 1 February 2006


8 Dublin Core Element Sets Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description

9 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 DCMI Education Metadata Set http://www.schemas- Education/http://www.schemas- Education/http://www.schemas- Education/http://www.schemas- Education/ DCMI Application Profile http://www.schemas- Education/dced-aphttp://www.schemas- Education/dced-aphttp://www.schemas- Education/dced-aphttp://www.schemas- Education/dced-ap

10 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 IEEE LOM Categories General Lifecycle Meta-metadata Technical Educational Rights Relation Annotation Classification

11 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 Metadata schemes and educational resources The GEM (Gateway to Educational Material) Element Set IMS (Instructional Management Systems) Meta-data Specification IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC) Learning Object Metadata (LOM) EUN European School Net metadata scheme EdNA (Education Network Australia) metadata scheme

12 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 Getting along with each other Application profiles Crosswalks SCORM Interoperability

13 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 Te Kete Ipurangi The repository The metadata record ata.php ata.php ata.php ata.php

14 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 MARC

15 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 Using Metadata Learning Object Repositories OSLOR Project ReLOAD Moodle

16 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 OSLOR

17 LMS2 - 1 February 2006 Metadata for everyone Will metadata become as ubiquitous as McDonalds, will the big M come to mean something quite different?

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