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Seniors: Class of 2016.  Principal:  Dr. Suzanne Knight  Assistant Principals:  Bridget Bresk  Alisa Dorsett  Douglas Ralph  Vanessa Morrow  Lakeitha.

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Presentation on theme: "Seniors: Class of 2016.  Principal:  Dr. Suzanne Knight  Assistant Principals:  Bridget Bresk  Alisa Dorsett  Douglas Ralph  Vanessa Morrow  Lakeitha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seniors: Class of 2016

2  Principal:  Dr. Suzanne Knight  Assistant Principals:  Bridget Bresk  Alisa Dorsett  Douglas Ralph  Vanessa Morrow  Lakeitha Black

3  How can students determine if they are on track for graduation?  How can students prepare themselves for postsecondary goals?

4  At the conclusion of this meeting, students will: ◦ Identify their specific graduation requirement needs while reviewing senior letters and transcripts with counselors ◦ Heighten awareness of the need to plan now in order to achieve postsecondary goals

5  Listen attentively  Share where you fall on the learning scale when asked  Raise your hand when asking a question  Remain seated  Remember-this is about YOU!

6 4. Call me the guru of knowledge! I totally know this. I am very confident about graduation requirements and post-secondary options, and can teach others about it. 3. I have a good understanding, but still have a couple of questions. 2. I am aware, but have many questions. 1. I am clueless and confused! I know very little.

7  2.0 Cumulative unweighted GPA  24 Credits  Meet State Assessment Requirements  Complete an on-line CLASS

8 Subject AreaRequirements of a 24 Credit Program English: 4 Credits English I,II,III, and IV Mathematics: 4 Credits Algebra I or a higher-level math Geometry 2 Additional math credits Science: 3 Credits Biology 2 additional science courses - both must have a laboratory component Social Studies: 3 Credits World History American History.5 Government/.5 Economics World Language: Not required for high school graduation 2 credits of the same language required for admission into state universities I.E. Spanish I and Spanish II Fine/Performing/Practical Arts: 1 Credit Fine or Performing Arts, or selected Practical Arts

9 Subject AreaRequirements of a 24 credit program Physical Education: 1 Credit Must be HOPE Electives: 8 Credits 8 Electives State Assessment RequirementsGrade Point Average (GPA) Requirements Passing score on the grade 10 FCAT reading, or concordant score on the SAT or ACT Passing score on Algebra I EOC 2.0 Cumulative unweighted GPA


11  High School Graduation Requirements plus the following:  World Languages: 2 years minimum of the same language ◦ Example: Spanish I and Spanish II ◦ This is the minimum; if you are going to a university, you need 3 years!!  4 Years Math: Algebra I and higher ◦ If you are going to a university, you must have math every—even your senior—year!!  4 Years Science: Biology, Chemistry, and additional lab sciences encouraged  SAT/ACT scores sent directly to college(s) of choice  Community service hours/participation in leadership activities  Note the courses you take your senior year should be rigorous, as this is considered by college admissions departments.  GPA IS RECALCULATED BY EACH COLLEGE BASED ON CORE ACADEMIC CLASSES


13 Fall 2015  Attend College Night at Valencia. RSVP online to reserve your free ticket.  Look at the Post Secondary Plan for your to do list.  Apply to colleges of interest by their deadlines (recommended by Nov 1)  Meet with college representatives (check DPHS Panther Post which is hyper linked at the bottom of the first page of our school website)

14  Take or retake the ACT and SAT to earn competitive scores  Evaluate your transcripts for accuracy  Visit the College and Career section of the DPHS website for resources  Request letters of recommendation if needed (at least three weeks prior to deadline)  Apply for scholarships early and often  Have your transcripts and test scores sent directly to colleges

15 Spring 2015  Attend Financial Aid Information Night at DPHS  Apply for Bright Futures Eligibility (through English class)  Research scholarships on the internet (including DPHS website)  Complete the FAFSA (available online January 1)  Consider attending College Goal Sunday, usually in February. Date still To Be Determined, in January look at Panther Post/Twitter/Website for info.

16  Ensure transcript reflects completed community service hours for scholarships  Follow up with colleges regarding housing, meal plan, orientation, and institutional scholarships  Maintain a competitive GPA

17  Complete the electronic brag sheet found on the school website under the Guidance tab.

18  The parent release must be signed on the front page  Email the completed packet to counselor no less than three weeks prior to your application deadline  Follow application directions carefully ***ensure your college of choice requires a letter of recommendation***

19  Funded by the Florida Lottery  Based on Academic Merit  Seniors will apply for Bright Futures hopefully in the Media Center through Guidance during second semester  There are 3 scholarship types…

20  3.5 weighted GPA using the credits listed below  4 English (3 with substantial writing)  4 Mathematics (Algebra I level and above)  3 Natural Science (2 with substantial lab)  3 Social Science  2 World Language (sequential, in the same language)  Community Service:100 hours, as approved by the district or private school  Test Scores: SAT-1290 or ACT-29

21  At DPHS every Tuesday in Guidance  Email for appointment or students can stop in with a pass from a teacher or during lunch  Postsecondary Goals/Majors  College Admissions  Scholarships  Valencia Dual Enrollment  Resume Building  Financial Aid  And more

22  Florida Virtual Campus is now FloridaShines (FLVC was previously Students and counselors can access this site and see exactly where a student stands in terms of progress towards graduation, college and career readiness, achievements, courses taken with grades, and more.  There is college-related information on the site for when students leave high school and information on careers. Bright Futures info can be accessed via this site, too.

23  No passwords or ID is necessary for website.  Go to: to-college/get-ready-for-college-careers to-college/get-ready-for-college-careers  Click on “Start your High School Academic Progress Evaluation” in the middle of the page in the area that says High School Academic Progress Evaluation.  Select district and enter last name  Enter student identifier number, Florida: can be student # or your social security number followed by an X

24 4. Call me the guru of knowledge! I totally know this. I am very confident about graduation requirements and post-secondary options, and can teach others about it. 3. I have a good understanding, but still have a couple of questions. 2. I am aware, but have many questions. 1. I am clueless and confused! I know very little.

25 Any Questions??

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