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Embracing The OTHER Job Market CAREERPILOT: PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO INTRODUCE you to each subject area TO ALLOW YOU TO REVIEW each subject area –Embracing.

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Presentation on theme: "Embracing The OTHER Job Market CAREERPILOT: PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO INTRODUCE you to each subject area TO ALLOW YOU TO REVIEW each subject area –Embracing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Embracing The OTHER Job Market

3 CAREERPILOT: PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO INTRODUCE you to each subject area TO ALLOW YOU TO REVIEW each subject area –Embracing The Other Job Market –Career FITness –Personal Market Plan Implementation –Closing The Deal

4 Embracing The OTHER Job Market In every marketplace, there are buyers and sellers. In the traditional job market, the one that our Department of Labor measures for us, job seekers are the sellers and their potential employers are the buyers. The commodity is productive work and the competition is fierce. YOU, The Seller THEM, The Buyer Obstacles

5 Embracing The OTHER Job Market The “Traditional” Job Market… Characterized by requisitioned jobs being filled by chosen job seekers Jobs rigidly defined Screening process overseen by HR Professionals The OTHER Job Market… Characterized by requisitioned jobs being filled by chosen job seekers Needed work fulfilled by contractors, available insiders, new recruits Process directed by hiring authorities seeking best available talent at marketplace salary expectations.

6 The Evolution of a JOB NEED Identified Need FULFILLMENT discussed and decided upon, JOB anticipated Requisition approved, JOB open Job PUBLISHED in traditional job market

7 The MAHER Associates Process: Your M.A.P. to Success Are you PREPARED for the journey? Have you identified your destination? Can others see you? Are you skilled in turning job LEADS into job INTERVIEWS? Can you close the deal, turning interviews into OFFERS?

8 Are Your Marketing COLLATERALS “in shape” for BOTH Job Markets ? Have you set your career objectives? …including objective set of OFFER criteria? Are you ready for the most common job market query, “Tell me about yourself”? Can you position and target your efforts effectively to optimize your search?

9 IF NOT.... ASSESS your Personal Market Plan, including offer criteria INVENTORY your key strengths BE AWARE of financial and location considerations DETERMINE your positioning RESEARCH target firms

10 Ready to Proceed? Let’s take a look at the ingredients of an effective resume: Your CAREER OBJECTIVES Your POSITIONING SUMMARY Your EXPERIENCE Your EDUCATION

11 Resume Readers and Writers have common goals... Readers need to determine: Is there a complete “fit” between our needs and what they bring to the table? CAN they do the work we have for them to do? Will they? YOU should want to communicate: How you can best contribute to their needs and fit onto their team efforts. Your motivated skills, knowledge and experience

12 Does Your Resume Communicate effectively? Does your resume’s Career Objective clearly define your POSITIONING? Does it begin to define your ability and motivation to contribute... solving specific needs when known? For example: “Challenging Systems Engineering role where technical knowledge, project management skills and troubleshooting expertise can be fully utilized.”

13 Confessions of a Resume Writer: Positioned to contribute in multiple ways = MULTIPLE resumes! Integrate personality and work habit issues in adjectives and adverb form Keep it “READER FRIENDLY” !

14 MORE Confessions... Use your OBJECTIVE and/or SUMMARY as a table of contents for your resume Never assume “they” speak YOUR language when it comes to jargon and aware of THEIR language Address specific target firms in your selection of “language” or trade jargon

15 No MAGIC... just plain English: in YOUR language!

16 Key Elements of an EFFECTIVE Resume A statement of your objectives that positions you A summary that further defines your ability to contribute...with no “excess baggage”... serving as a table of contents to the rest of your resume Accomplishment statements that make and prove “your case” WORK EXPERENCE formatted in a reader friendly manner

17 The MISC “glue” that holds “your story” together... Specific COMPUTER applications and hardware expertise Professional certifications and licenses that “fit” your objective Affiliations that “fit” Multi-lingual skills Your HOOK !

18 How Long is an Effective Resume? As long as it takes to get YOUR STORY across to the reader......But NO LONGER than two pages! Research indicates that you have approximately 15 sec of reading time to capture the reader’s order to take advantage of that, front-end load your content with strong objective and summary information...highlight most recent ten years!

19 WRITE Your Resume as if you were its READer... What CAN YOU DO instead of what have you done Keep it “reader friendly” in its –format –language Keep it short and sweet and to the point!

20 LAST, but not least: Rough Drafting TIPS.... DON’T AGONIZE (read, procrastinate) over writing the perfect first draft. OVER-WRITE your first draft... do not prematurely edit content! Select your accomplishment statements with your summary in mind... Write your summary and objective with your accomplishments in mind. Use MS Word if possible… makes editing a breeze !

21 Its Time To Write Your Resume… Email your draft to your career consultant … BOB Maher:

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