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HOUSING BEST PRACTICES FORUM Welcome!. Agenda  Logistics and Welcome – Nichole Meyer, Wright County  Best Practices review – Alison Niemi, DHS  The.

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Presentation on theme: "HOUSING BEST PRACTICES FORUM Welcome!. Agenda  Logistics and Welcome – Nichole Meyer, Wright County  Best Practices review – Alison Niemi, DHS  The."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  Logistics and Welcome – Nichole Meyer, Wright County  Best Practices review – Alison Niemi, DHS  The Fair Housing Act and Reasonable Accommodation – Lael Robertson, Supervising Attorney, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid  Questions  Program and policy updates – Alison Niemi  Closing – Heidi Sandberg, DHS

3 Logistics (boring yet necessary)  Hosts:  Nichole Meyer, Wright County  Sarah Tripple, Washington County  Heidi Sandberg, DHS  Alison Niemi, DHS  Lots of Sites!  Keep microphones muted, but let us know if you can’t hear!  No questions during presentation  Questions during and after presentation to DHS Housing Options email:  Follow up evaluation

4 Format of Forums  Every other month (evens), third Monday, 1:30-3:30  Taped presentation and materials available post- session on (partners tab)  Steering Committee to oversee agenda and topics

5 What are we hoping to achieve?  More choices and control for people over their housing and services  Leverage resources as best we can  Collaboration between counties, tribes and providers to develop creative housing options for individuals  Share success stories and best practices used in your community  Forward identified policy/resource barriers to decision- makers Ultimate goal: Everyone has the opportunity to live in integrated housing of their choice.

6 “Best Practices” Review CSH Dimensions of Quality Building the capacity of supportive housing HCBS Settings RuleTies best practices to funding Housing FirstHousing first without a requirement for "housing readiness" Individualized Housing Options Creative use of existing resources to design housing options centered around the person OlmsteadSupreme Court requires opportunities for integration for people with disabilities PSH Evidence-Based Practice Ensuring quality housing for people with Serious Mental Illness Person-Centered Thinking Concrete, easy to use tools that can be accessed by anyone

7 “Fair Housing and Reasonable Accommodation” and Housing Best Practices  In the housing search process  Lack of accessibility or reasonable accommodations can be a barrier to someone finding housing in the community  Staff need to be familiar with state and federal fair housing laws to ensure that people are aware of all their rights and are able to advocate to get their needs met.  Recent upgrades to HousingLink website

8 “Fair Housing and Reasonable Accommodation” and Housing Best Practices, cont.  Operating housing that serves people with disabilities  Permanent Supportive Housing best practice: Exemplify the best models of compliance with civil rights and fair housing principles, including making reasonable accommodations where necessary  If serving anyone using Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in provider-controlled setting, the setting MUST be physically accessible

9 The Fair Housing Act and Reasonable Accommodation Lael Robertson Supervising Attorney, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid

10 Program and policy updates  Olmstead Plan approved! This Plan is about choice, not about closure. The goals in this Plan will pave the way for Minnesotans with disabilities to express their preferences for how they choose to live, learn, work and engage in community life, while receiving the supports they need. – Commissioner Mary Tingerthal, Chair of Olmstead Subcabinet  Housing goal: By June 30, 2019, the number of people with disabilities who live in the most integrated housing of their choice where they have a signed lease and receive financial support to pay for the cost of their housing will increase by 5,547 (from 6,017 to 11,564 or about a 92% increase).

11 Wrap-up  Comments or questions?  DHS Housing Options email:  Presentation and materials available:  Complete evaluation  Future sessions  Take some time to network!

12 Additional materials and resources  HB101 articles    HUD and DOJ Reasonable Accommodations Q&A: pdf pdf  More info and sample letters: orReasonableAccomodations.pdf orReasonableAccomodations.pdf  HousingLink  Search by accessibility features  Fair housing videos:

13 Steering Committee Members Kate Erickson, Department of Corrections Vicki Farden, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (Supportive Housing) Colleen Fodness, Dakota County Julie Grothe, Guild, Inc. Mari Moen, DHS (Direct Care and Treatment) Jeannie Nelson, DHS (Moving Home Minnesota) Becky Melang, CSH Nichole Meyer, Wright County Alison Niemi*, DHS (Housing) Kelsey Nyline, Fraser Stacey Ray, Catholic Charities Heidi Sandberg*, DHS (Section 811) Alicia Smith, DHS (Indian Policy) Ed Sootsman, Hennepin County Nan Stubenvoll, DHS (Alternatives to Foster Care) Lynette Studer, DHS (Transition to Community) Gary Travis, DHS (PATH, PSH) Sarah Tripple*, Washington County Julia Welle Ayres,* DHS (Housing) Dianne Wilson, DHS (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division) Leah Zoladkiewicz, Department of Human Services (DHS) (HCBS) *Planning Committee Members

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