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1 Evaluation and Revalidation 2015/16 Briefing Seminar Catherine Avery Academic Office 7 October 2015

2 Programme Approval  Aims of evaluation and revalidation  Curriculum Management System (CMS)  Overview of revalidation process  Panel membership  The Meeting  Documentation  Issues raised by Panels (2014/15)  Issues raised by students (2014/15)  Key changes for 2015/16  Programme Review and Development (PRD) (Pilot 2015/16)

3 Purpose EVALUATION:  accords with the University’s purpose and core strategic aims;  academic structure and content appropriate;  accords with the University’s scheme of qualifications; modular structure; credit framework and general regulations for the award;  standard and student workload comparable to those of other programmes nationally;  resources sufficient to meet aims and objectives;  evidence of reasonable employment and progression opportunities. REVALIDATION:  re-affirmation of standards  continuing currency and relevance of curriculum to University’s Aims

4 Revalidation Process CA6 Faculty Revalidation Unit Coordinator Document prepared Revalidation meeting CASC LTC Faculty response

5 Panel membership  Chair  Dean (or nominee) (collaborative provision only)  One internal member  One student representative (revalidation only)  Two external members (subject experts)  Industry/employer representative (optional except for Fdn degrees)  PSRB representatives (joint events only)  In Attendance: Secretary (Academic Office) Subject Partnership Manager (collaborative provision)

6 The Meeting  Introductions and tour of facilities  specialist teaching facilities  may only involve external Panel members  Private Meeting of Panel  to exchange opinions on the provision  to plan the conduct of the meeting  Meeting with Faculty Senior Team  to discuss higher level strategic issues

7 The Meeting contd.  Meeting with Students (revalidation only)  students’ opinions – what’s good and what’s not so good  Meeting with Course Team(s)  to consider the provision in detail  Private Meeting of Panel  to reach a decision on the provision  Meeting with Senior Faculty Team  to feedback conclusions and recommendations

8 Papers for the Meeting  Guidelines for panels  Agenda and programme  Contextual information e.g. benchmark standards, external reports  Course/subject documentation  Aide Memoire  Preliminary comments - CA7 (panel members)

9 Curriculum Management System (CMS) System to support production and approval of curriculum documentation for internal University courses (Phase 1) Resource for:  Modules – creation and revision  Programme Specification  Courses/Subjects – preparation of validation documentation  Approval processes – course revisions, course withdrawals, validation documents, credit-bearing short course modules

10 Key Benefits  Online documentation and approval process  Automatic creation of PDFs of programme specifications and module descriptions  Facility to update reading lists and teaching teams  Online accessible, single repository of full module and course information  Information can be used for other curriculum-related documents  HEAR - programme-level learning outcomes  KIS – teaching, learning and assessment methods  Online prospectus

11 Documentation  Section A: Introduction  Brief summary of rationale, origins, demand, relationship with other courses  Projected intakes for next 5 years  Section B: Course/Subject Provision  B1 Programme Specification(s)

12 B2 Commentaries: Recent and proposed changes (revalidation only) Academic progression, internal coherence, choice Structure diagram(s) Transfer to and from course, progression opportunities Work-based learning/placement/study abroad Learning, teaching and assessment Research and/or scholarship-informed curriculum and teaching Creativity, innovation and good practice Standards Relations with PSRBs Employability Graduate Qualities and Student Experience Principles

13  B3 - Regulations (standard templates on AO web-site)  B4 - Module Descriptions Section C: Resources  C1 - Physical resources  C2 - Staff resources

14 Examples of Issues Raised by Panels in 2014/15  Market: distinctiveness of provision, modes, employer engagement, cohort sizes  Content and Standards: title of programme/modules to reflect more clearly aims and content, course structure, specialist pathways, internal coherence and the progressive nature of the curriculum, full-time and part-time modes, learning outcomes (final and exit awards) and mappings, work-based learning, reading lists, internationalisation, study skills, professional accreditation, articulation arrangements  Learning and Teaching: elaboration of strategy, fully online delivery, use of interactive multi- media technologies, ‘block teaching’, research and scholarship informed  Assessment and Feedback: embedding of Principles of Assessment and Feedback for Learning, assessment schedule, ‘bunching’ of assignments, group work, feedback arrangements  Support for Students; induction, academic study and writing skills, cohort identity, staff/student consultative arrangements  Resources: library resources, physical resources available at different sites, cohort sizes

15 Examples of Issues Raised by Students in 2014/15  Organisation and Delivery: timing of Library induction, refresher to BBL, quality of BBL materials, block delivery, large class sizes, cohort identity, staff/student consultation, practical work, PB exemption information  Assessment and Feedback: changes to assessment, Pass/Fail, ‘bunching’, imbalance in assessment requirements, amount and quality of feedback, group work  Resources: e-books, facilities at Magee, specialist equipment, apprehension about re-location to Belfast campus

16 Key Changes for 2015/16  Adoption of Principles underpinning the Ulster Student Experience  Guiding Principles – Work Experience  Requirement for project/dissertation in Honours degrees, including Integrated Masters  Revised minimum standard for DPP and DIAS awards (Pass mark 40%)  Pass with Commendation introduced for PG programmes  Panels to receive a report from ADDL on readiness of staff and material for fully online proposals  New Digital Learning Strategy  CMS – New course proposals (CA1) and online prospectus

17 Proposed Programme Review and Development Process: Key Features  Internal, outcentre and franchised provision  School/subject based units (approx. 40)  Documentation to include course handbooks  Panel engagement starts 16 weeks in advance  Panel composition  Programme (2 - 3 days)  Documentation (electronic)

18 PRD Pilot 2015/16  School of the Built Environment  12-15 April 2016 (Prov)  18 courses (approx)  Report to Learning and Teaching Committee (June 2016)

19 Academic Office Web-site:  Assessment Handbook  Committees (Learning and Teaching Committee/Course Approval Sub-Committee)  Course and Subject Management  Documents and forms  External Examiners  Policies (A – Z)  Programme Approval & Revision  Regulations templates  Regulatory Framework  Staff  Standards

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