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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 1 +1 (321) 427-4098 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, 95054 Name Company.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 1 +1 (321) 427-4098 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, 95054 Name Company."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 1 +1 (321) 427-4098 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, 95054 Name Company Address Phone email Bruce Kraemer Marvell Plenary Information - March 2009 Date: 2009-03-07 Authors: Abstract: Information on topics for WG11 Plenary meetings – March 2009

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 2

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 3 Monday Agenda Item 1.2 Motion to Reaffirm Actions taken during Interim Session Whereas an Interim Session was held on January 18-23, 2009 in Los angeles, CA, USA Whereas a quorum was not in attendance, but actions and decisions were made on behalf of the WG. Whereas the minutes of the January Interim Session has been approved, Move to affirm the actions and decisions that were taken during the January 18-23, Interim Session as documented in the document 11-09-0085r0. Moved: Jon Rosdahl 2nd: Adrian Stephens

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 4 Monday Agenda 4.1.5 New WG PARs that WG11 must consider in March 802.21 WG : Support for Emergency Services The PAR and 5C can be found at: services-par-and-5c.doc services-par-and-5c.doc 802.21 WG : Multi-Radio Power Management The PAR and 5C can be found at: revised-par-5c.doc revised-par-5c.doc 802.22 WG : TV WhiteSpace PAR Amendment to add mobile and portable device functionality par.doc par.doc 5c.doc 5c.doc

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 5 Monday Agenda 4.1.5 New WG PARs that WG11 must consider in March 802.3ad PAR for Priority-based Flow Control MAC Control Frame This proposed PAR is to add a MAC Control Frame to IEEE 802.3 to support 802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control. Note that the 802.1 Working Group will be responsible for this PAR. As usual when doing a cross group PAR, 802.3 voters who request it will be added to the Working Group voting pool on this project. The PAR is at: 1108.pdf 1108.pdf Since this PAR is to support the 802.1Qbb PAR, the same 5 criteria applies to it: 0208-v3.pdf 0208-v3.pdf

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 6 Monday Agenda item 4.1.6 March 2009 - Tutorials Monday, March 9, 2009 Tutorial #1 (6:30 pm): Multi-radio Power Conservation Management sponsored by Vivek Gupta –Dennis Edwards - CoCo Communications –Junghoon Jee - ETRI –H Anthony Chan - Huawei Technology Call for interest (8:00 pm): IEEE 802.3 Support for IEEE 802.1AS Time and Synchronization –Steve Carlson - High Speed Design –David Law - IEEE 802.3 WG Chair Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Tutorial #2 (6:30 pm): White Space Tutorial –Matthew Sherman - BAE Systems Tutorial #3 (9:00 pm): IEEE-SA Patent Pool Collaboration with Via Licensing –Edward Rashba - IEEE Standards Association –Torey Bruno - Via Licensing

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 7 Monday Agenda 4.1.8 ECSG White Space Meetings Day Start TimeEnd Time Monday13:3015:30 Tuesday08:0010:00 Tuesday13:3015:30 (votes) Wednesday08:0010:00 Wednesday13:3015:30 (votes) Thursday10:3012:30 Thursday13:3015:30 (votes) All meetings: Regency E3rd Floor

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 8 Monday Agenda 4.1.10 WG19 Agenda

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 9 Monday Agenda 4.2 EC Discussion Topics Electronic Participation (Sherman) Wed 12:30-13:30 (Adrian, Bruce) 802 Task Force (Nikolich) Wed 13:30-15:00 (Jon) 802 Future Budget ( Hawkins) Wed 15:00 – 16:00 (Jon) EC Retreat Plans (Thompson/Rigsbee) Wed 17:00 – 18:00 (Bruce) Windsor meeting room – seating for ~15

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 10

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 11 TG K Radio Resource Measurements Plaque Stuart Kerry Harry Worstell Richard Paine Joe Kwak Bernard Aboda Simon Barber Simon Black Darwin Engwer Peter Ecclesine Roger Durand Paul Gray Brian Hart Jari Jokela Walter Johnson Daryl Kaiser Byoung-Jo Kim Joe Kwak Martin Lefkowitz Sudheer Matta Bob O’Hara Tim Olson Steve Pope Emily Qi David Skellern Ganesh Venkatesan Harry Worstell Certificate Wednesday Agenda Item 5.5 Pub: 9 May 2008

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 12 TG R Fast Basic Service Set (BSS) Transition Plaque Stuart Kerry Harry Worstell Clint Chaplin Bill Marshall Michael Montemurro Nancy Cam-Winget Lily Chen Ranjeesh Kumar Jouni Malinen Henry Ptasinski Dorothy Stanley Kapil Sood Jon Edney Jesse Walker Certificate Wednesday Agenda Item 5.5 Pub: 15 Jul 2008

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 13 TG Y 3650  3700 MHz Operation in USA Plaque Peter Ecclesine Scott Blue Doug Chan Charles Cook Vinko Erceg Brian Hart Jari Jokela Richard Kennedy Dan Lubar Bob O’Hara Eldad Perahia Jim Petranovich Emily Qi Jason Trachewsky Allan Thomson Certificate Wednesday Agenda Item 5.5 Pub: 6 Nov 2008

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 14 Proposals: Delete the Opening Plenary; as an alternative, post any info (treasurer’s report, PARs…etc.) in well known place. Opening EC: cut the proforma stuff and reduce it to 2 hours (8-10) Tutorials: keep Monday but have 3 slots if necessary – 6-7:30, 7:30-9, 9-10:30. Use Tuesday only on an optional basis. Closing EC: II are only II if they have I associated with them ahead of time. Move to 3:00-8:00 PM Wednesday Agenda Item 5.6

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 15 Improvement Suggestion Summary (1 of 2) Instate Voting during TG telecons Beginning ballots not initiated during a face to face meeting Bring in running code before beginning standardization Use of web tools for document sharing, polling, voting, comment queuing Use Entity voting No loss of voting rights due to lack of attendance if job is lost Drop 15 day procedural review of ballot prior to technical ballot on draft Venue cost, location, food Selectively drop TG activities from meetings Fewer parallel sessions Charge separately for social Meeting frequency; Fewer but longer meetings Delete interims, keep only plenaries Voting required to maintain voting rights Wednesday Agenda Item 6

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 16 Improvement Suggestion Summary (2 of 2) Instate TG membership TG attendance too small Project completion takes too long Amendments contain useless features How is Online voting audited 802 needs to at least think about the possibility of evolving past the RF centric MAC/PHY ; start an End-to-End Study Group Don’t use telecons because of disadvantages due to time shift and language Synchronize IEEE and WFA meeting venues Many of our organizations are going through reductions in force and travel budgets Copy the IETF mode of operation. Don’t rely on either face-to-face or telecons; just use email. Wednesday Agenda Item 6

17 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 17

18 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 18 Friday Agenda Item 2.2.9 IEEE Store 802.11k-2008 IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Member and Affiliate Price: $0 Non-Member Price: $0 Part Number:STDGT95793Format:PDF P802.11n (D7.0) Draft Standard for Information Technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems- Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Specific Requirements-Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Member and Affiliate Price: $99 Non-Member Price: $121 Part Number:STDUD5966Format:PDFISBN (13 DIGIT):978-0- 7381-5568-5ISBN (10 DIGIT):0-7381-5568-3 802.11r-2008 IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications - Amendment 2: Fast BSS Transition Member and Affiliate Price: $77 Non-Member Price: $99 Part Number:STD95794Format:PDF P802.11.2 (D1.01) Draft Recommended Practice for the Evaluation of 802.11 Wireless Performance Member and Affiliate Price: $77 Non-Member Price: $99 Part Number:STDUD5611Format:PDFISBN (13 DIGIT):978-0- 7381-5734-4ISBN (10 DIGIT):

19 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 19 Friday Agenda Item 2.2.9 IEEE Store cont’ P802.11u (D3.0) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan networks -specific requirements -Part II: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: IEEE 802.11 Interworking with External Networks AmendmentP802.11u (D3.0) IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan networks -specific requirements -Part II: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: IEEE 802.11 Interworking with External Networks Amendment Member and Affiliate Price: $77 Non-Member Price: $99 Part Number:STDUD5618Format:PDF P802.11w (D7.0) Draft Standard - Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications Amendment 4: Protected Management Frames Draft Version 7.0 Member and Affiliate Price: $61 Non-Member Price: $77 Part Number:STDUD5619Format:PDFISBN (13 DIGIT):978-0- 7381-5759-7ISBN (10 DIGIT): P802.11y (D10.0)Draft Standard for Information Technology--Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications - Amendment 3: 3650–3700 MHz Operation in USA Member and Affiliate Price: $77 Non-Member Price: $99 Part Number:STDUD5988Format:PDFISBN (13 DIGIT):978-0-7381-5337-7ISBN (10 DIGIT):

20 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 20 Friday Agenda Item 2.2.9 IEEE Store cont’ Drafts which could be available in the store are also: 11n D8.0 11p 11s 11u (update from D3.0 to D5.0) 11v 11z

21 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 21 Friday Agenda item 2.3.0 TGT Draft Retention 802 P&P clearly state that we can keep the MOST RECENT version of the TGT : Clause 17.5.6 of 802 P&P ( Occasionally a PAR is withdrawn. When a PAR is to be withdrawn, the responsible WG chair in consultation with the WG shall consider whether the most current draft has content that should be archived. If so, the WG chair shall ensure the most current draft of the proposed standard is placed on the IEEE Document Distribution Service list. The WG chair shall add a cover page to the draft alerting the reader that the PAR has been withdrawn for this work, giving the specific date of the withdrawal and the rationale for the withdrawal. The withdrawn draft shall be maintained on the IEEE Document Distribution Service list for a period of 3 years after the time of withdrawal, after which it shall be removed from the list. During July, >75% of the membership expressed a desire to preserve the TGT information: Chair’s Action: 1. Retain TGT 1.01 in the member’s area. 2. Prepare appropriate cover letter, in accordance to Cls 17.5.6, for Draft 1.01 of TGT and forward to the IEEE Document Distribution Service.

22 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 22 Friday Agenda item 2.3.1 ATIS Home Network Update Bruce Kraemer, IEEE 802.11 Chair Dear Bruce, Over the past year, AT&T along with other industry leaders, has been conducting an assessment of standards development with respect to Home Network as a participant in ATIS’ Home Networking Focus Group (HNET-FG). The HNET-FG was commissioned to assess issues impacting the development of a cohesive home networking infrastructure to support VoIP, IPTV and other IP-based services and has completed its effort at the beginning of this year. A copy of the Executive Summary is attached for your consideration and some of the highlights of the Assessment & Work Plan include: A home networking technological assessment from both logical and functional perspectives. This includes a high-level framework and the identification of IP home networking’s essential “building blocks.” An in-depth industry analysis to better understand the current status of home networking standards’ development; the study revealed 34 different, uncoordinated groups with study programs related to the home network. A standards gap analysis in technical areas, such as: management, QoS, security, connection and discovery, remote access, and energy consumption. The HNET-FG study revealed 33 technical standards gaps. In order to address the issues set forth in this assessment, ATIS will be creating a Home Networking Forum, thereby creating a single, centralized body responsible for comprehensively addressing home networking standards. ATIS’ HNET Forum is unique in that it’s the only body to holistically assess the wide variety of on-going home networking standards development work. Given IEEE 802.11’s extensive work in Home Networking standards, I would like to extend an invite to you and any other members of IEEE 802.11 to the initial meeting of the HNET Forum. The initial meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, February 3, 2008 from 1 to 5 pm EDT. This meeting will include a review of the Home Networking (HNET) Assessment & Work Plan and identification of next steps to address those issues outlined in the Work Plan. The first meeting will be open to all interested participants from information, entertainment and communications industry, including: carriers, service providers, content suppliers, equipment manufacturers and others interested in home networking technical standardization. Future meetings will be limited exclusively to Forum member companies. For more information on the Home Networking Forum, and to register for the February 3rd meeting, please contact Jackie Voss at I hope that you’ll be able to attend and please let me know if you have any questions! Best regard, Harry Worstell, Principal Member of the Technical Staff, 180 Park Ave, Building 103 Room b233, Florham Park, NJ 07932

23 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 23 Friday Agenda item 2.3.1 ATIS Home Network ATIS’ Home Networking Focus Group (HNET-FG) Home networking infrastructure to support VoIP, IPTV and other IP-based services 34 different, uncoordinated groups with study programs related to the home network. A standards gap analysis revealed 33 technical standards gaps in technical areas, such as: management, QoS, security, connection and discovery, remote access, and energy consumption. ATIS will be creating a Home Networking Forum, thereby creating a single, centralized body responsible for comprehensively addressing home networking standards. The next meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, March 12, 2009 from 1 to 5 pm EDT. For more information on the Home Networking Forum, and to register for the meeting, please contact Jackie Voss at

24 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 24 ATIS Home Networking Home URL: Additional details on the project are available at:

25 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0286r4 Submission March 2009 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 25 Friday Agenda Item 2.3.2 Call for Candidates for IEEE- SA Board of Governors Member-at-Large The IEEE Standards Association Nominations & Appointments Committee is calling for candidates for the position of IEEE-SA member-at- large to serve on the IEEE SA Board of Governors (IEEE SA-BOG) beginning in 2010-2011. All candidates shall be members of the IEEE-SA and of IEEE Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade. Members-at-large shall have demonstrated involvement in standards activities within the IEEE, interest in and commitment to global standards, and IEEE regional representation. All candidates shall have had recent experience within industry or government. "Recent" experience is defined as association, within the past three years, with industry or government as an employee, consultant, or another demonstrable relationship that provides an understanding of the standards needs of industry or government. The meetings for 2010 will take place at the IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway, NJ 23 February A.M. - International ad hoc meeting - optional 23 February P.M. - Business Development ad hoc meeting - optional 24 February P.M. - BOG caucus 25 February All day BOG meeting 7 June A.M. - International ad hoc meeting - optional 7 June P.M. - Business Development ad hoc meeting - optional 8-9 June BOG meeting 2 December A.M. - International ad hoc meeting - optional 2 December P.M. Business Development ad hoc meeting - optional 3-4 December - BOG meeting 5 December P.M. - Awards Ceremony - optional For more detailed information on duties, qualifications and the election process, including a timetable, please see the IEEE-SA Operations Manual: The names and credentials (one page bio/CV) of all candidates are to be submitted to Rona Gertz at at the IEEE Standards office no later than 1 June. It is to be noted that travel expenses are not included as a part of the IEEE SA-BOG membership. Thank you for your interest in the IEEE-SA Board of Governors.

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