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Advent: Preparing our homes for Jesus’ birthday at Christmas.

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1 Advent: Preparing our homes for Jesus’ birthday at Christmas

2 Some people have a christmas tree. These trees are special because they remain green all year – the leaves do not die in autumn, they remain green. This is like God’s love for us – his love never ends, it is everlasting.

3 Some people decorate their home with stars. Stars remind us of God The Light Of The World – the light from the star shows us the way to go when it is dark or when we are lost. It also reminds us of the star of Bethlehem that led the wise men to baby Jesus.

4 We light candles at christmas to remind us that God is light of the world – When we light a candle we are reminded of Jesus who brings light into our lives.

5 Lots of people put a wreath on their front door. The wreath symbolises the true nature of love. Real love never ceases, like God’s love which has no beginning and no end

6 Santa Clause reminds us of the generosity and kindness we feel during the month of December. Just as the inn keeper was kind to Mary and Joseph.

7 At Christmas we give gifts to others as this reminds us that God loved the world so much that He gave us His only Son. We thank God for His very special gift. It also reminds us of the wise men bowed before the Holy baby and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We should always give gifts in the same spirit of the wise men.”

8 Some people give out Candy Canes. The candy cane represents the shepherd’s crook. The crook on the staff helps to bring back lost sheep of the flock.

9 Some of us decorate our homes with angels. This reminds us of the angels that announced the glorious news of our Saviour’s birth. The angels sang Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will toward men.”

10 We see lots of bells during Christmas time. Lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should ring to guide us to God. The bell symbolises guidance and return. It reminds us that we are all precious in the eyes of God.

11 Christmas is about Our Lord, Our God.

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