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Acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent SAS 70 – Readiness Kick-off Presented by Rod Walsh.

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1 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent SAS 70 – Readiness Kick-off Presented by Rod Walsh

2 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent SAS 70 Solutions Agenda  Definitions  What is it?  SAS 70 Report & Opinion  SAS 70 Services  Readiness Activities  Team Members & Process Owners  Samples & Documents  Timeline

3 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Service Organizations  Service Organization – provider of services that may impact a user’s (client’s) financial statement  Such As:  data centers  transaction / claims processing centers  application service providers  bank processing centers  “Service auditor“ issues an opinion on a service organization's description of controls

4 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent User Organizations  Users of the Service Organization – typically considered your members or clients  “User Auditor”: (i.e. your client’s auditor) is auditing the financial statements of your client (the "user organization“) that obtains services from you (the "service organization“)  User auditors want to have assurance that adequate controls are in place such that they can rely on the service organization’s assertions and services that may affect their client’s financial statements

5 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Other Common Phrases  Control Objective  Control Activity  User Controls  Testing  Supporting documentation  Narrative

6 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent What is it?  Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70, Service Organizations, (AICPA)  Standardized report by an independent CPA ("service auditor") to issue an opinion on a service organization's description of controls  Attestation Examination – Not an Audit (i.e. we are attesting to the representations made by management of the service organization)  Not a “checklist” exercise

7 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Types of Control Objectives  Management provides a Risk and Standards Based Description of Controls, and specific Control Objectives and Activities that typically include:  Organizational Controls / Control Environment  IT General Controls – Program Development and Program Change  IT General Controls – Computer Operations and Access to Programs and Data  Application Controls – Business Cycle

8 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Report Components SectionActivityType IType II IOur OpinionXX IINarrative Description of Controls (from you) XX IIIControl Objectives:  Client Control Objectives & Activities  Testing Performed  Results OptionalX IVNon Audited Information (Glossary / Disaster Rec.) Optional

9 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Meaning of a SAS 70 Opinion  Result: BKD Opinion on controls as stated by Service Organizations’ Management  Components of Type I & II Opinions  Description of Controls is a fair representation  Controls are Suitably Designed  Controls have been Placed in Operation  Tests of Controls indicate Controls are Operating Effectively* *Component of a Type II opinion only

10 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent SAS 70 Services  Readiness Engagement  Preparatory Guidance  Gap Analysis  Type I SAS 70  Type II SAS 70

11 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Readiness Activities  Organizational Review / Corporate organization  Review of organization and management structures  Identification and review of services / products to be examined  Identify Key Technologies / Software  Identify Key Third Parties

12 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Readiness Activities  Review process flow  By service / product area  Between and within sub corporations for identified processes  Define process responsibilities  Client  Data Center  Key Third Parties

13 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Readiness Activities  Define Control Objectives and Activities (Using Process Documents and Samples)  Organizational Controls / Control Environment  IT General Controls – Program Development and Program Change  IT General Controls – Computer Operations and Access to Programs and Data  Application Controls – Business Cycle

14 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Process Documents Review  Sample Report  Description of Controls Outline  SAS 70 Overview  Master Control Objectives  Control Development / Process Owner Agenda  Control Obj. & Activity Development Grid

15 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Process Documents Review  Sample User Controls  Sample policy / procedure resources  Testing examples

16 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Readiness Activities  Gap Assessment  Remediation

17 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Readiness Deliverables  BKD Deliverables  Client Training / Samples / Mentoring  Readiness Assessment  Recommendations for Improvement to above documents  Deliverables From Client  Description of Controls (Narrative)  Control Objectives & Activities  “Mapping” to Policy, Procedure & Documentation  User Considerations

18 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent SAS 70 Type I Activities  Provided by Client (PBC)  Description of Controls  Control Objectives & Activities  “Mapping” to Policy, Procedure & Documentation  BKD Deliverables  BKD staff according to IT / Process / Industry  Description of Controls is a fair representation  Controls Suitably Designed  Point in time sample testing for Existence  Report

19 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent SAS 70 Type II Activities  PBC  Description of Controls  Control Objectives & Activities  “Mapping” to Policy, Procedure & Documentation  BKD Deliverables  Type I Deliverables, plus -  Testing Design  Testing  Report

20 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Timeline Discussion  Assessment or Management Review  Type I / II Activities  Target Report Date

21 acumen insight ideas attention reach expertise depth agility talent Thank you

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