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7 Habits Crash Course Habit 1,2, & 3 Project.

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Presentation on theme: "7 Habits Crash Course Habit 1,2, & 3 Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Habits Crash Course Habit 1,2, & 3 Project

2 My Vision of the Future Visualization – Using our imagination to form a mental image – is something we all do. Professional athletes and musicians use visualization to improve their performance. They see themselves in their mind winning the race or playing a flawless piece of music.

3 Visualizing your future…
As we consider Habit #1, #2, and #3 (Personal Victory) we can begin to think beyond today and decide what is most important to us. To remind ourselves of all the things we hope to accomplish in our futures we are going to do the following visualization activity

4 After the visualization activity:
Take some time now to record your thoughts on what you visualized for your future (write and finish the sentences on your loose leaf): In the future… I look around my home and I see… I’m living in… I’m living with… Today, I look forward to doing… Since I last saw my friend 10 or 20 years ago, I have been… My hobbies include… My work is… I am living a lifestyle that could be described as… The things that are really important to me are… The things that I am most proud of are…

5 Making a Vision Board A Vision board is created by an individual to illustrate what he/she wants in this life. A vision board is a personal collection of an individual’s desires and no restrictions are placed on the images or words displayed on the board. You will need to look through magazines to find pictures and words that represent your goals. As well, you may draw pictures or write words to represent your goals. It is recommended that you paste a picture of yourself in the center of your board. Paste the pictures and words on the vision board. Pictures may overlap, words can be pasted on top of images or pictures can be in a distinct order. There will also be a written component, where you articulate what/why you have included the items on your board. This can be pasted or attached to the back of your board.



8 Making Your Vision Board
Handout Vision Board directions – go over directions again Look over the rubric – how will your mark be generated? When is the project due: Wed Sept 21st (write this on the top of your directions) Class time to work on projects – you have the rest of today, Thursday, and Friday to work on your project You may want to bring some of your own supplies from home (magazines, scrapbooking supplies, pictures, etc)

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