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Miss Quinn’s Owl Hoots November 13, 2015 Contact Info: 765-749-7647 (personal number) Cowan website:

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Quinn’s Owl Hoots November 13, 2015 Contact Info: 765-749-7647 (personal number) Cowan website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Quinn’s Owl Hoots November 13, 2015 Contact Info: 765-749-7647 (personal number) Cowan website: Next week’s Poem of the Week: Funny Bird Congratulations to: Jay, Maddy, Epic, William, and Delaney for memorizing this week’s poem of the week! Word of the week: me, you November 16-20, 2015 - “Giving Spirit” Week – See yellow half sheet for more info Monday – Wear your Cowan gear! Tuesday- Role Model Day – Dress like someone you admire Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday – Dress Wacky Thursday – Hat Day – Wear a hat Friday – Pink Day – Wear pink in support of breast cancer Tuesday, November 24 – Kindergarten Thanksgiving play Tuesday, November 24- Abby Candles Pickup 2-6:30 PM Wednesday- Friday November 25-27 – NO SCHOOL Have a great weekend! A “note” from Mrs. Camp Mark your calendars for the "Crazy Christmas" Program on Tuesday, December 8th at 6:30 PM in the high school main gym. The students have been working hard preparing for the program. One of the pieces we will be performing is entitled, "Holiday Lights." We plan to use flashlights to create our own holiday light show while singing this piece. If you have a small flashlight you would be willing to part with for just over a week, it will help us practice our light show before the night of the program. Please mark your flashlights with your names and send them in for the week of November 30 - December 4. Students will practice with them that week during music class, and they will get to take them home after the program on December 8th. We are looking forward to showing you what we have been working on! A huge thank you to all of the grandparents that came for grandparents day! It was great seeing your children show off our room to their grandparents! Some friends are still struggling to move on from their color word “word rings.” If your child still has a color word ring, please work hard in the next week to help them move on to the Quarter 2 word ring. Hard to believe we are about to start Quarter 2 report card packets. Please make sure you are practicing word rings for a couple minutes each night with your child while reading paper books! The thanksgiving play is next TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24 th ! If you plan to attend, please return the attached form by THIS WEDNESDAY! This week, we wrapped up our 2 week unit on bears and hibernation, as well as our 2 week study of measurement in math. We started our 3 week study of inferencing this week, and the children are doing an awesome job with it so far! For the next week and a half, we will be learning about Thanksgiving, including the first thanksgiving, and who the Pilgrims and Native Americans were. We are getting very excited about sharing our play with you! We have been working hard every afternoon on it! In math, until Thanksgiving break, we will be reviewing skills we have worked on this year. Secret word: gobble, gobble! A large part of this study includes greater than/less than, and finding the missing number in a three number sequence. Due to some scheduling difficulties, Success groups did not start this week, but are starting on Monday! We are very excited about this! From 8:30-9:00 every morning, students will be broken up into 5 different groups. These groups will be skill specific, and your child will be placed in the group that is the most beneficial skill for them to be focusing on. This is a great way for your child to receive differentiated instruction in small groups. We hope to see a lot of growth as a result of these groups. Look for our next Scholastic Book order to come home around Thanksgiving. This will be the perfect time for you to order books for your child for Christmas! If you place an order that includes books for a Christmas present, please be sure to let me know and I will find a way to get the books to you without your child seeing them! Please remember that we go outside as long as the temperature is above 25 degrees with wind chill. Please make sure you are dressing your child appropriately to play outside- including hats, coats, and gloves. If your child does not know how to zip their coat, please work on this at home! We waste lots of valuable recess time zipping coats. Thanks!

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