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Lawrence M. Paska, Ph.D. Coordinator of Technology Policy Office of Educational Design and Technology New York State Education Department

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Presentation on theme: "Lawrence M. Paska, Ph.D. Coordinator of Technology Policy Office of Educational Design and Technology New York State Education Department"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lawrence M. Paska, Ph.D. Coordinator of Technology Policy Office of Educational Design and Technology New York State Education Department Educational Design and Technology S/CDN Friday, December 3, 2010

2 Policies and Regulations: Where Do We Begin? National Education Technology Plan (November 2010) Regents’ Statewide Learning Technology Plan (February 2010)

3 Aligning the Plans NETP Learning Assessment Teaching Infrastructure Productivity Board of Regents Digital Content Digital Use Digital Capacity and Access Leadership Accountability Funding

4 Regents’ Statewide Learning Technology Plan Goal # 4: Provide policies, standards, and guidance on quality digital content development and delivery; accessibility; information literacy; and ongoing, sustained professional development in pre-service and in-service education. Goal # 7: Develop and/or revise Commissioner's Regulations and Department policies to promote sustained support for the delivery of quality instruction for all learners through digital means. Goal # 9: Identify and/or develop incentives for the expansion of digital learning across USNY.

5 Making Up Course Credit (April 2010) – Part 100.5(d)(8) (iv) For purposes of this paragraph, a make-up credit program may include, but is not limited to: … …(d) digital learning (online study) that: (1) is comparable in scope and quality to regular classroom instruction; (2) provides for documentation of satisfactory student achievement; and (3) includes regular and substantive interaction between the student and the teacher providing direction and/or supervision pursuant to clause (3) of subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph.

6 Credit for Independent Study (July 2010) – Part 100.5(d)(9) (iv) For purposes of this paragraph, independent study shall be: (a) academically rigorous and aligned to the New York State commencement-level learning standards; (b) overseen by a teacher knowledgeable and experienced in the subject area of independent study; (c) based on a syllabus on file for each independent study; and (d) of comparable scope and quality to classroom work that would have been done at the school district, charter school or registered nonpublic school awarding the credit.

7 What is your relationship to the Internet?

8 Internet Safety Resource Toolkit Internet Safety Program Evaluation Rubric SafetyProgramEvaluationrubric.html Learning Standards and Internet Safety StandardsandInternetSafety.html Internet Safety Learning Experience "Call for Content" home.html

9 Internet Safety Program Evaluation Rubric SafetyProgramEvaluationrubric.html

10 Conduct a Practice Evaluation How does your school or district score? What does that score mean? What are next steps based on that score?

11 Learning Standards and Internet Safety LearningStandardsandInternetSafety.html

12 Call for Content: Learning Experiences

13 Using the Toolkit to grow a virtual learning network... An honest look at current capacities, priorities, and interests. An alignment (a transformation?) of the instructional program to those capacities, priorities, and interests. A sharing of “promising practices” to build a statewide professional learning community.

14 THANK YOU! Office of Educational Design and Technology Phone: (518) 474-5283 Fax: (518) 486-9070 E-Mail: Web:

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