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Grassland – Prairies Zoologist By Joshua Bashur. Herbivores of the Prairie White-Tailed Jack Rabbit BisonMonarch Butterfly Environmental Adaptations:

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Presentation on theme: "Grassland – Prairies Zoologist By Joshua Bashur. Herbivores of the Prairie White-Tailed Jack Rabbit BisonMonarch Butterfly Environmental Adaptations:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grassland – Prairies Zoologist By Joshua Bashur

2 Herbivores of the Prairie White-Tailed Jack Rabbit BisonMonarch Butterfly Environmental Adaptations: To flee from predators they have developed: large ears long legs To stop bugs from messing with them their tails are like a fly swatter. They produce a chemical that gives their body a very bitter taste; which birds hate.

3 Carnivores of the Prairie Coyote Bald EaglePrairie Rattlesnake Environmental Adaptations: They shed their winter fur every summer to help them adapt to the changing climate. They have very good eyesight to help them locate their prey which maybe camouflaged. They have camouflage to help them blend in with their environment.

4 Omnivores of the Prairie burrowing owl red fox Franklin's Ground Squirrel Environmental Adaptations: They can produce a good imitation of a rattlesnake buzz by snapping their beak. This help them to scare away predators. They can hear low-frequency sounds very well. They can even hear small animals digging underground. The will frequently dig in the dirt or snow to catch prey. They shed their winter fur every summer to help them adapt to the changing climate.

5 Two Food Chains of the Prairie ProducerPrimary ConsumerSecondary Consumer Producer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer

6 Abiotic and Biotic Factors Abiotic factors are non living things that affect living organisms. Examples of these in the prairies are holes, dirt, and rocks. These abiotic factors are used by living organisms as shelter. Biotic factors are living organisms such as animals, plants, and trees. The biotic factors affect other living organisms because they can be used as food. Decomposers of the Prairie Decomposers breakdown dead things. If there were no decomposers dead things would pile up everywhere. Examples of decomposers are fungi and mushrooms. Yellow Coral Mushroom

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