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David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church A Webinar for The Mission Exchange David Mays.

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Presentation on theme: "David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church A Webinar for The Mission Exchange David Mays."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church A Webinar for The Mission Exchange David Mays

2 Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church David Mays Director of Learning Initiatives for The Mission Exchange Ministry: Training, resources, and networking to help church and mission leaders Dream: A movement of churches centered on The Great Commission

3 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church The Mission Exchange Helping mission leaders become more effective through learning and partnership Seminars on the Web Book Summaries Resources Teaching and Consulting

4 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church

5 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church David Mays Is your missions ministry global? Or just all over the map?

6 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church A Strategy is … an intentional plan developed and implemented by a local church that seeks to maximize its impact on the world.

7 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church It describes how you will get somewhere. A strategy helps you reach a destination or a goal. Where does God want you to go? That is, What does God want to accomplish in the world through our church? The Key Question is: Your strategy is your roadmap.

8 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Strategy - Three Components How do we develop it? - Process What goes in it? - Content How do we follow it? - Implementation

9 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Process Principles Key Leader Involvement Include Your Missionaries Prayer Consensus Research Proactive Continuity Open to Future Scrutiny

10 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Implementation Principles Continuity Addition Attrition Saying ‘No’ Disassociation

11 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Strategy – What Goes In It? Foundations Biblical Basis Definition of Missions Purpose Statement Major World Challenges Priorities Goals

12 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Foundations Biblical basis – What does Scripture command us? Definition of Missions – What is missions? What is it not? Purpose Statement – What is your purpose in missions? The World – What are the great challenges? These provide the foundations for your missions strategy. Your missions strategy is meant to help your church obey Scripture, understand missions, and carry our your purpose, to make the greatest impact on the world’s greatest needs.

13 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Biblical Basis What are your primary missions Scripture verses? What do these Scriptures call you to do? We are commanded to ___(do what)___________ so that _______(who)_______________________ can ___________(benefit how)________________. Example: We are commanded to preach the gospel to all nations so that people everywhere can worship God and have eternal life.

14 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Missions What is your definition of missions? Missions is __________________________ If others in your church wrote their definition of missions, would it agree with yours?

15 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Missions What is the “scope” of missions for your church? Missions includes, for example, ___________________ Missions does not include, for example, ____________ What would others include that you would not include? What would you include that others would not include?

16 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Sample Definition #1 In our church missions includes all ministries that reach out to other languages and cultures with a spiritual purpose and ministries that directly support the above. Missions includes, for example, Bible translation; cross- cultural evangelism, church development and leadership training; outreach to ethnic minorities nearby, and organizational leadership and support for these ministries. It does not include, for example, outreach and service ministries to people in our own church and community.

17 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Sample Definition #2 In our church mission includes all ministries that reach out beyond the local church in evangelism, ministry and service. Mission includes both international ministries and local ministries. It includes, for example, providing services to the poor, helping abused and addicted adults, jail ministry, partnering with community institutions, and the involvement of congregation members in the lives of others where they live and work. It does not include, for example, ministries within the church and service or ministry to our congregation.

18 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Purpose Write down your church purpose statement. Examples: The purpose of Our Church is to make fully devoted followers of Christ. To gather communities of disciples who worship, grow, and serve and go into all the world as witnesses of the life-changing love of Jesus Christ. Helping individuals, here and worldwide, know God well and worship Him joyfully together in community.

19 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Purpose Write a purpose statement for your missions ministry. Example 1: The purpose of Missions at Our Church is to make fully devoted followers of Christ worldwide. Example 2: The purpose of Missions at Our Church is to evangelize and disciple the peoples of other cultures and nations. Example 3: The purpose of Mission at Our Church is to involve all of our congregation in sharing the love and concern of Jesus to our community and the world.

20 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church The World - There is a Goal! There is a Goal! God has a vision for the future!

21 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church The Goal God’s Vision - The Goal After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Revelation 7:9-10

22 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Missions is an urgent global rescue operation. KEEP THE GOAL IN VIEW!

23 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Focus on the goal! The World - Focus on the goal! What are the great barriers to fulfillment? What countries and peoples and nations are out of reach of the Gospel? Where is the church weak or non-existent? Where are the least Christian resources? Where are the greatest needs? Where are the greatest barriers? What is being neglected? Write a statement outlining your assessment.

24 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church The World – Example Statement Some important things about the world: More than 20% of the world’s people are Muslim. Most of the unreached are in a belt across North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. About 30% of the world live on < $2/day. More than half the world lives in urban areas. The global south is sending almost half the missionaries. What might be some missions priorities?

25 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Strategy – What Goes In It? Foundations Biblical Basis Definition of Missions Purpose Statement Major World Challenges Priorities Goals

26 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Possible Priorities Audiences – Whom do we seek to reach? Ministry Tasks – What most needs to be done? Balance – How much local? How much global? Focus – A beacon or a thousand points of light? Relationships – Do we partner only with those we know? History – Do we need gradual or radical change? Our Roles – What ministries best fit our congregation? Select the issues you believe are most important. Remember the goal!

27 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Priorities Write your position on the ones you selected. Write a “ why ” statement. This issue is important to our church because… Write a “ how ” statement. We will make this a priority by…

28 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Priorities Example: Issue “Task” “ Why ” - We believe reaching Muslims should be a focus for our church because Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion, encompassing more than 20% of the human race. “ How ” - We plan to make reaching Muslims a priority by working toward a goal of investing at least 20% of our missions resources in Muslim ministry.

29 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Priorities Example: Issue “Focus” “Why” – Our efforts are scattered among a broad range of ministries. This hampers our efforts to make a significant contribution anywhere. “ How ” - We desire to develop a major emphasis and make a major impact in two or three key mission focus areas while maintaining support of our current ministries.

30 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Priorities Example: Issue “Involvement” “Why” – In the past we have trained and sent a few of our people globally while most have been uninvolved. We believe all our people should be involved in ministry outside the church. “ How ” - We plan to equip and send believers into their neighborhoods, work places, schools, community centers, and local service ministries to reach our city and complement what we have been doing globally.

31 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Deployment of Missions Dollars Local U. S.Global Cross- Cultural Church Planting Cross- Cultural People Group New Project Current 10%45%40%5%0% 5-Year Goal 20% 40%10% Goals

32 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Grid for Priorities and Decisions Local Evang Local Mercy U.S. Ch plant GlobalUnreached Group Now % of $25 500 # missionaries 5 Year Goal % of $10 2045 15 # missionaries

33 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Strategy – What Goes In It Foundations Biblical Basis Definition of Missions Purpose Statement Major World Challenges Priorities Goals

34 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Develop Your Missions Strategy Do it on your own. Use documents available at Use the “Strategy CD.” Utilize an outside consultant.

35 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church All you need to develop your missions strategy

36 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church Components of the Strategy CD Leader’s Guide Participant Workbook PowerPoint Slides Supplemental Documents Scriptures and missions definitions Budgeting and funding factors and grids Purpose, vision, and values samples and resources Sample strategies Survey forms Strategy articles and additional resources

37 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church A six-step process to discover what God wants your church to accomplish in the world

38 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church A brief booklet describing what it might look like and what it might take to organize your church around the Great Commission

39 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church One page outline on anything you want to know about missions and the local church

40 David Mays Developing a Missions Strategy That Fits Your Church David Mays

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