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Great Britain/ United Kingdom ( England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) “Previously in Great Britain…”

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1 Great Britain/ United Kingdom ( England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) “Previously in Great Britain…”

2 It starts with invasion Celts (Britons) (become Wales and Scotland) Romans Angles (German, brought Anglisch) Saxons Danes Normans (Vikings) William of Normandy (in France) invaded in 1066

3 What role did geography play? How do you think Britain’s geography impacted its past?

4 Historic structures Feudalism –Decentralized –Local militaries –Mixed monarchy Struggle between King and nobles or balance between King and nobles? Led to the Magna Carta in 1215 –Formally limited the King so he would obey his feudal obligations –Not democractic

5 Transitions to democracy 1200s: knights were coming to London to consult with the king Kings needed revenue to wage wars (with France of course)= taxes King invited people to his court so he could squeeze money out of them This would become parliament –Knights and Burgers: House of Commons –Nobles and church leaders: House of Lords

6 At this point: all males, all wealthy Still- they kept the King from gaining too much power 1500s: Henry VIII (divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived…) –Split from the Catholic Church –Began the Anglican Church –Easier to secularize –Henry relied on Parliament

7 Parliament vs. King 1 st round: Kings were growing in power in the 1500s and 1600s: divine right theory emerges (score one for the king) 2 nd round: absolutism (king wins again) 3 rd round: civil war (Royalists and Parliamentarians) and a king is beheaded (Charles I) (win for Parliament) Round 4: Military dictatorship (score one for Cromwell?) Round 5: 1600s: Catholic Charles II comes in and manipulates parliament (king scores again)

8 Round 6: 1685: Charles II is very Catholic, which gets him removed (Parliament is in the lead) Round 7: Mary and William of Orange are brought in (protestant) and they sign to English Bill of Rights (Glorious Revolution) Parliament wins with a knockout in the 7 th round! King can not collect taxes or laws without parliament’s consent.

9 Prime minister: Head MP George I used a cabinet headed by a first, or prime, minister After the Declaration of Independence, the English cabinet became responsible to the Commons, not the King –The government then consisted of the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons and that leader chose other cabinet members

10 Democratization 1700s: parties begin to form –Whigs: merchants and manufacturers –Tories: landed aristocracy 1800s: twp party system emerges –Whigs turned into the Liberal party –Tories turned into the Conservative party At this time, the House of Lords was a hereditary noble group while the House of Commons was home to gentry, land owners and better- off people Enter: Revolutions….

11 Ya say ya want a revolution? Democracy Right to vote Industrial revolution: –A powerful middle class –An abused working class? Reform Act of 1832, headed by the Whigs (woo-hoo, now 7% of people can vote…)

12 Union Both Wales and Scotland were independent kingdoms which resisted English rule. 1707 England and Scotland unified as Great Britain. Legislative union of Ireland and Great Britain completed 1801 under name United Kingdom. 1921 Irish Free State established (Republic after WWII) Six northern, predominantly Protestant, Irish counties have remained part of the United Kingdom.

13 1867: 16% of people could vote 1884: mostly male suffrage 1918: women got the vote VERY SLOW GROWTH –Allows for an educated electorate –People don’t get the vote until they want the vote –Edmund Burke: conservatism is constant but never radical change. Modify!

14 Welfare states By the 1900s British parliament was looking at issues like –Public education –Housing –Jobs –Healthcare By the end of WWI: Labour (very centrist) had become a larger party than the Liberals Chief quarrel has come from the idea of a welfare state

15 Institutions developed which are characteristic of Britain: –political, administrative, cultural and economic center in London; –a separate but established church; –a system of common law; –distinctive and distinguished university education; and –representative government.

16 British Expansion and Empire Foreign trade Sea power protected English trade and opened up new routes British empire = roughly one-fifth to one-quarter of the world’s area and population. Colonies contributed to the UK’s economic growth and strengthened its voice in world affairs as well as developing and broadening its democratic institutions at home.

17 British Empire 1719

18 The Sun Never Sets

19 20 th Century By early 1900’s, UK’s comparative economic advantage had lessened. UK’s preeminent international position eroded Ireland gained independence in 1921. Nationalism grew in other parts of the empire (ex. India, Egypt)

20 Commonwealth of Nations Autonomy granted to number of states within the Empire Commonwealth formed British empire dismantled – became independent members of the Commonwealth.

21 Just to reiterate… UK usually is referring to England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland The “government” refers to cabinet ministers House of Lords have lost a lot of power but still carry judicial and legislative weight While having no formal constitution, British laws can be declared unconstitutional due to common law practice

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