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CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS Update ICOLC Meeting Vancouver, B.C. September 21-22, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS Update ICOLC Meeting Vancouver, B.C. September 21-22, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS Update ICOLC Meeting Vancouver, B.C. September 21-22, 2000

2 CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS Update Large Multi-Consortial and Network Participation Academic Universe –6,037,874 FTE as of September 1, 2000

3 CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS Update Selected participation Congressional Universe –1,758,028 as of September 1, 2000 State Capital Universe –223,327 as of September 1, 2000 Statistical Universe A (ASI) –1,811,543 as of September 1, 2000 Statistical Universe C (SRI) –922,911 as of September 1, 2000 Statistical Universe D (IIS) –846,221 as of September 1, 2000

4 CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS Update Selected participation History Universe - Access to African American Studies –412,372 FTE as of September 1, 2000 History Universe - Access to Women’s Studies –138,931 FTE as of September 1, 2000

5 LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe Current pricing $1.43/FTE (not including SOLINET service fee). Community College pricing discount. 60% of total FTE used to calculate price. Price increase for July 1, 2001 - 7% if reach desired FTE participation

6 NEW: Shepard’s® Shepard’s® has been added to Academic Universe as of August 23, 2000, for access to United States Supreme Court decisions from 1789 to the present Easy access from the Academic Universe home page – click on Legal Research No additional charge

7 Statistical Universe Redesign Went into effect 8/23/00 REQUIRED MODULE: PowerTables TM Base Edition of Statistical Universe. All subscribers must purchase this module at July 1 renewal or as they subscribe for the first time. New functionality. Enables users to search from a bank of indexed tables with links to full-text.

8 Statistical Universe Redesign: PowerTables TM FEATURES INCLUDE: 25,000 indexed tables Links to GIFs of tables Links to full text PDFs of all source documents

9 Statistical Universe Redesign OPTIONAL MODULES ASI Abstract/Index Collection - Currently Statistical Universe “A” SRI Abstract/Index Collection - Currently Statistical Universe “C” IIS Abstract/Index Collection - Currently Statistical Universe “D” Links to full-text PDFs of source documents based on optional module subscription

10 Conversion of Current Statistical Universe Subscribers Current subscription holders were automatically converted to the new design on 8/23/00 and they will continue to receive same product(s) as before along with the new PowerTables TM.

11 Statistical Universe Redesign NEW SUBSCRIBERS Statistical Universe subscribers with a start date of 10/1/00 or later will be required to purchase the Base Edition, PowerTables TM. Optional add-on modules will include ASI, SRI and/or IIS.

12 Statistical Universe Pricing For add-ons 10/1/00 – 6/30/01 MANDATORY PowerTables™$0.23/FTE OPTIONAL Statistical “A” – ASI$0.11/FTE Statistical “C” – SRI$0.11/FTE Statistical “D” – IIS$0.12/FTE **Pricing does not include SOLINET service fee

13 Coming in 2001 Statistical Universe optional module: RESEARCH TABLE SET Features include: 125,000 indexed tables Links to GIFs of tables Links to full text PDFs of 125K tables, when available and based on A&I subscription

14 CIS History Universe History Universe - Access to African American Studies $0.31/FTE not including SOLINET service fee History Universe - Access to Women’s Studies $0.31/FTE not including SOLINET service fee

15 History Universe Renewal History Universe products renew January 1, 2001. Renewal information, along with pricing structure, will be mailed to networks and consortia in late October/ early November.

16 CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS Additional Product Information Product information and trials are available at:

17 Content Issues Like all aggregators, content continues to shift in Academic Universe Time is back, USA Today will remain, although several Gannett regional newspapers were removed in the Spring Additional content from other Reed- Elsevier divisions and the “Nexis warehouse” are under discussion. The Content Advisory Committee discusses these issues on a regular basis.

18 REMOTE ACCESS CIS/LEXIS-NEXIS pilot program – target date November 2000 – to test new technology to provide access not requiring IP addresses Will update progress of this program at March ICOLC Meeting

19 SOLINET Contact Information For questions regarding CIS/LEXIS- NEXIS, please contact: Carol Dellios, Contract Administrator phone: 800-999-8558, extension 4850 fax: 404-892-7879 website: (go to the Library Products & Services section)

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