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Cameras for accountability By Devin Belle. Who am I Devin BelleDevin Belle Born in Richmond VABorn in Richmond VA 20 years old20 years old Student at.

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Presentation on theme: "Cameras for accountability By Devin Belle. Who am I Devin BelleDevin Belle Born in Richmond VABorn in Richmond VA 20 years old20 years old Student at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cameras for accountability By Devin Belle

2 Who am I Devin BelleDevin Belle Born in Richmond VABorn in Richmond VA 20 years old20 years old Student at Virginia commonwealth UniversityStudent at Virginia commonwealth University I chose this topic because of the recent events of the Micheal Brown shootingI chose this topic because of the recent events of the Micheal Brown shooting

3 Thesis Authorities should wear body cameras on their person at all times in order to reduce the amount of police brutality victims in America

4 What is Police Brutality The use of excessive physical force or verbal assault and phsycological intimidation.

5 Micheal Brown On August 9, 2014, Micheal Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson Missouri Police officerOn August 9, 2014, Micheal Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson Missouri Police officer Due to the lack of the lack of evidence from this incident, rioting and violence has occurred in Ferguson with the masses outragedDue to the lack of the lack of evidence from this incident, rioting and violence has occurred in Ferguson with the masses outraged

6 Albuquerque incident In March of 2014, a homeless man was killed by police officials, however this incident was recorded.In March of 2014, a homeless man was killed by police officials, however this incident was recorded. As a result the police department has come under fire from the local justice departments.As a result the police department has come under fire from the local justice departments.

7 Experiment Tony Farrar conducted an experiment where he wanted to test the behaviors of people under mobile camera surveillance.Tony Farrar conducted an experiment where he wanted to test the behaviors of people under mobile camera surveillance.

8 Hypothesis “We hypothesize that portable cameras would go beyond the limited impact that CCTVs have had on expressive acts of violence in public spaces.”

9 Procedure Rialto Police Department wore mobile cameras for a weekRialto Police Department wore mobile cameras for a week The control were police officers that didn’t wear these camerasThe control were police officers that didn’t wear these cameras Both of these groups had to fill out a document of what happened after each outing during the experiment. These documents were collected along with police complaints during each outing.

10 Results/Conclusion “The findings suggest more than a 50% reduction in the total number of incidents of use-of-force compared to control-conditions, and nearly ten times more citizens’ complaints in the 12-months prior to the experiment.” Farrar Concluded that these results at the very least give people a way to measure police misconduct in the force.Farrar Concluded that these results at the very least give people a way to measure police misconduct in the force.

11 Works Cited Chaney and Robertson. “Racism and Police Brutality in America.”12 January 2013: Journal of African American Studies. pp 1-26., print.Chaney and Robertson. “Racism and Police Brutality in America.”12 January 2013: Journal of African American Studies. pp 1-26., print. Farrar Tony. The Effect of Body Worn Cameras on Police Use of Force. Police Foundation, 2013,, 16 November 2014Farrar Tony. The Effect of Body Worn Cameras on Police Use of Force. Police Foundation, 2013,, 16 November 2014 Fitzpatrick and Griffin. “Video Shows Albuquerque Police Killing Homeless Man.” CNN. 22 June 2014,, 16 November 2014 Fitzpatrick and Griffin. “Video Shows Albuquerque Police Killing Homeless Man.” CNN. 22 June 2014,, 16 November 2014 Lawrence Regina, “The Politics of Force Media and the Construction of Police Brutality.” University of California Press. 2000. PrintLawrence Regina, “The Politics of Force Media and the Construction of Police Brutality.” University of California Press. 2000. Print “Timeline: Michael Brown Shooting in Ferguson MO.” Usatoday, n.d.“Timeline: Michael Brown Shooting in Ferguson MO.” Usatoday, n.d.

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