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North (Union) South (Confederacy) *States: ME, UT, NH, MA, CT, RI NJ, PA, NY, Ohio, IN, MI, IL, WI, MN, Iowa, KS, WA, OR *New President: Lincoln *Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "North (Union) South (Confederacy) *States: ME, UT, NH, MA, CT, RI NJ, PA, NY, Ohio, IN, MI, IL, WI, MN, Iowa, KS, WA, OR *New President: Lincoln *Secretary."— Presentation transcript:


2 North (Union) South (Confederacy) *States: ME, UT, NH, MA, CT, RI NJ, PA, NY, Ohio, IN, MI, IL, WI, MN, Iowa, KS, WA, OR *New President: Lincoln *Secretary of State: William H. Jeward *Lincoln’s reason for union: Nation must protect itself and force staying together *States: VA, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, TN, MS, AR, CA, Texas *Known as: Confederate States of America *Main leaders: Robert E. Lee Stonewall Jackson *Reasons for leaving union: States rights, slavery

3 Who Had the Advantage? North South NUMBERS: 22 million people FACTORIES: 90% of nation’s factories RAILROAD MILAGE: twice the mileage as south MOVING SUPPLIES: twice as many horses and mules as the South MONEY: taxing already established, already had money RAISING THE ARMY: lots of recruits to bring into the army 9 million in population, (4 million Slaves) DEFENDING: “home turf” advantage – They knew the terrain, how to move about witout being noticed, etc. COMMUNICATION LINES: Most Battles were in South, close to home (North: had to travel longer distances to fight) WHOLE WAY OF LIFE at stake RAISING THE ARMY: difficult 1,280,000 men 15-50

4 THE ECONOMIES North South Early months of war brought depression Soon needed military supplies and more workers Food harvest was improved because of Cyrus McCormick and mechanical reaper Boom caused inflation Raised funds by printing bank notes (Confederate Currency), promise to pay Manufacturing scarce Big problem along coast because of blockades (Anaconda) and blockade runners South thought their biggest advantage was King Cotton “cotton diplomacy”

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