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A scientific belief of how the Universe was formed.

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Presentation on theme: "A scientific belief of how the Universe was formed."— Presentation transcript:

1 A scientific belief of how the Universe was formed.

2 How was the Universe Formed? About 13.6 billion years ago all matter was contained one in point. Scientist believe a big explosion happened which they called the big bang. Materials (matter) in the simplest form exploded into space (helium, hydrogen, and others) This Matter came together to form Stars. The stars were drawn together by gravity to form galaxies.

3 How was our Solar System formed? Scientist aren’t sure exactly but have a few ideas. About 4.6 billion years ago a bunch of dust and gasses were in a cloud called a nebula. Something disturbed the nebula and it started spinning. Clumps of materials came together, bring in more and more due to gravity, eventually forming our sun. After the sun formed, the other dust and materials kept colliding and sticking together. Eventually making spheres and becoming planets, moons, comets, asteroids, space rocks, etc.

4 The Raisin-Bread Model Each raisin represents a galaxy. They are distributed throughout the dough, just as the galaxies are distributed throughout the universe. As the dough rises, the raisins move farther away from each other. This is like the universe, the longer it exists, the farther the galaxies move away from each other.

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