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Published byGerald Morgan Modified over 9 years ago
PHENIX Charge to the commitee The P-25 PHENIX team wishes to formally join the Silicon Upgrade Project, whose purpose is to allow detached-vertex determination in collisions that will result in the identification of open charm. P-25 group management and nuclear-physics program management requests the review committee to evaluate the following issues: 1) The resource level, both staff and financial, required to carry out the proposed commitment in each of the fiscal years from FY'04-FY'08. 2) The most likely technical challenges to be faced by the team, either mechanically or electronically, and the associated risk to the program. 3) The quality of the physics opportunities opened by the upgrade. 4) The impact on the team's ability to carry on world class research using the muon arms and the MVD during the construction period of the upgrade. Thank you for agreeing to help us evaluate this exciting new direction at RHIC. D M Lee 6-17-2003
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 CDR Muon Physics Program
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 Muon Spin Physics Program Quark Polarization / Flavor Decomposition via Parity Violating W + -> μ + or μ + X Gluon Polarization via J/ -> μ + μ or D or B -> μ + or μ + X Transversity Program requires high luminosity, good polarization, 500 GeV, and identification of heavy quark decays! Polarized p-p collisions at 200, 500 GeV
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 Physics Program - Vector Meson suppression PHENIX simulated + - mass spectrum NA50 -- Anomalous J/ suppression. Evidence for QGP?? But J/ ’s are also suppressed by non-QGP effects such as absorption, shadowing, etc; as seen in the results from our E866/NuSea measurements at Fermilab. A signature of Quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is the suppression of J/ production. The formation of J/ ’s in a QGP is predicted to be inhibited by color-screening. A = p A
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 Parton structure, modification in nuclei, spin-dependence and the Quark Gluon Plasma(QGP): Flavor asymmetry of the nucleon sea and its spin-dependence; origins from meson-cloud of the nucleon Gluon structure functions, their shadowing in nuclei and spin- dependence Energy loss & fragmentation of partons (light & heavy) in nuclei to elucidate the parton dynamics of these processes. Contrast with same in hot/high-density matter. Heavy-quark (open and closed-c,b) production and suppression in cold nuclei & in QGP. Characteristics of heavy-ion collisions through charged particle multiplicities, reaction plane measurements, etc.
PHENIX Activities Areas Muon Spectrometers Barnes, Brooks, Burward-Hoy, Kunde, Lee, Leitch, Liu, McGaughey, Moss, Silvermyr, Sondheim MVD Sullivan, van Hecke, Boissevain Magnet Design and Simulation Sondheim Silicon Upgrade Kunde, Lee, McGaughey, Moss, Sullivan, van Hecke FCAL Burward-Hoy, Kunde Theory Raufeissen, Johnson D M Lee 6-17-2003
PHENIX past activities Muon Arm Construction – installed South 2001, North 2002 MVD construction – installation complete 2002 Run 2 data taking (2002), pp analysis, paper submitted to PRL Run 3 data taking (2003), dAu analysis started Analysis tools and software developed Silicon vertex upgrade initiated, LOI written Routine Maintenance of detector systems Host of Muon Workshop – very successful, 50 people
PHENIX Interest Areas PhysicistTopic BarnesW physics BrooksJ/psi suppression Burward-HoyJ/psi and gluon shadowing KundeQGP Leeheavy quark enhancement Leitchshadowing in dAu LiuW physics McGaugheyOpen Heavy flavor MossSpin Physics RaufeissenHard Processes SilvermyrJ/psi SullivanReaction plane vanHeckeGlobal properties D M Lee 6-17-2003
PHENIX Involvement D M Lee 6-17-2003 Detector Council Members: Sullivan(MVD), Brooks(past muon), Leitch(past muon), McGauphey(past muon) Subsystem managers: Lee(muon mechanical) Executive Committee: Leitch Institutional Board: Barnes Physics working groups: all, Brooks(heavy convenor),Sullivan(past hadron convenor) Paper writing: Brooks(ppg017),Burward-Hoy(ppg009,ppg021), Leitch(ppg011), Silvermyr(ppg001,ppg019), Sullivan(ppg021,ppg026), van Hecke(ppg009) Internal paper review: Lee(IRC0014,IRC024),Silvermyr(IRC028) Data Production Manager: Silvermyr(run03) Period coordinator: Leitch(run03) PHENIX Online Documentation: van Hecke Upgrades proposal: Kunde, Lee, McGaughey, Sullivan, van Hecke Integration Engineer: Sondheim(muon), Boissevain(MVD)
RHIC at Brookhaven National Laboratory RHIC is first dedicated heavy ion collider 10 times the energy previously available!
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 South Muon Arm - 2001 North Muon Arm - 2002 MVD 2002 FCAL 2002
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 South Muon ArmNorth Muon Arm It only took 9 years
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 230 cm 330 cm Station 2 Station 3
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 South- FEE Station-3 Chassis CROC board
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 PHENIX MVD half cylinder before run 3
D M Lee 6-17-2003 PHENIX future goals Continue to provide leadership in the analysis of muon arms data Concentrate on J/psi, hi-pt, spin (original goals), requires high L Prepare for the upcoming AuAu run ( run 4) Prepare for the upcoming pp spin run (run 5) Continue to provide leadership in the silicon vertex endcaps Develop physics capabilities of silicon/muon match Routine maintenance
Silicon Tracker Upgrade D M Lee 06-17-2003
D M Lee 6-17-2003 PHENIX What the PHENIX team wants from this committee Recognize the first rate nature of the physics program, current and new physics with the silicon upgrade Acknowledge the contributions made by the PHENIX group Agree that current physics and future upgrades for new physics reach are necessary for a viable group Recommend that the PHENIX team should proceed with its long range goals and that the silsion tracker upgrade should proceed with LANL playing a major role.
PHENIX D M Lee 6-17-2003 I will show 3 slides from Barbara Jacak’s talk at the Intersersections Meeting in May 2003.
0 R AA vs. predictions PHENIX Preliminary shadowing anti-shadowing Theoretical predictions: d+Au: I. Vitev, nucl-th/0302002 and private communication. Au+Au: I. Vitev and M. Gyulassy, hep-ph/0208108, to appear in Nucl. Phys. A; M. Gyulassy, P. Levai and I. Vitev, Nucl. Phys. B 594, p. 371 (2001). Initial state: mult. scatt.,shadowing + final state dE/dx (Au+Au) Also: Kopeliovich, et al (PRL88, 232303,2002) predict R pA ~1.1 max at p T =2.5 GeV projectile as color dipole PHENIX preliminary
conclusions Rapid equilibration! –Strong pressure gradients, hydrodynamics works EOS is not hadronic The hot matter is “sticky” – it absorbs energy –See energy loss, disappearance of back-to-back jets –d+Au data says: final state, not initial state effect So, the stuff is dense, hot, and ~ equilibrated –Is it quark gluon plasma? Sure looks like it to me… OK, then where’s the New York Times? –J/Y suppression or not? Next run –T initial ? direct photon analysis underway by PHENIX Muons!
PHENIX National Desk | June 19, 2003, Thursday Scientists Deciphering Atomic Forces Report Hottest, Densest Matter Ever Observed By KENNETH CHANG (NYT) 806 words Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 23, Column 1 ABSTRACT - Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory create hottest, densest matter ever observed, and they say it will enable them to understand makeup of universe a few millionths of a second after Big Bang and cast light on fundamental forces that hold atomic matter together; say additional measurements may confirm suspicions that they have created new state of matter in which protons and neutrons have dissolved into soup of smaller particles (M) Experiments at the Brookhaven National Laboratory have created the hottest, densest matter ever observed, recreating conditions a fraction of a second after the birth of the universe, scientists announced today. The ultradense matter will help scientists understand the makeup of the universe a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang and will cast light on the fundamental forces that hold atomic matter together. D M Lee 6-17-2003
PHENIX Agenda 10:00Executive Session 10:30 OverviewLee, 10 min Muons 10:45AuAu run Kunde, 10 min 11:00pp analysis and paper Brooks, 20 min 11:30SpinMing, 10 min 11:45dAu analysisSilvermyr,Burward-Hoy, 30 min 12:30Lunch 2:00Status Report on muon armsLeitch, 20 min 2:30MVD updatevan Hecke, 10 min Theory 2:50Theory related to PHENIXRaufeissen, 20 min 3:20coffee break Silicon Upgrade 3:35Physics and simulationsMcGaughey, 20 min 4:05Status of design and proposalKunde, 20 min 4:35WBS,cost, manpowerLee, 10 min 4:50Future activities, priorities and manpower fit Lee, 10 min 5:00executive session D M Lee 6-17-2003
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