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Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial Data Michael Lutz Semantics and.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial Data Michael Lutz Semantics and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial Data Michael Lutz Semantics and Ontologies for GI Services April 24-28, 2006

2 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Goals Get an idea how ontologies can be used for the integration of geospatial data Define a shared vocabulary for the domain of landcover classifications Define land use classes for CORINE land cover classification Execute simple and defined queries

3 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Data Integration with Ontologies Motivation: Different classification schemes (e.g. for landuse or geological categories) in different countries (e.g. A,SLO,I) or user communities Goal: Enable users to use a familiar vocabulary and translate to other classification schemes Approach:  Define “shared vocabulary” (aka “skeleton ontology”)  Define class definitions for each classification scheme based on shared vocabulary  Define query using the shared vocabulary or an existing classification scheme  Find similar or matching concepts for the query

4 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Dataset 2 Dataset 1 equivalence or subsumption based on Domain Ontology Ontological (DL) description of the query concept “suitable for creating a business park” Query concept Application Ontology Concepts Ontologies for Enhanced GI Discovery Hybrid Ontology Approach Logical Reasoning Classification Scheme 2 Classification Scheme 1 Ontological (DL) description of the classes used in the classification Where are there areas that are suitable for creating a business park?

5 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Hybrid Approach Shared Vocabulary = One or several domain ontologies Especially domain ontologies should be property-centered, i.e. define properties and their ranges (and domains) Shared Vocabulary (property-centered) Application Ontology Existing Classification Scheme User-defined Classification Scheme Application Ontology Query Existing Classification Scheme provides vocabulary for define semantics for classes in

6 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Use Defined Classes Many ontologies are simple is-a hierarchies  little flexibility for adding new concepts (or queries) To add this flexibility, properties (not classes) should be seen as the primary entities Concepts should be defined using existing properties  use cardinality constraints and value restrictions to further constrain the range of a role inside concept definitions

7 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Types of Queries Simple Queries  Use an existing concept in one application ontology (i.e. a class in one classification system)  Look for matching (i.e. subsumed) concepts in other application ontologies  E.g. “show me all classes in your classification that correspond to my industrial complex class” Defined Queries  Use terms from the shared vocabulary to build a user- defined query concept  Look for matching (i.e. subsumed) concepts in all application ontologies  E.g. “show me all classes in your classification that have an inclination of less than 10% and have good transport connections”

8 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Example Application: Geological Maps Daten aus dem Kartenwerk Geologische Karte (DGK) des LAGB LSA, Geologische Grundkarte im Maßstab 1:25.000 Basis for engineering and hydro-geological decision making  different times  different authors  different areas  different classification systems  Semantic heterogeneity

9 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Goals establish a service for semantic mapping between the different classification systems Enable user-specific property-based queries

10 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Feinsand Grobsand Mittelsand Shared Vocabulary GESTEIN Sand Ton Schluff Karbonat Bestandteil hatNebenbestandteilehatHauptbestandteile hatKonsistenz Konsistenz Lagerung istGelagert 1...30...* 1 0...1

11 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Application/Query Concept Löss Grob- Schluff hatNebenbestandteilehatHauptbestandteile k. A. istGelagert 1...30...* 1 0...1 Locker Kalk k. A. istGelagert 0...1 hatKonsistenz

12 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Exercise 1: Define a Shared Vocabulary Look at the CORINE land cover classification at Pick a few classes and try to come up with  Properties that describe them  The “fillers” of these properties -Find a common superclass that can be used as a range -Find subclasses for the individual fillers -Do they form value partitions? Try to model these properties and filler classes in OWL  What kind of information is easy to map to OWL? What is more difficult?

13 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Exercise 2: Define Land Cover Classes Split in 2 groups, using different land cover classification systems 1. CORINE 2. Realraumanalyse ( projekte/realraum/Typen.htm) Use common shared vocabulary  Import skeleton.owl into a new Protégé project Create defined classes for your classification system Exchange results & do simple and defined queries

14 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Importing Ontologies Create and save a new Protégé project Import ontology

15 Ontologies for the Integration of Geospatial DataTU Wien, April 24-28, 2006 Importing Ontologies

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