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Page 1. Page 2 Page 3 To provide population and housing data at various geographical level To use as inputs for population estimates and projection,

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1. Page 2 Page 3 To provide population and housing data at various geographical level To use as inputs for population estimates and projection,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1

2 Page 2

3 Page 3 To provide population and housing data at various geographical level To use as inputs for population estimates and projection, as well as for policy formulation

4 Page 4 De facto – 1970, 1980 & 1991 Census De jure – 2000 & 2010 Census

5 Page 5 Based on experience from 2000 Census-

6 Page 6

7 Page 7 to estimate the extent of coverage error in the Census in terms of living quarters, households and persons so as to provide a basis for adjustment- living quarters, household, person, to evaluate content error by studying differences in responses on selected characteristics of persons enumerated in the Census and PES – sex, ethnicity, age, citizenship and marital status. to serve as a guide in the planning and implementation of future censuses and surveys.

8 Page 8

9 Page 9 2 - stage training: Managerial – permanent staff of DOSM (3-4 days) Enumerators and supervisors (3-4 days) Training Clarity of questions The estimated time taken for completing one household/living quarters Testing of the computer system Pilot test

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12 Page 12 Four process flows towards matching activities. TranscriptionListing and EnumerationOffice ReconciliationField Reconciliation

13 Page 13 Two major reasons Omissions Erroneous Inclusions Two methods were used in evaluating the content error Percentage of Degree of Agreement (D) Index of Inconsistency (I) COVERAGE ERROR CONTENT ERROR

14 Page 14 1991 – 4.6% 2000 – 4.4% Person 1991 – 3.0% 2000 – 3.4% Living Quarters 1991 – 5.6% 2000 – 6.8% HouseholdContent Malaysia - the Percentage of Degree of Agreement for year 2000 for age group was 87.8, lower than that of the sex (99.3) and ethnic group (98.1). This is in line with the Index of Inconsistency which posted higher (13.3) compared to that of the sex (1.3) and ethnic group (3.6). The similar pattern occurred for 1991.

15 Page 15 PES Report was produced for internal circulation only. The duration of producing the report is about 8 months after Census. The results of the PES were used for the adjustment in the selected Census figures. PES Report was produced for internal circulation only. The duration of producing the report is about 8 months after Census. The results of the PES were used for the adjustment in the selected Census figures.

16 Page 16 There should be a closer supervision in urban area during the listing of LQ and enumeration of persons Probing questions are necessary to remind respondents of the importance of giving accurate response.

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19 Page 19 2000 PES List. & Enumeration period: 3 weeks No. of enumerators: 780 Sample size: 1800 EBs 2010 PES List. & Enumeration period: 8 weeks No. of enumerators: 320 Sample size: 1621 EBs

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21 Page 21 A single stage stratified sampling Sample Size was based on under enumeration rates found in 2000 PES. (Person : 4.4%, LQ : 3.4%, household : 6.8%) Estimation was done for every stratum (urban and rural) for each state Sample size for 2010 PES is 1,621 EBs out of 75,000 EBs.

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