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EEA Grants Norway Grants MHAT “St. Marina” EAD - Varna 15 October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "EEA Grants Norway Grants MHAT “St. Marina” EAD - Varna 15 October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA Grants Norway Grants MHAT “St. Marina” EAD - Varna 15 October 2015

2 Project New opportunities for quality and modern services for people with mental disorders in the Hospital "St. Marina" EAD, Varna Програма BG07 „Инициативи за обществено здраве“ Мярка 1 „Подобряване на системата за психично здраве на българските граждани“

3 Programme: BG 07 ”Public Health Initiatives” Duration (in months): 8 months Total budget (in €): 268 595 EURO Financial support of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014: 192 414, 47 EURO

4 Team organization and management Project Project Manager – Prof. Dr Rinaldo Shishkov Expert "Procurement"– Marta Drakova Coordinator – Mariya Stoilova Accountant – Albena Doktorova

5 Overall objective Providing quality and modern services for patients with mental diseases hospital "St. Marina" EAD by creating better conditions for treatment and improving the qualification of hospital staff working with people with mental disorders.

6 Specific objectives Improving the quality of services for patients with mental disorders; Improving the conditions for treatment of patients;

7 Providing better working environment for the hospital staff; Improving the qualification of the hospital staff; Specific objectives

8 Achieving a higher satisfaction of the relatives of patients with the specialized care which the patients receive; Improving the satisfaction and comfort of the hospital staff;

9 Specific objectives Improving the usability of the infrastructure; Increasing the safety of the hospital environment

10 Project Activities Activity 1. Organization and management of the Project Activity 2. Organization of public procurement Activity 3. Construction and repair works, construction supervision, commissioning Activity 4. Organizing and conducting specialized training Activity 5. Information and publicity

11 Target Groups People in advanced and old age (60-65 years) with severe disease in subacute stage and in particular: Persons with mental illness: affective disorders, schizophrenia, psychotic and behavioural symptoms in cases of dementia, and other psychoorganic syndromes including epilepsy, acute stress disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. The medical staff of the psychiatric clinics of Hospital "St. Marina" EAD, Varna: over 100 persons

12 Project Indicators Patients benefit from improved health infrastructure - 470 per year; Training medical staff - over 100 persons;

13 Project Indicators Number of training modules - 5; Number of training sessions - 4; Refurbished rooms - 800 sq. of the Department of Psychiatry.

14 Within the project there will be organized several courses on the topic: “The biopsychosocial model in psychiatry”. The main modules are: Main psychopathological symptoms, Syndromes and diagnoses in psychiatry; Topical developments in medication;

15 Basics of psychotherapy; Reacting in crisis intervention; Training in relaxation techniques; Current regulations on permanent and temporary disability and access to social assistance.

16 Expected project results Effective organization and management of the project; Construction and repair of the building of the Clinics of Psychiatry; Training of more than 100 persons of the medical staff;

17 Expected project results Increase of satisfaction and motivation to work; Further professional training of staff.

18 The project is implemented with the financial support of the Programme: BG 07 ”Public Health Initiatives”, achieved by Ministry of Health and European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

19 Thank you for your attention!

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