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Land of Contrasts Natural Resources 1.2.

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1 Land of Contrasts Natural Resources 1.2

2 Viewing Texas page 32 Plain - landform that is generally level.
Barrier Island - thin strip of land covered with sand dunes. Escarpment - long cliff Fault - weak part of the earth’s crust. Plateau - tableland 1.2

3 Texas’s Water Resources page 33
Major water source is the Gulf of Mexico. Bays along coast serve as nurseries for sea life and birds. Rivers 1.2

4 Rivers of Texas page 33 Rio Grande Red River Sabine River Neches River
Trinity River Brazos River Texas Rivers are called “wrong-way” because they carry water from the dry part of the state to the part with plenty of water. 1.2

5 Texas Lakes Have Many Uses page 34
All but one lake was formed when rivers were dammed: the Caddo Lake. Texas ranks 3rd, behind Alaska and Minnesota, in surface area of its inland waters. Lakes are mainly used for irrigation. 1.2

6 Aquifers Used for Irrigation page 34
Aquifer – underground water reservoirs. Spring – when aquifers meet the surface. Two major aquifers in Texas: Edwards Aquifer gets water from rain on the Hill Country. It surfaces in Austin. Ogallala Aquifer is pumped to the surface for irrigation. 1.2

7 Soil Is a Valuable Resource page 35
Farming Ranching: cattle, sheep, and goats. Farming and ranching provide about $40 billion in income yearly for Texans. Main crops in Texas: Cotton Watermelons Spinach Wheat Rice Corn Soybeans Peanuts vegetables 1.2

8 Three Vegetation Regions page 35
3 types of natural vegetation: Forests - timber Savannas – grassland with scattered trees and drought-resistant undergrowth. Grasslands – area where natural vegetation is grass. 1.2

9 Texas Leads in Energy Production page 36 Main Minerals:
Petroleum Natural gas Coal Sand Gravel Limestone Granite Salt Clay ¼ of all the energy produced in the entire United States has been produced in Texas. 1.2

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