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Today: Student will be able to describe the basics of their class and computing Tell me about you and how you use computers. Lesson 1 Slide 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Today: Student will be able to describe the basics of their class and computing Tell me about you and how you use computers. Lesson 1 Slide 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today: Student will be able to describe the basics of their class and computing Tell me about you and how you use computers. Lesson 1 Slide 1

2 Why Study Computers?

3 How are Computers helpful?

4 Test: Please create a computer keyboard on the back of your notes paper. Slide 4

5 Swbat to describe the basics of Computers. What are 5 of the things that computers help you with? Slide 5

6 Vocabulary: Computer Hardware Microprocessors Processors Digital PC Slide 6 Peripherals Software Information Processing Data Input Mac

7 SWBAT to explain their computer and Phone/ipod/tablet applications. Please get you computer out. Today you will list and explain the programs and applications you computers have. Let look at some examples. Lesson 4 Slide 1

8 SWBAT to explain their computer and Phone/ipod/tablet applications. Please get you computer out. Please get your notes. What is the 3 computer applications you use the most? Why? Lesson 4 Slide 1

9 SWBAT to explain their computer and Phone/ipod/tablet applications. Applications: Uses Programs Uses. Lesson 4 Slide 1

10 Applying Computer Basics Computer: a machine that follows a set of instructions and makes calculations –What would our world be like without computers? –Computers can: guide telescopes, control lighting, air conditioning, security systems, make calls, store phone numbers, sent text messages, share music & video, play games, run programs, animate movies Lesson 1 Slide 10

11 Sizing up Hardware Hardware: all parts you can touch with your hands Microprocessors: a small circuit board inside a computer that controls all the work a computer does (digital) Processors: most important parts! Brains of the computer Digital: microprocessors that calculate with 0s & 1s called binary code. (01011101) Lesson 1 Slide 11

12 DigiTools Short for "digital communication tools" Computers of all types are called DigiTools Lesson 1 Slide 12

13 Personal Computers Personal Computer (PC): designed for individual use – multimedia desktop, laptop, tablet CPU: Central Processing Unit – microprocessor Lesson 1 Slide 13

14 Peripherals Peripherals: devices that work with a computer –Printers, digital tablets, scanners, and headsets (speech recognition) Computers & Peripherals are digital communication tools – DigiTools! –Also called digital devices, electronic devices, and consumer electronics Slide 14

15 Software Software: instructions computers need to work properly. Three types: –Operating system (OS) Controls communication with hardware Controls interaction with user. Windows Vista, Windows XP, Lesson 1 Slide 15

16 Software Software continued: –Application Allows you to complete a specific task Generally installed on a local computer. Word, Excel, PowerPoint –Online app Also lets you complete specific tasks Runs over the Internet inside a web browser Google gadgets Lesson 1 Slide 16

17 Information Processing Information Processing: interaction with computers using a 5-step process –Putting data into forms we can use & understand Data: words, pictures, numbers Lesson 1Slide 17

18 5 Steps of Information Processing Lesson 1 Slide 18

19 Information Processing Input: putting data into a computer –Touchscreen, keyboard, electronic pen, speech headset, scanner, camera, etc. Processing: changing or manipulating data using software –Add numbers, sort lists, alter colors Output: getting data from your computer –Read a text message, print report, view photos on monitor Lesson 1Slide 19

20 Information Processing Distribution: sharing information with people who want it –Post a blog, build website, use phone to send picture Storage: saving data for later use –Local hard drive (C:\\), flash drive, Internet, Network (Z:\\) Our network is Leaddog. You save to your folder on the network (Your name) Lesson 1Slide 20

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