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8 th Grade Health.  Go to safari  Go to  Go to Eagle Hill  Go to classroom teacher pages  Go to special areas.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Health.  Go to safari  Go to  Go to Eagle Hill  Go to classroom teacher pages  Go to special areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Health

2  Go to safari  Go to  Go to Eagle Hill  Go to classroom teacher pages  Go to special areas  Go to Peelle  Go to the health tab on the left side  Select Diabetes QR scavenger hunt

3  Put your groups names on the paper  Start searching for the colored QR codes that match up with the question you are trying to answer.

4  1.) Find the purple QR code reader to read about diabetes.  2.) Answer questions 1 and 2 on your diabetes scavenger hunt

5  Go to the green QR code to take a pre-diabetes screening quiz. (answer question #3).

6  What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes? Go to the red QR code to find out.  Answer question number 4

7  Explore the “living with diabetes section” by scanning the blue QR code  Answer questions 5 and 6

8  Find the black QR code and answer question #7

9  Lets find out more about the hormone insulin.  Go to the dark green colored QR code to find out more and answer questions 8 and 9.

10  Scan the maroon QR code to find out some common myths about diabetes.  Answer question #10.

11  Go to the dark blue QR code and read the article  Answer questions 11.

12  Go to the dark gray QR code to learn more diabetes facts.  Answer question #12.

13  Please clear the history of the QR code reader.  Touch the clock icon  Go to settings  Clear history  If you’re not sure how to do this, please see the teacher for assistance.

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