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Graphical User Interface(GUI)
Advanced Programming in Java Graphical User Interface(GUI) Mehdi Einali
Agenda Intro to Graphical User Interface (GUI) GUI Patterns
GUI Components Event Handlers Inner Classes Anonymous Inner Classes
Intro to Gui
Graphical User Interface
GUI presents a mechanism for interacting with application. a user-friendly mechanism What are other mechanisms? Console Applications File Web Applications … GUI is pronounced “GOO-ee”
GUI Components GUIs are built from GUI components GUI component:
sometimes called controls or widgets widget: short for window gadgets GUI component: an object with which the user interacts via the mouse or the keyboard Example? Button, Textbox, Menu, …
Gui Graphics
Swing AWT was the early way for GUI in java
Abstract Window Toolkit Java.awt package An AWT component’s behavior may be different between platforms. Swing is a newer approach In this presentation we review Swing GUI components javax.swing package
Java FX Java + Flash + Flex = Java FX
Cross Platform Rich Internet Application Multi devices Use Scene Builder which generate FXML Compete with HTML5 on adoption!!
How gui works Setup phase Customization (provided during setup)
Describe how the GUI window should look Use libraries for windows, widgets, and layout Embed specialized code for later use Customization (provided during setup) New widgets that display themselves in custom ways How to react to events Execution Framework gets events from OS • Mouse clicks, key presses, window becomes visible, etc. Framework triggers application code in response • The customization described above
Gui patterns
patterns "Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice“ Christopher Alexander: a building architect in the 1970’s Alexander’s idea was to improve the quality of the buildings of the time by utilizing proven ‘patterns’ of good architectural design.
Pattern in architecture
Context: Interior design/ Shop design/ Small shop Problem: customer feel inconvenience and want to leave soon Solutions: Use mirrors to make room space look larger
Pattern in architecture
Alexander’s work ‘discovered’ by Kent Beck and friends in the 1980’s They applied Alexander’s ideas about constructing buildings to the building of software. In nutshell proven software practice piece of literature building block possible abstraction levels: language construct idiom design pattern architectural pattern
Gof pattern In 1994 GoF published the Bible(Design Patterns)
Type of the patterns Creational Focuses on simplifying object creation and referencing (Singleton, Abstract Factory) Structural Govern how objects and classes work together (Adapters, proxy) Behavioral Focuses on messages sent between objects (State, Observer)
observer Subset of the asynchronous publish/subscribe pattern
An object, called the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods. It is mainly used to implement distributed event handling systems.
Applicability When an abstraction has two aspects, one dependent on the other, and you want to reuse each When change to one object requires changing others, and you don’t know how many objects need to be changed When an object should be able to notify others without knowing who they are
Consequences Loose coupling between subject and observer, enhancing reuse Support for broadcast communication Notification can lead to further updates, causing a cascade effect
Swing listeners ActionListener AdjustmentListener FocusListener
ItemListener KeyListener MouseListener MouseEventListener MouseMotionListener TreeExpansionListener TextListener WindowListener and on and on…
Composite pattern
Composite The Composite design pattern allows you to treat a collection of objects as if they were one thing. In this way you can reduce the complexity of the code required if you were going to handle collections as special cases.
Class diagram
Applicability You want to represent part/whole hierarchies of objects
You want to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of objects and individual objects
Consequences Makes the client simple, since it can treat objects and composites uniformly Makes it easy to add new kinds of components Can make the design overly general Operations may not make sense on every class Composites may contain only certain components
strategy The Strategy pattern allows you to replace algorithms on the fly. To implement the solution, you represent each algorithm as a Strategy class. The application then delegates to the current Strategy class to execute the strategy-specific algorithm.
Class diagram
applicability Many classes differ in only their behavior
Client needs different variants of an algorithm
Consequences Code is more extensible with new strategies
Compare to conditionals Separates algorithm from context each can vary independently Adds objects and dynamism code harder to understand Common strategy interface may not be needed for all strategy implementations- may be extra overhead
Other pattern in gui Command MVC(Model View Controller) Decorator
Factory . . .
Gui Components
JOptionPane JOptionPane class has simple static methods
for input and output Using Dialog boxes JOptionPane.showInputDialog Returns a String JOptionPane.showMessageDialog Shows a dialog box
JOptionPane Sample String name =
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name:"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Salam "+name +"!");
Modal Dialog JOptionPane dialogs are called modal dialogs
While the dialog is on the screen… the user cannot interact with the rest of the application
JFrame We create a window containing Swing GUI components
This window object is usually instance of JFrame or a subclass of JFrame JFrame provides the basic attributes and behaviors of a window a title bar at the top minimize and maximize buttons close button
JFrame Example JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setSize(300, 150);
frame.setVisible(true); frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
Swing GUI Components JButton JLabel JTextField JComboBox JRadioButton
JMenu …
JLabel and JButton JLabel label = new JLabel("Salam");
label.setToolTipText("Tooltip1"); frame.add(label); JButton button = new JButton("Click!"); button.setToolTipText("salam :-)"); frame.add(button);
Other GUI Components JTextField textbox = new JTextField(10);
frame.add(textbox); JComboBox combo = new JComboBox( new String[]{"Red", "Blue", "Green"}); frame.add(combo);
Layout Management You must attach each GUI component to a container
such as a JFrame. You typically must decide where to position each GUI component known as specifying the layout Java provides several layout managers They help you position components
FlowLayout In FlowLayout layout manager: components are placed on a container from left to right in the order in which they’re added When no more components can fit on the current line continue on the next line Other layouts: GridLayout, BoxLayout, …
Layouts Three ways to arrange components in a GUI Layout managers
Simple and Fast Absolute positioning provides the greatest level of control GUI’s appearance. Visual programming in an IDE They generate codes They may use layout managers
Absolute Positioning Set Container’s layout to null
Specify the absolute position of each GUI component with respect to the upper-left corner of the Container by using Component methods setSize and setLocation or setBounds absolute positioning can be tedious unless you have a support by an IDE
IDE Support Many IDEs provide GUI design tools
You can specify a component’s exact size and location in a visual manner by using the mouse simplifies creating GUIs Each IDE generates this code differently You should know the underlying codes Eclipse/InteliJ Plugin
Extending JFrame You can also extend JFrame to create new frames…
public class MyFrame extends JFrame{
JLabel label; JButton button; JTextField textbox; JComboBox combo; public MyFrame(){ super("Frame Title"); label = new JLabel("Salam"); label.setToolTipText("Label Tooltip"); add(label); button = new JButton("Click!"); button.setToolTipText("salam :-)"); add(button); textbox = new JTextField(10); add(textbox); combo = new JComboBox( new String[]{"Red", "Blue", "Green"}); add(combo); }
Event handling
Event Handling GUIs are event driven User interaction => events
An Event drives the program to perform a task Some events: clicking a button typing in a text field selecting an item from a menu closing a window moving the mouse
Event Handling (2) event handler :
The code that performs a task in response to an event event handling : The overall process of responding to events
Event Handlers button = new JButton("Click!"); ActionListener al =
new ClickListener(); button.addActionListener(al); public class ClickListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, “Salam!!!”); }
Better Event Handlers I want to show a message-box
According to the value of a component For example a text-field or a combo-box How can I do that? Inner Classes
public class MyFrame extends JFrame{
JButton button; JTextField textbox; public MyFrame(){ button = new JButton("Click!"); button.addActionListener(new ClickListener()); add(button); textbox = new JTextField(10); add(textbox); } class ClickListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, textbox.getText());
Inner class
Class Types class FriendlyClass{ } public class OuterClass {
private int value; public class Inner{ public void f(){ … Friendly Class Public class Inner Class
Inner Classes Declared in another class
Instantiated using a reference object of outer class Has access to this object The inner class can be static No reference object of outer class is needed No access to outer class is provided
OuterClass.this is implicitly saved in inner object
public class OuterClass { private int value = 2; class Inner{ public void innerMethod(){ OuterClass.this.value = 5; } public void outerMethod(){ Inner inner = new Inner(); inner.innerMethod(); public static void main(String[] args) { OuterClass outer = new OuterClass(); System.out.println(outer.value); outer.outerMethod(); OuterClass.this is implicitly saved in inner object
Why we need outer reference?
public class OuterClass { private int value = 2; class Inner{ public void f(){ OuterClass.this.value = 5; } public static void main(String[] args) { OuterClass outer = new OuterClass(); OuterClass.Inner inner = Inner(); System.out.println(outer.value); inner.f(); Why we need outer reference?
OuterClass.Inner in = new OuterClass.Inner();
class OuterClass { static class Inner{ public void f(){ System.out.println("f() invoked"); } public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { OuterClass.Inner in = new OuterClass.Inner(); in.f();
Inner Class Specifiers
static final Access Specifiers public private Friendly (no specifier) protected
Anonymous Inner Class An inner class With no name Created once
Used once No access to this class from any other place Once created and used
MyInterface inner = new MyInterface() { public void innerMethod() {
interface MyInterface{ void innerMethod();} public class OuterClass { private int value = 2; public void outerMethod(){ MyInterface inner = new MyInterface() { public void innerMethod() { OuterClass.this.value = 5; } }; inner.innerMethod(); public static void main(String[] args) { OuterClass outer = new OuterClass(); System.out.println(outer.value); outer.outerMethod();
Anonymous Inner class
Anonymous Inner Class Usually implements an interface
Or extends another class And Overrides some special method Main Application : Event Handlers
public class MyFrame extends JFrame{
JButton button; JTextField textbox; public MyFrame(){ button = new JButton("Click!"); button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, textbox.getText()); } }); add(button); textbox = new JTextField(10); add(textbox);
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