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Championing participation & standards The Existing Evidence-Base about the Effectiveness of Outdoor Learning Andy Robinson.

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Presentation on theme: "Championing participation & standards The Existing Evidence-Base about the Effectiveness of Outdoor Learning Andy Robinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Championing participation & standards The Existing Evidence-Base about the Effectiveness of Outdoor Learning Andy Robinson

2 Workshop aims  Background to the research & approach  Insight into research findings  Consideration of recommendations in the research report  Implications for your practice

3 We support individuals and organisations who use the outdoors to make a difference for others

4 Our mission: To increase participation in outdoor learning in the UK To recognise and improve the quality of outdoor learning in the UK Our mission: To increase participation in outdoor learning in the UK To recognise and improve the quality of outdoor learning in the UK

5 We are a membership organisation, accrediting institute and charity with over 1255 Individual Members & 682 Organisational Members About Us

6 Outdoor learning as a highly valued form of development, education and employment in UK society. Our Vision


8 Why review evidence base ?  Last systematic review 2004  Difficulties in explaining the sector  Under valuing of outdoor learning’s potential  Changing requirements of clients & funders

9 Approach to the research & report  Steering group from across the sector  Database search & ‘crowd sourcing’  Children & Young People  OL in education or health sector in UK  Education, learning or development  Since 2003

10 Review scale 3,536 Studies 16 systematic reviews (2 pre 2004) 57 primary studies 3 surveys

11 Review findings  Almost all interventions have positive effect  Effect attenuates over time  Longer interventions have greater effect  No real idea of scale  Thinly spread across many topics, activities and participants  Little linkage with client outcomes  Limited theories of change

12 Unanswered questions ? What questions about evidence or impact have you been asked and not been happy with your answer ? What are the outdoor learning issues or outcomes where you want a better body of evidence ?

13 Your theory of change Image credit: Sidney Harris

14 Your theory of change  Who are the key stakeholders ?  How clear are the beliefs, goals and assumptions ?  Who holds you accountable for the results ?  Are the intervention options specified ?  Is the amount of change expected clear ?  Who & how are indicators measured ?  What’s the process for revising plans  How to do you communicate the theory wider ?

15 Next Steps Consider who may assist you in reviewing & refining your theory of change Review how clearly you and others can see evidence of the impact of outdoor learning Start to develop your evidence base and encourage others to question it Talk to us about how we can support you in your work

16 Do keep in touch Andy Robinson Chief Executive 07730 832760

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