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Timesheet Review, Suspension, Release for Cause/Compelling Office on Volunteerism and Community Service MEMBER MANAGEMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Timesheet Review, Suspension, Release for Cause/Compelling Office on Volunteerism and Community Service MEMBER MANAGEMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timesheet Review, Suspension, Release for Cause/Compelling Office on Volunteerism and Community Service MEMBER MANAGEMENT

2 Member On Board  You have…  Collected and retained eligibility information, as needed  Reviewed and signed Member service agreement prior to accumulating service hours  Conducted and documented Member orientation and reviewed expectations, requirements and provided training

3 Now What? Is Your Member Ready To Serve?

4 Managing Your Members  Now that your Member is ready, it is your turn…  You want to meet with your Members and Program Staff on a regular basis  Maintain an ‘open door policy’  Review timesheets consistently  Make a clear policy for time off  Follow proper policy for suspending or releasing a Member

5 Meeting with your Members  Take time to meet with your Members and Staff regularly to provide training, review procedures, expectations and just check-in  Maintain an ‘open door policy’ for when Members have questions or need guidance  Conduct Member evaluations at mid-year point and end of year to provide feedback  This is a CNCS requirement

6 Review Member Timesheets  Member timesheets are a record of service and training hours  They are documentation necessary to support eligibility for the education award and must support the number of hours for the type of award  Must be: totaled correctly, and dated and approved and by BOTH the supervisor and program director or designee

7 Review Member Timesheets  Member timesheets should document service, training, and fundraising  Training time cannot exceed 20% of the aggregate hours for all program Members  Fundraising is limited to 10% of the individual member hours  Reviewing hours regularly with Members will help them to stay on track with completing their service and help with retention

8 Policy For Time Off  Make sure there is a clear written policy regarding absence, lateness and time away from service  Ensure that Members understand their responsibility for notifying their Supervisors and for providing proper documentation  If a Member is suspended from the program, the Member file must be properly documented

9 Suspending A Member  If a Member is suspended from the program because of a performance issue, medical condition or other reason, this must be properly documented in the Member’s file  The Member must also be suspended in My AmeriCorps and in VA OnCorps  The Member can be reinstated in both systems when they return  Also, the Member living allowance must be withheld until their return to service

10 Member Release from Service -§2522.230  An AmeriCorps Member may be released from service for a compelling personal circumstance or for cause  Compelling personal circumstance criteria are issues beyond the Member’s control, including: disability, serious illness, death of family member, military service obligations  Members that are exited for these reasons receive a pro-rated education award

11 Member Release from Service -§2522.230  Members released for cause do not receive an education award  The Member’s file must be documented with evidence of the Compelling Personal Circumstance

12 Exiting Your Member  An exit interview should be conducted with the Member  Interviews enable members to transition from service into the next stage of their lives with greater ease and success  They also provide valuable feedback that can be used to benefit programs and improve services

13 Exiting Your Member  Exit information must be completed on each Member in My AmeriCorps  This must be completed within 30 days of the completion of the Member’s service year

14 A Well Managed Member is Ready For Anything!

15 Thank you for your time! Please contact your Program Officer with specific questions about this session.

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