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Semester 2 2014 Pathfinder-Maths-Student Feedback and Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Semester 2 2014 Pathfinder-Maths-Student Feedback and Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester 2 2014 Pathfinder-Maths-Student Feedback and Evaluation

2 A. Device evaluation 1.Did you find it easy to use the device? Explain why? Tablet(5)Laptop(9) YES 5 1. Access internet easily- 3 2. Touch screen good for zooming in on unclear questions and easy to use-2 3. User friendly with instructions-1 4. Not so heavy to carry-1 9 1. I used a computer before at home.- 5 2. People helped me /easy to learn- 4 NO00

3 2. Were you able to access the internet easily with your device? If not, were there problems with the network or the device you used? TabletLaptop YES 5 No problems with network – 4 Sometimes a problem with the network - 1 9 No problems with network. One response indicated no access at residence. NO00

4 3. Was there any feature of the device that was useful or helpful in reading or doing the tests in the Pathfinder? Explain. TabletLaptop Positives 1 Liked the S-pen to write and do calculations -2 2. Could read notes, answers to quizzes and correct mistakes. Also access google for help – 3 1. Clarity of screen and adjustment of font size -2 2. Microsoft word -1 3. It was hard to access with phone(Laptop was possibly better). Other comments were in terms of benefits in doing the tests, not on the device. Negatives1- no explanation, but later indicated no problems with device. May have indicated “No” problem.

5 4. Did you experience any particular problem with the device which you needed to get help for? Explain. TabletLaptop YES 1- password issue 1- could not see questions clearly 1- could not access internet NO56

6 5. Did you use the device to contact or communicate with the lecturer when you needed assistance with a problem in Maths? How did you do this and were there any difficulties ? TabletLaptop Sms-email-message box 33 In class during consultation 26

7 6. Were there problems in accessing the Moodle site? If Yes, Explain briefly what these problems were. TabletLaptop YES1- Logging in issue3 – Logging in issue NO45

8 7.Any other comments on the device that you would like to share. TabletLaptop 1. Using the device helped improve my Math 2. Perfect for connecting to internet 3. S- Note for writing notes and easy to carry about 1. Useful but have to be responsible that it does not get lost. 2. Appreciate it if organise to get it next semester. 3. Need to see questions more clearly-could not answer some.

9 B. Basic Mathematics tutoring assistance 1. Which sections in Basic High school Maths( Eg. Factoring, solving equations, trigonometry, graphs etc) were you finding difficult at the start of the semester? You can write down more than one. Trigonometry - 9 Graphs - 5 Factoring - 4 Solving equations - 1

10 2.Were there any sections not covered in the tuition which you needed help in? ALL ANSWERED NO. 3. How helpful was the tuition in assisting you to improve your understanding of the high school math? Circle your answer. Very helpful – 4 tablet + 5 Laptop /helpful – 1- tablet + 4Laptop / not helpful-nil

11 ***4. Has your participation in the pathfinder improved your performance in Math 1? Yes/No ALL RESPONDED YES How so ? TabletLaptop 1. Obtained distinction, found math more interesting. 2. More practice 3. At first I did not participate but when I got to use daily, my understanding increased and I passed Maths 4. I am starting to be faster than before when it comes to thinking. 5. It helped me to identify my weaker areas and I began focussing to improve that. 1. I was exposed to difficult situations and examples 2. Becoming faster to answer questions 3. Practice is helpful to improve performance 4. I used to get 40%-50% now I get 70% - 80% 5. I might not be a genius yet but it taught me that Math need practice and through that you can improve marks, that worked for me. *5. Need to add Math 1 work as well.

12 5.Were you motivated to complete the tests every week? Why? YESYES/NO 1. My way of testing my capability in Math 2. Lecturer constantly motivated us. 3. To see my test scores and if I made improvement 4. Because I used to get almost all right 5.I benefitted something 6. Yes, I was studying anyway, it was routine. 1. Not really 2. Not yet- too much work in other subjects.

13 6.Was the online work (tests, notes etc) enough? If not what could we have done more to improve it? YESNO 9 Enough, more than enough 4(2 said yes but made comment) More examples, quizzes, include Math1, more daily practice

14 7. Was the feedback helpful after each test was marked? Explain. YES – corrected mistakes, identify mistakes. YES, but only answer given

15 8. Do you have any other comments regarding the Pathfinder that may help to make it more beneficial TabletLaptop 1. Happy 2. More students to participate 3. More examples on quizzes, more clear 1. Make Login easier. 2. Feel the programme could help a lot of other students 3. Thank you it was helpful 4. Recommend for all students

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