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UNDERSTANDING SURFACE AREA: A HANDS-ON APPROACH Teachers Teaching Teachers Workshop Fall 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "UNDERSTANDING SURFACE AREA: A HANDS-ON APPROACH Teachers Teaching Teachers Workshop Fall 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNDERSTANDING SURFACE AREA: A HANDS-ON APPROACH Teachers Teaching Teachers Workshop Fall 2014

2 “There comes a time in a person's life when they realize something is missing...and often times, they come to realize that it is because they do not know how to calculate the surface area of a sphere!”- Victus_Maestro

3 Area of Circle

4 Area of Circle = Area of rectangle = Base x height

5 Height Area of Circle = Area of rectangle = base x heightradius Base = one-half circumference Area of Circle= Area of rectangle

6 Surface Area Rectangular Solid Cylinder Cone Pyramid Surface area: total area of the surface of a 3D object, measured in square units.

7 Surface Area of Sphere

8 1.Get into groups of 2 or 3 people. Each group will need to get an orange and a plate. Follow instructions on the orange paper.

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