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KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank Leading the Charge to Build a Philippine Silicon Valley.

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Presentation on theme: "KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank Leading the Charge to Build a Philippine Silicon Valley."— Presentation transcript:

1 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank Leading the Charge to Build a Philippine Silicon Valley

2 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank Technology is constantly changing and shaping the world we live in… …and knowledge is replacing land, natural resources and minerals as the source of a nation’s wealth.

3 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank To stay competitive, the Philippines needs to evolve into a knowledge based economy at the grassroots. Taking a cue from history, a group of concerned Philippine (high tech) industry, academe and government individuals have formed a movement called the KatipunanForum © Temporary website KatipunanForum is similar to the Chinese Taipei “Monte Jade” ( and the Indian TIE (

4 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank What is the KatipunanForum © KatipunanForum © is a grassroots movement of concerned engineers and scientists, entrepreneurs, capitalists, etc. who would like to see a culture of innovation (“Philippine Silicon Valley”) in the Philippines. This will result in a ripe and exciting environment for technology innovation and technology startups !

5 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank KatipunanForum © Strategies (DRAFT) Our Mission Statement : Develop and organize a network of engineers, scientists and technopreneurs from academe, Industry, government that will catalyze a world class culture of technology innovation in the Philippines. (like Chinese Monte Jade or Indian TIE) Strategy I : Interlink Philippine engineers, scientists and technopreneurs across the globe. Strategy II : Strengthen industry-academe-government collaboration in training, graduate level education, and technology development Strategy III : Advocate and promote the creation of world class R&D centers in key technologies Strategy IV : Push for a business environment friendly to technology startups (initially startups in semiconductor/electronics/software industry related areas) - support for the Technology Business Incubator concept

6 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank KatipunanForum © is looking for good men and women to join us. Are you one of them ?

7 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank Maraming Salamat ! (Thank You !)

8 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank backup

9 KatipunanForum © Katipunan image © Central Bank “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War STRENGTHS World Class English Language proficiency Affinity to U.S. culture Highly skilled workforce Strong work ethic Consultative and customer- oriented mind set vs. techie- oriented work force High quality/ low-labor cost Real Estate availability Government Support Focused training Attractive to US expats Telecom Infrastructure WEAKNESSES Lack of awareness of Phil. advantages Migration of IT workers to U.S. Lack of national IT specific dev’t association “Ability to scale” in the long term is not as large as India or China Inadequate supply of experienced mgt. Teams Inadequate Sales, marketing promo skill sets Gartner Group findings (DTI commissioned) on Philippine IT Strengths and Weaknesses

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