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Immigration Project Artifacts Cody Luk Elizabeth Craig Sasha Webb Jamie Sato Honors 499.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration Project Artifacts Cody Luk Elizabeth Craig Sasha Webb Jamie Sato Honors 499."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration Project Artifacts Cody Luk Elizabeth Craig Sasha Webb Jamie Sato Honors 499


3 Why is immigration an issue? Many misconceptions about immigration Immigrants are not actually taking U.S. citizens’ jobs Either have highly skilled jobs or manual labor jobs Immigrants do help the economy They pay taxes, even if they are undocumented They start businesses Many immigrants are educated They have specialized skills and degrees. Undocumented immigrants should not be called “illegal” – they are not criminals

4 Some Common Misconceptions


6 We promoted our event through different mediums–print and broadcast.

7 Flyer We received approval from ASULV to post the flyer at every bulletin board on campus.

8 Press Release A press release was sent to students and professors from different departments to encourage event attendance.

9 Radio The event was promoted on LeoFM through the December 1 afternoon live broadcast.

10 Publicity The student-run ULV newspaper, Campus Times, was invited to the event and a reporter wrote an article on it.


12 The Win-Win Situation: An Immigration Discussion Forum Panelists took turns discussing a variety of topics regarding immigrants, and after each topic, the audience members have a chance to ask any questions or comment on the topics The projector showed the topics the panelists were discussing

13 Panelists Carolyn Bekhor – Associate Professor of Legal Studies Zandra Wagoner – University Chaplain & Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion Gerardo Cuevas – Senior history major student and Latino Student Forum Director of Finance Mariela Martinez – Junior political science major student, ULV College Democrats President, and Model United Nations Vice President

14 Topics Discussed What are some common misconceptions about immigrants, documented or undocumented, that you have come across? What do you think of the media’s negative portrayal of immigrants and the effects the media has on immigrants? How has immigration changed throughout history? How are immigrants contributing to the economy? Why is immigration an issue? What needs to change regarding immigration? How do you propose to enact these changes?

15 We gave out brochures with immigration resources as a takeaway for the event attendees. This is the first page of the tri-fold brochure.

16 This is the back page of the tri-fold brochure.


18 Azusa City Library We tutored community members in preparation for their U.S. citizenship test. Many do not have much knowledge on the English language nor U.S. history.

19 Long Beach Immigration Rights Coalition We helped a grassroots organization with administrative tasks and learned about the process of running a not-for- profit.


21 Cody’s Reflection Very inspiring and made the issue very real and local to the community I tutored a lady who has been in the U.S. for over 10 years but she did not even know how to pronounce the alphabet letters She does not have the opportunity to learn or practice English Made me realize how serious and real this issue is She was very eager to learn, but she was not given the opportunity to She is currently going through citizenship process and hopes to become a citizen soon Her American dream is to receive education, proper healthcare, and stay with her family in the United States.

22 Jamie’s Reflection Eye-opening and thought-provoking Learned about something that I do not typically think about, but is an issue that is very present Cleared up my own misconceptions and biases Met someone who is actually going through the citizenship process Learned about her and why she wants to become a citizen

23 Sasha’s Reflection To me the citizenship exam was that one exam that my friend missed school for that one time. Now, I see the work that went behind that one day. I wanted to gain a better idea of what the citizenship process entails and I think I gained a little more than that. I tutored several women each with their own story who helped me understand the process of gaining citizenship is not easy and must be handled different ways for each person.

24 Elizabeth’s Reflection The LBIRC is a small and fairly new organization. Their main focus is to provide ESL classes, legal clinics, and events for the surrounding community. Because the LBIRC only has three organizers, I felt like I really made a difference by doing the work that needed to be done, so that the organizers could focus more on their weekly goals.



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