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Field Learning Program: A Skill & Knowledge Practice-based Lab for Social Work Students Cambodia, July 21, 2015 Presented by: NHIM Saveun, MSW Field Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Field Learning Program: A Skill & Knowledge Practice-based Lab for Social Work Students Cambodia, July 21, 2015 Presented by: NHIM Saveun, MSW Field Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Learning Program: A Skill & Knowledge Practice-based Lab for Social Work Students Cambodia, July 21, 2015 Presented by: NHIM Saveun, MSW Field Learning Program Director

2 BACKGROUND OF SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENT AT ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PHNOM PENH  Approved by Ministry of Education in 2008  Four-year degree program (BA)  Collaboration with University of Washington  Approximately 20+ students enrolled annually  12 instructors, 2 program managers for field learning


4 FIELD LEARNING PROGRAM OBJECTIVES  Orient students to context, issues and practice within organizational setting  Integrates theory and practice  Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate necessary skills, knowledge and values to be a social work practitioner

5 Model of Field Learning Program Y2 Community Service Learning - CSL Y3 Practicum Y4 Block Placement Field Placement 90 hours 345 hours 385 hours

6 Actors of Field Learning Program DSW K/S/A DSW/FLP StudentsPartners Student learning Plan Regular check-in Class reflection Update information Partner Orientation Student learning Plan Regular check-in Progress report Program evaluation Student learning Plan Supervision support Monitor & follow up Create learning opportunities

7 WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Criteria:  Provides social or human service/social work/focus on social welfare  Fully aware, supportive from Director or person in charge to supervisor  Able to provide learning opportunities  Commitment to student learning  Able to assign specific supervisor for student

8 How to integrate classroom learning & field placement With students:  Learning Plan  Student Reflection (written & verbal)  Student Presentations  Quizzes, assignments, role play and exams

9 How to integrate (Cont…) With partners:  Student Learning Plan  Partner orientations  Supervision Meetings  Coffee Break Meetings  Partner Evaluation on student performance

10 Other Strategies to Integrate Class to Field  Engage all course instructors in development of learning plan  Involve instructors in partner orientation – demonstrating how certain knowledge and skills should be applied at placements.  Keep all instructors informed what going on at the field placements during monthly faculty meeting  Include instructors to attend the student reflection sessions

11 CHALLENGES  SW is misunderstood Direct micro practice and/or counseling, and even as charity  Limited SW qualified field supervisors  Misinterpret term “supervision”  Placement is limited to only Phnom Penh (city) area  Placement is limited to only NGOs

12 CHALLENGES  More direct practice NGOs available than messo/macro practice NGOs  Faith based organization and orphanage centers  Limits to student learning at macro level Government institution Political view to human rights/advocacy organizations  Limited human resources in field program, while the numbers of student are increasing

13 WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING “My perspective has been changed toward certain group of clients after having been involved and worked with them through field learning program. I feel confident of working with target group.” FACILITATING SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION

14 WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING “My perspective has been changed toward certain group of clients after having been involved and worked with them through field learning program. I feel confident of working with target group.” “What has changed me the most is how to behave/act professionally. I never thought that I would get respect or value when I behave like this (professionally)” “Through field learning program, it allows me the opportunity to utilize my knowledge and skills within an organizational setting which is critical for social work students” “I used to be a lazy person, doing homework or assignments on the last day of the deadline. But when I have seen the busy tasks/schedule from my own placement, it has changed my commitment – work hard to complete tasks and don’t put it until deadline.”

15 “Through field learning program, it allows me the opportunity to utilize my knowledge and skills within an organizational setting which is critical for social work students”

16 WHAT PARTNERS ARE SAYING "It is really beneficial for me to attend field partner orientation because I can understand social work concept, especially field learning program. I also know the student and this program expectations, so that I can prepare a good placement for a student". ------ One of Y2 partners "I believe that social work students will not only become professional social workers but also have a good opportunity for job market because they have crossed different structure of placement; starting from y2 and build on their hand on experiences from year to year". ----- One of Y3 partners

17 "I think field learning program of social work department is really different from other programs or other institutions because this program not only just send students to agency partners for placement but also follow up through phone check in, email, especially through supervision visit. All these things are really useful for students to success in their practicum". ----- One of Y3 partners

18 “I am so thankful to be involved with field learning program as student supervisor. It allows me the opportunity to use my knowledge and skills in supervising students; guiding and supporting them through one on one supervision meeting; while at the same time learning from them regarding the social work concept and definition from an academic standpoint". ----- One of Y4 partners


20 HOW SOCIAL WORK GRADUATE MAKING CHANGES!!!  Counsellors  Case Managers  Social Workers  Community Organizers  Child Protection Officers  Project Assistant  Youth Empowerment Assistant  Assistant to Executive Director


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