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® Enhancing your Assessment Practice Mark Bailye Customer Success Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "® Enhancing your Assessment Practice Mark Bailye Customer Success Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® Enhancing your Assessment Practice Mark Bailye Customer Success Manager

2 2 Case Study

3 Year 9 – Digital Photography Camera Modes and Use Panoramic Antique Photoshop Techniques Tourism SA Five Quality Postcards

4 Year 9 – Digital Photography Formative Assessment Task Antique + = 

5 5 Sound pedagogy

6 Assessment Purpose ☐ FOR Learning ☐ AS Learning ☐ OF Learning (DET Victoria) ✓

7 Assessment FOR Learning “is the process... to decide 1 where the learners are in their learning, 2 where they need to go and 3 how best to get there” Assessment Reform Group (UK 2002) Strategies ☐ Strategic use of questioning ☐ Effective teacher feedback ☐ Peer feedback ☐ Student self-assessment ☐ The formative use of summative assessment (Education Services Australia) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

8 Assessment & Feedback Principles ☐ Clarify good performance ☐ Encourage time and effort on task ☐ Deliver high quality feedback ☐ Provide opportunities to act on feedback ☐ Give assessment choice ☐ Develop self-assessment and reflection ☐ Encourage interaction and dialogue ☐ Encourage positive motivational beliefs ☐ Inform and shape your teaching ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

9 9 Using Moodle

10 Assessment & Feedback AssessmentGradeFeedback AssignmentYesYes (R & MG)Yes DatabaseYes Yes (GB) DialogueNo Yes FeedbackNo Yes ForumYes Yes (GB) GlossaryYes Yes (GB) LessonYes Yes (GB) QuizYes SCORMYes Yes (GB) WorkshopYesYes (R & MG)Yes

11 Moodle – Assessment & Feedback Principles PrinciplesTools Clarify good performanceRubrics, Marking Guide, Gradebook Deliver timely high quality feedback Assignment (inline grading), Quiz (automated feedback), Workshop, Lesson, Rubric, Marking Guide Develop self-assessment and reflection Workshop, Gradebook, Rubric, Self Completion, Database, Glossary, Lesson, Quiz, SCORM Encourage interaction and dialogue Workshop, Group Assignment, Messages, Forum, Database, Glossary, Dialogue Encourage positive motivational beliefs Workshop, Rubrics, Forum

12 Moodle – Assessment & Feedback Principles PrinciplesTools Encourage time & effort on task Adaptive Release, Chat, Course Completion, Forum, Groups, Group Select, Quiz, Announcements, Calendar Give assessment choiceChoice, Feedback, Group Select, Database Inform and shape your teaching Gradebook, Feedback, Quiz, Choice Provide opportunities to act on feedback Workshop, Assignment (multiple attempts), Quiz, Forum, Lesson, Gradebook, Database, Glossary, Wiki

13 13 In Practice

14 View in Moodle



17 The End Result

18 View in Moodle

19 Questions  Mark Bailye ?

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