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Climate Change Adaptation Workshop Our greatest risks and how we identified them in the project: Highways and Transport.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change Adaptation Workshop Our greatest risks and how we identified them in the project: Highways and Transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change Adaptation Workshop Our greatest risks and how we identified them in the project: Highways and Transport

2 The Workshop Aims: - To increase understanding of Climate Change risks, the risk management process and the adaptation actions required for Highways & Transportation - To have worked through the process to reach a detailed risk assessment and management plan for the most significant risks. LCLIP and Case Studies CWAC Risk Assessment Methodology Workshop 1 – Identifying & Quantifying the Risks Workshop 2 – Assessing Existing Risk Management Plans Workshop 3 – Identifying Risk Management Options

3 Scoring Two scores Current - where you are now (with existing controls) Target - where you will be (with proposed actions) Risk Score = Likelihood x Impact Likelihood of occurrence happening Impact if it does occur Scores are 1(low) to 4 (high) It is the relative scores that are important not the absolute LIKELIHOOD LIKELIHOOD Very Likely Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely MinorSignificantSeriousMajor IMPACT

4 Prioritising Risks Impact HIGHLOW Non threatening Housekeeping These risks have a high likelihood of happening do lower impact; they require routine management Likelihood Primary These risks have high impact and likelihood; these will require primary attention Contingency These risks have high impact but lower likelihood; they are catastrophic events

5 Identifying the Risks: -Deterioration of Highways Assets: roads bridges etc. -Risk from maintenance: lack of and increasing need, inspections -Impact from weather events, especially interacting events -Increased accidents etc -Related consequences: Ground shrinkage, subsidence: landslides etc caused by drought and lower water tables

6 More Risks: Knowledge Knowledge of vulnerabilities, internally and externally Incomplete assets understanding Flood mapping data Surface Water Management Plans Information held by United Utilities, Env Agency, Emergency Services etc.

7 Long Term Risks Local Development Plan: future development: industry, housing, critical infrastructure etc. Local Transport Plan 3 Existing Areas at risk: major sites Sealand Road Industrial/ Retail Over 1,700 businesses in Cheshire & Warrington are at risk of 1:100 year flooding

8 Next Steps Report to Director –Action plan –Ownership/ responsibilities Member engagement –Risk Management session –Presentation to groups –Budget implications

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