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THOU ART TOO WORDY Cutting the Clutter and Needless Verbiage.

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Presentation on theme: "THOU ART TOO WORDY Cutting the Clutter and Needless Verbiage."— Presentation transcript:

1 THOU ART TOO WORDY Cutting the Clutter and Needless Verbiage

2 IMPRECISE & WORDY VERBS  Be in agreement  Be capable of  Draw a conclusion  Have knowledge of  Hold a meeting  Make a proposal  Provide assistance  Show improvement  agree  Can  Conclude  Know  Meet  Propose  Help  improve

3 AVOID AMBIGUITY  As  As long as  May  Once  On the other hand  Since  While  Because  If  Can  After  However  Because  Although

4 ROUNDABOUT (& OVERLY WORDY) EXPRESSIONS  At present  A variety of  Due to the fact that  For the most part  In case of a  In order for  In the event that  With regards to  Now  Various, several  Because  Usually  In a  For  If, when  about

5  In the cellar there are wooden type crates with nothing in them that might perhaps be used by us for storing paint cans inside of.

6  This morning at 6:30 a.m., I woke up out of sleep to hear my alarm go off, but the alarm was turned off by me, and I returned back to a sleeping state.

7  The reason that Merdine was not able to be in attendance at the hockey game was because she had jury duty.

8  Omar and I, we returned back to the hometown where we both grew up to attend a reunion of the people that we went to high school with ten years ago in the past.

9  Melba has designed a very unique kind of shirt that is made out of a polyester type of material that never creases into wrinkles when it rains and the shirt gets wet.

10  She used her money to purchase a large-type desk made of mahogany wood that is dark brown in color and handsome to look at.

11  In view of the fact that it was raining down, orders were given that the game be canceled.

12  Some sort of identification that would show how old we were was requested of us by the man that collects tickets from people at the movie theater.

13  There is a possibility that one of the causes of so many teenagers running away from home is the fact that many of them have indifferent parents who don't really care about them.

14  A major company maintains a large personnel database that it basically makes use of for many kinds of employee-related applications such as payroll and benefits. The company now has some plans to extend the database significantly to include current photographs of employees and use the photographs as the basis for a very modern security system. The system is specifically designed to protect secure areas of the company’s building from access by any people who really do not have authorization to be there.  3 sentences. 82 words.  The student record? 18 words. (I’ll show it when you’re done)

15  A company's personnel database is expanding to use photos for a new security system to protect secure areas.

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